Ready to just quit.....


Active Member
So just changed out my res. water and nutes. I also cleaned my roots off and watered them after i was done. Now two of my plants are drooping over at the tops. And i think a third might be starting to. I have no fucking clue what i did wrong. Maybe overwatered....I dont know. My leaves started curling up at the tips before they hunched over. Maybe its just shock and i need to calm down. Ive already lost half my plants do to males and hermies. Dont need to lose anymore. What do you guys think? I didnt flush them this time like i usually do. Forgot to do it...... Im in my second week of flower.



Well-Known Member
It appears by the plant structure and growth that you need a lot more light on them. I mean a whole lot more. They look kind of wimpy but not all that bad from that pic.


Well-Known Member
I'm sure these guys will help you figure it out. Maybe some more pics would help. Stay positive my fellow grower!


Active Member
I'm sure these guys will help you figure it out. Maybe some more pics would help. Stay positive my fellow grower!
Im trying too. Im the one preaching about patience and im freaking out. Im out of weed so im even more on edge......Im assuming i shocked it.
have been there mate u read the forums see all the top grows getting ounces and ounces u go look at ur plant and just think what the fuck is going on just try and relax mate after the many plants i have done my best to kill they still keep going

just takes time to learn


Well-Known Member
I suggest taking a deep breath and 3 large steps away from your growroom.. panicky noob ;) it all looks fine. Rinsing the roots probably caused a little shock.
Why would you rinse the roots unless you have some kind of rot? You are just asking for problems. Leave them alone.


Well-Known Member
If your medium gets soaked for too long it will act just like soil and the plants will get too much water. And mold likes to grow on really soaked rockwool
DWC with rockwool seems like an incredibly bad idea. hydroton or perlite. Rockwool is just going to sponge and rot if its more than a cloneing cube worth.


Active Member
DWC with rockwool seems like an incredibly bad idea. hydroton or perlite. Rockwool is just going to sponge and rot if its more than a cloneing cube worth.
Well i should be more specific. Its in rockwool cube from seeding with clay rock growing medium. Not the best shit, but got it for free when i strated. I am just going to calm the f down. And give it time.......


New Member
i thought for dwc the roots sit in oxygenated water?

before i opened the thread, i was hoping to see your plants are dying, becuase i wished it upon you, but they look fine.

when they are 70% yellowed, id call that dying. i didnt even give up on my mutant that was dying, and look at the hate i get for not giving up.

never give up