Raspberry Cough and Afgan Kush grow.


Well-Known Member
Topped the three larger Raspberry Cough plants last night and the rest will hopefully be ready to top by the end of this week. They look fine this morning so I think they'll respond well to topping.

Never did decide which auto to germ last night so I'll germ one today. No work in the rain when doing construction outside so looks like I'll be running that decicated circuit today too.

I posted a pic of my hand touching the cooltube last night and it was just warm but a couple hours later before bed I tried to do the same thing and it was f*%#ing hot!! It wasn't hot in the room but the glass was too hot to hold your hand on. The light was off this morning when I got to checking on the plants so I wasn't able to see how hot it got in the room overnight.

ALso, the SLH is looking done to me but it seems early for a strain with so much sativa in it. This thing was treated like dirty whore so it could just be finishing early but I'm not sure. It's been in flower for 8 weeks as of yesterday and I figured it would go 9-10 weeks. It's got swollen calyx's, amber pistils and the leaves are starting to look like they're dying off but it doesn't look like nute def. I haven't checked the trichs with the scope yet but it doesn'thave an amber hue to frosty sweet leaves so I don't think I'll see very many, if any amber trichs. I'll check it at some point either today or tonight with the scope.
It doesn't smell strong but it smells really good, very lemony pheno.


Looking great man....How are the genetics on the non-auto Nirvana strains?...like the Raspberry Cough?...I had bought NL autos from them and was very disapointed but was wondering how there non-autos are


Well-Known Member
All I can say so far is that they all germinated with no issues and are growing nicely. It's not far enough along to tell anything else yet.


Well-Known Member
I guess the critical + is not an auto so my choice will be between the roadrunner and haze auto. Maybe I'll just do both and use the two 1gal insulated jugs, lol


Well-Known Member
Man I'm trippin right now.

My SLH plant was in flower for 8 weeks yesterday and has been looking done for about a week now. I checked it with the scope not expecting to see any cloudy or amber trichs but was surprised to see a pretty good mix of clear, cloudy and amber trichs. There were less amber than the others but since it had a nice mix I chopped it. There were a couple smaller buds on the plant that still showed some new growth but it was minimal so I chopped the whole plant. I didn't want to wait until they were mostly or all amber so figured now is as good of a time as any since I have no work today due to rain.

It smells really nice...can't wait to see how it turned out after hearing so much about this strain.


Well-Known Member
slh is such a beast and smelling wise too u chopped it at the right time cuz u seriously want to have a nice mix of both


Well-Known Member
Yeah I like to chop when I see a nice mix of colors and almost missed my window of opportunity, I think.

My seedlings are growing too slowly and the plan is getting messed up a bit. There's no way I'll have clones that have rooted and vegged for a couple weeks when these other two plants are done.

I may have to rethink things a little, maybe go ahead and just veg these until the others are done and stick all eight of these in the flower room. Toss the males and keep whatever I'm left with.

If I was to do that, I'd germ some other seeds around the time these go into flower to grow into mothers. Maybe Purple Haze or Bubba kush or Cataract Kush or Sour Kush/Headband. Maybe even White Widow or Blue Widow, I don't know...


Well-Known Member
i would go for the cataract kush just cuz i've had my eye on dat strain for the longest would like to see someone grow it cuz since im not in a medical state or a place thats safe i have no choice but to grow feminized seeds all the time and dont want to take a chance on getting a male since i wont need it for nothing


Well-Known Member
I think I've been keeping the lights too close to these kids. I raised the lights up a couple inches last night and can see a difference already this morning. I think that maybe since the lights were right on top of the plants, they didn't need to grow taller or something because they were barely growing taller at all. They all look very healthy and have nice full sets of leaves but are very short still for their age. The Afgan plants are all under 4" tall I think and the tallest RC is only about 6-7" tall after I topped it. I'm still figuring out these t5 lights...

The tallest one that I topped has a noticeable amount of new growth after topping and the other two have just started to show new growth so other than me slowing down the show with having the lights too close, everything is going well.

I'll get some new pice in a few days and post them up


Well-Known Member
@ girard - Thanks.

I think I'm going to see if I can hook up the fan to a relay so so it can run at a very low speed when the light is off and then kick up when the light is on. Thinking of just connecting a relay between the dimmer and the fan with the dimmer turned down pretty low and then hook another power supply cord to a separate leg on the relay with both supply cords being hot all the time. Connect the signal leg of the relay to the timer so when the timer turns on the light, it will close the circuit on the side of the relay that is unrestricted and open the restricted (dimmed) side. Seems to me it will work just fine and then I can have the fan speed adjust automatically to conserve energy and not transfer the room air as quick when the light is off.

If I can get a relay that will work for my purpose cheaply, I'll give it a shot and if it works I'll start running cO2. I just don't want to run cO2 now because it will just all get sucked out of the room before the plants can use much of it.


Well-Known Member
Good luck with your grow dr, if you're ever in my area let me know and hopefully I'll have that clone for you :D


Well-Known Member
I'll be sure to send you a PM before heading down that way. Thanks!

Decided to go ahead and snap a few pics of the little ones today since I'm here and they look different than the last pics.

You can see in the closeup of the RC where I topped it and the new growth coming in.
How's that Afgan for some compact growth, eh? A little too compact I'm afraid,lol.



Well-Known Member
After consulting a Electrical Contractor that I used to sub work to I see that my best option will be to use a 2 pole timer that has a one circuit feed and 2 circuit supply with the two circuits alternating so when the light turns off, the circuit that's wired straight to the fan will open and the fan will turn off. Then soon after, the other circuit that's wired through the dimmer will close and the fan will turn back on at a reduced speed. They will just switch along with the light...simple enough, just need to get me a 2 pole timer now and make it work.


Well-Known Member
Thanks. Still deciding what to do with this since the seedlings took soo long to take off. It'd be a while from now if I sex a cutting from each of these and then take clones from the best that turn out female.

Even if I took cuttings today, which I know I can't but let's just say, it'd take a week to 10 days to root and then I stick them in the flower room. Then another week or two to show sex. We're already at 2-3 weeks just to determine which are female. By that time these would def be big enough to take a few cuttings from each so I could do that. Then another week to 10 days for those to root and another 3 weeks or so of veg time before I can start anything new in flower.

That's about 7 or 8 weeks before STARTING to flower something new. I'm not that patient so will be needing to change things up a bit.


Well-Known Member
After some thought, I decided to germ the 2 autos I have and then I'll stick them under the t5 lights until the Sour Grapes and the other SLH finish flowering. At that time I'll put a cutting from each of the other eight plants in the flower room to determine sex.

Once I determine sex of the eight plants, I'll stick the autos in the flower room under the 600 with a 18/6 cycle for the remainder of their grow.

A few weeks before the autos finish I'll stick the eight rooted clones I get from the Afgan and RC plants in there so they can veg for about 3 weeks under the 600 and when the autos finish I'll change the timer back to 12/12 and flower the Afgan and RC ladies.

So I have the auto seeds germinating right now. Roadrunner and Haze auto


Well-Known Member
I guess I'm being too critical about the kids, they went from this... To this... in 6 days. I'm sure they'll be fine and now that I look at a side by side comparison, I'm liking these t5 lights even more. I just need to remeber to keep them a few inches away from the plants instead of right on top of them.


Well-Known Member
hey dez hows it going just popped in for a few then its off to deliver concrete this morning i use cfl's on my clones & i raise them about 5-6'' above my cuttings so theyll grow i use a tower fan in one corner of my room [oscillating] just to move air around i live on the edge of the delta & humidity ,fog & all that comes every fall & hangs out into may youve got better knowlege & understanding of electrical stuff than i so it should all come together 3 of my 5 whitewidow-x-bigbud have popped