Rate my spliff...


Well-Known Member
shouldve tucked/folded the end instead of twisting

imo while the draw is nice the hit aint as good. no filters for me

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
So that's what you call a spliff right? Then what's a joint? Is that weed rolled in those black cigar leaves?

Anyway I always loved the feeling of "perfecting" the craft of rolling, nice one mate. :D


Well-Known Member

One of my friends (or me) would end up hitting that filter once or twice tho.

Are you gonna let us rate the next pregnant, snaggletoothed one you roll?

Gregor Eisenhorn

Well-Known Member
The size doesn't matter guys. Some people smoke more, some smoke less. The fact that it's not crunched up and a cone shape deems it a good roll.

Although I myself like to make such spliffs as thin and long as possible.