Ready to just quit.....


Well-Known Member
I thought droopy leaves were from being under watered? curled edges of leaves was for too much heat?

If the temp is fine, and you are in a DWC. I'd like to know what caused this also.


Active Member
i thought for dwc the roots sit in oxygenated water?

before i opened the thread, i was hoping to see your plants are dying, becuase i wished it upon you, but they look fine.

when they are 70% yellowed, id call that dying. i didnt even give up on my mutant that was dying, and look at the hate i get for not giving up.

never give up

Well for once Bmeat, I have to agree with you:o Yep i said it. But only on the not giving up part. And yes the roots sit in the well. But you still feed them occasionally from the top to get all the upper roots moist.


Active Member
You should check your pump or air stones.. I wash my roots every other change as well ( stains roots ) so i dont think its that..

Good luck..


Well-Known Member
Navy, just a suggestion, but why not start one or two in soil, just in case of set backs like this so you don't panic?


Well-Known Member
Did you increase the amount of nutrients that you put into your res this time? I killed a bunch of plants once by upping my ppm way too much and it looked like they were under/over watered but I ended up just frying the shit out of them. Excess nitrogen can make stems/branches weak also.


Active Member
Did you increase the amount of nutrients that you put into your res this time? I killed a bunch of plants once by upping my ppm way too much and it looked like they were under/over watered but I ended up just frying the shit out of them. Excess nitrogen can make stems/branches weak also.
I had less nutes this time, but a different brand because the Hydro store was out of Ionic. The plants are already starting to bend back. Slowly, but surely.


Active Member
I started with DWC as a noob, but i wouldn't recommend it. Soil it way more forgiving and better to learn on IMO. I went with DWC cause i thought i could get the biggest yields that way. And maybe you can, but if one little thing is wrong in a DWC it will do worse overall than soil.

just my 2 cents,.... GL


Active Member
I started with DWC as a noob, but i wouldn't recommend it. Soil it way more forgiving and better to learn on IMO. I went with DWC cause i thought i could get the biggest yields that way. And maybe you can, but if one little thing is wrong in a DWC it will do worse overall than soil.

just my 2 cents,.... GL

Couldnt have said it better myself. Im def. going to use soil next time.


Well-Known Member
I started with DWC as a noob, but i wouldn't recommend it. Soil it way more forgiving and better to learn on IMO. I went with DWC cause i thought i could get the biggest yields that way. And maybe you can, but if one little thing is wrong in a DWC it will do worse overall than soil.

just my 2 cents,.... GL
Me too man.


Active Member
Once you get the bugs worked out man. It's easier than soil. Lots easier to correct problems.

meat-wad is right "never give up."
I will admit that when i make a correction im my res. it takes almost no time for the plants to react. That is a big plus if you ever dry em out. i did that once. Came home, plants were all bent over with the rockwool dry as hell. Watered them, and within 15 min every one of them was standing straight up. i know soil doesnt act that fast.


Active Member
Once you get the bugs worked out man. It's easier than soil. Lots easier to correct problems.

meat-wad is right "never give up."
I will admit that when i make a correction im my res. it takes almost no time for the plants to react. That is a big plus if you ever dry em out. i did that once. Came home, plants were all bent over with the rockwool dry as hell. Watered them, and within 15 min every one of them was standing straight up. i know soil doesnt act that fast.

I will agree with that. With DWC you can correct problem very quickly and see very fast results, but problems can also accelerate just as quickly. so its a trade off, for a skilled grower who knows the plants they are working with I think DWC is wonderful, but for a new player who hasn't learned how to work there life around the plants or can't afford the proper equipment to automate it, everything in a DWC just happens too fast keep a handle on when its the first time you are seeing it.

Flaming Pie

Well-Known Member
To be fair, bmeat is just reacting to the trolling. He doesn't say he wishes death upon people's plants randomly.

Chug bleach? Seems the classic line for trousers.

Bet that's how he kills his hookers.


Active Member
To be fair, bmeat is just reacting to the trolling. He doesn't say he wishes death upon people's plants randomly.

Chug bleach? Seems the classic line for trousers.

Bet that's how he kills his hookers.

Omg....To add insult to injury, he fucks them, pays them then makes them drink the clorox, before robbing them.


New Member
thank you I'm not a jerk until you attack me and even then I'm not. only to navy who stalks me and talks about his love for semen