Rdwc beginner issues. Any help is majorly appreciated :)


Well-Known Member
Your plants will basically be almost no water atm. So if you water goes down in the res. That is how much is evaporating.

I evaporate about 1 gallon a day.


Well-Known Member
Your plants will basically be almost no water atm. So if you water goes down in the res. That is how much is evaporating.

I evaporate about 1 gallon a day.
the reservoir doesnt look like its dropped tbh bud,il mark some lines on the header tank and see if it drops overnight


Active Member
yes mate 1.5ml per litre

im going to drain the system and start again. Adding 0.5ml per litre of a&b and see where that brings me
i alway try to get to the point that my plant drinks an equal amount of nutrient and water... that works best for me. (water drops and ec number remains the same...) remember in dwc the nutrients are readly available for the plant, so overfertilization can do more wrong than good.


Active Member
Upgrade to a 200l reservoir. The bigger the res, the less the pH swings.

Don't add so much nutrient. You don't need to follow bottle instructions to the letter. Anything, and I mean anything, you buy to place in your hydroponic setup, use at half strength to begin with. A, so you don't nuke anything and B, they are just trying to sell you more of it!

If you make a fresh solution, and then you come back and find that solution has increased in EC, your plants are using more water than nutes.. so top off with water. If it's the other way, your solution is too weak and top off with a slightly stronger solution.


Well-Known Member
Tap water caused me nothing but headaches. Yes it can work if everything else is perfect and if you watch it and know what you are doing but screw that. After switching to RO water my EC and PH is 100 times more stable and my plant is much happier. Without knowing what is in your water it would be hard to make things work smooth.

You also want to minimize evaporation. It will keep your water more stable.

Watch your water temperature. Insulate the res and the tubs. I didn't bother doing my tubes but it certainly would be better. Keep your res somewhere cool or you will need a chiller. Don't let your water get over 21 for too long, it encourages bad crap, epically if something happens like you got a clog. It would not take long for root rot to form in sitting water over 21 degrees.