REAL disaster preparation!


Hi there! I started an u/g- grow room, but I haven't been able to post pics till now. Right now, it's just a hole, but it's MY hole! It was originally intended to be a full size room, but I think it would be better to start with a "closet grow" layout.Right now, I'm at about 7-8 ft. down, with the beginnings of an actual room, but I'm digging this by hand, not the fastest way in the world. If I can ever get the time, I may get to finish and enjoy it.

More pics to come. Lemme know what you think!


Well-Known Member
That's pretty cool - how do you have everything braced and supported? And what are your plans as far as how you want to finish it (floor, walls, etc)?

Also, how far down do you think you'll need to go before you hit any marijuana veins?


Well-Known Member
pretty cool ... where is this at?inside or outside?? that would be cool to make a hole in your closet and then do it there or somthing ... is there a shed if outside?? how you plan on venting it???


Right now, thanks to a site full of clay, I just have bricks and stones as a rudimentary floor. That way, they wont be hard to modify. I'll have to post some drawings, but I want to support with R/R ties. not too sure about walls, but the floor will probably be grated to prevent puddling. It's in my shed. The floor was ruined, so I made a new floor of stepping stones. I had an idea, and started digging. I'll have to draw up my plans for an air handling system, but Ill post them later.


If I could get even close to that... Wow. Lots o' McCheddar involved there. Keeping a low profile would be another concern with a project on this scale. I love those plans though, and I wish I could afford to do something like that. I'll put my ideas on soon.


Well-Known Member
This is my dream setup, being U/G. I always thought that going under the garage, or building a little "tool shed" and having a trap door leading to my U/G grow room.

Of course that would look weird going into a tool shed in the middle of summer, shutting the door behind me, and not coming out for a period of time, lol.


Here are some shots from a little deeper in. You can see the beginnings of the first chamber. Right now, the main shaft will be shaped like a corkscrew.



Here is a general layout of my room. all dimensions are estimated except for subsurface depth, which will stay at 4'. For support, I'm gonna use rail ties, kinda like in mines. For ventilation, I'll be using an air pump used for inflatable houses. The exhaust will run through a carbon filter and into a duct that leads out of the entrance. When I can dig straight up, I'm going to route the exhaust to come out of concealed vents built into an herb garden directly above.



Well-Known Member
Man that looks like some hard ground to dig in... props for that.

Maybe you could put a little greenhouse over the top of the exhaust? Free heating for winter-time outdoor growing... could open up some more growing possibilities at a time when no one is flying around looking for outdoor plants...

Have you looked into a sump system to keep it from flooding? Or have another idea to deal with the water? Speaking of which, if there's enough seepage and the water is decent, you could make a small cistern to collect and hold some of the water for use...

By the way, I would plan on a lot of vertical support across the roof of the chamber that size (i.e. not just along the walls). Of course that might be helpful as well for dividing off chambers for different light cycles...

[Disclaimer: I'm stoned. Any ideas I present are prone to be grandiose and unnecessary. Sorry.]

Higher Education

Well-Known Member
This is looking great man. Best of luck with it. I am just really concerned that you may hit rock and not be able to complete the dig by hand.


Well-Known Member
Wow good luck on this, what are you using to dig? Is anyone assisting you in this endeavor? And always be safe...+rep for awesome


Well-Known Member
There's a thread on a UK forum by a guy who did the same thing, and very well too, i might add:

LEEPYS BIG DIG, the bunker

It seems like a hell of a lot of work, but the results speak for themselves. Hopefully you can get some good tips from that thread.

Good luck. I commend your motivation. :clap:
i have a 44x14 foot concrete slab most of it is under my house and i thought of doing the same thing under the slab only the ground here is realy nasty 8 to 12 inches of soil then its all red/orange clay digging it would be a bitch


I have the clay problem too. After a few feet, I found it was easier to dig with a pick i bought at Home Depot for $15. It also makes short work of the many rocks I've come across. I'll put up a pic of the rocks I've dug up so far in a bit. I imagine I'll use them in my other landscaping projects. I would've died using just a shovel. I just pray I don't hit solid bedrock. I can't imagine how in all Hell I'll be able to break through that without getting the attention of my neighbors. I'll keep my fingers crossed.


My God! This is gonna take forever!!! Between family, work, and school, I have about 2 free days a month.... I'm thinking I'll hurry and dig out a spot about 5'x3'x3' and get my shit underground. If I could just get to where I can stand erect I'd be fine.


I hope you know where any and all utility lines are running around on your property, because you might think, "well the power line is right there, so the line must go underground here!"
is not always the case, and you say this is in a shed correct, what kind of bracing and shoring are you going to be doing on the overhead and sidewalls....which honestly if you arent doing a poured concrete floor with rebar, nothing will hold the sides in short of digging holes and pouring concrete and rebar for support beams in the corners, I say these things because digging and building underground, ESPECIALLY COVERTLY with no real knowledge of structural engineering is pretty foolish to say the least.

Not trying to rain on your parade BUT building is kinda my blood....and I have done underground construction....its not easy. ANY ?'s though and I would be happy to answer them.

I just saw the rough sketches you got a little clearer 4' to surface, better have 5k minimum in rebar and concrete and quite a bit of 4x4's and 2x6's and 2x8's and FUCKTON of 1" PLYWOOD not barkchips glued in a pancake fashion pressboard crap....real PLYWOOD 1" THICK DOUBLE LAYERED or you will be buried alive like a trenchdog in nam.