REAL disaster preparation!


Well-Known Member
You said you'd like to keep it low profile? Why not build a faraday cage so that way you can block infrared? That way helicopters/planes can't see your heat signature under the ground.


I hope you know where any and all utility lines are running around on your property, because you might think, "well the power line is right there, so the line must go underground here!"
is not always the case, and you say this is in a shed correct, what kind of bracing and shoring are you going to be doing on the overhead and sidewalls....which honestly if you arent doing a poured concrete floor with rebar, nothing will hold the sides in short of digging holes and pouring concrete and rebar for support beams in the corners, I say these things because digging and building underground, ESPECIALLY COVERTLY with no real knowledge of structural engineering is pretty foolish to say the least.

Not trying to rain on your parade BUT building is kinda my blood....and I have done underground construction....its not easy. ANY ?'s though and I would be happy to answer them.

I just saw the rough sketches you got a little clearer 4' to surface, better have 5k minimum in rebar and concrete and quite a bit of 4x4's and 2x6's and 2x8's and FUCKTON of 1" PLYWOOD not barkchips glued in a pancake fashion pressboard crap....real PLYWOOD 1" THICK DOUBLE LAYERED or you will be buried alive like a trenchdog in nam.
No offense, but there's no need for such intense concern, I'll be ok. Admittedly, there is a lot more to this than I thought at first. However, that only means that it will take longer to do. At first, I had some haired-brained idea that it would only take about a month... Haha, joke's on me. As far as final plans go, I have no idea what I'll wind up constructing until I'm through. I Know it sounds bat-shit nuts, but "the room" will "tell" me what I need to do. It's ok, I've built things with that concept before. Believe it or not, it works really well. Kinda like functional art. I do have a few concrete facts though:

1. I won't be hitting any power lines. Those are VERY rare here, and I'm already under a pretty solid layer of rock. I can tell by just looking that no human hands have worked this earth during any time in the near geolgical past.

2. I'll be using R/R ties for support, much like in traditional mining. As far as ceiling material, I'm not sure. It needs to sturdy, water/rot-proof, and "somewhat" easy to handle. Remember: I can support this from underneath.

3. Finally, I am making sure that the area directly above the room will NEVER have to support a great deal of weight. That way, I won't have to make it absolutely "bombproof".

I admit that I don't have much experience with construction, and I will have many questions. Safety, however, won't be much of an issue, since I over examine everything. It would help to point out more subtle hazards than the obvious, however. The faraday cage, for instance. Gonna have to look at that some more...


traditional mining? that had a HUGE failure and collapse rate...especially in the 1920-40's
I am just saying, I have built underground, and it takes a lot more engineering than you think...the earth has some massive pressure pushing on its upper layer of crust, Im not concerned, I dont know you, it would just suck if another hazard someone could blame on the MJ community is building underground death traps! Be safe and happy building.

1. I won't be hitting any power lines. Those are VERY rare here, and I'm already under a pretty solid layer of rock. I can tell by just looking that no human hands have worked this earth during any time in the near geolgical past.

2. I'll be using R/R ties for support, much like in traditional mining. As far as ceiling material, I'm not sure. It needs to sturdy, water/rot-proof, and "somewhat" easy to handle. Remember: I can support this from underneath.

3. Finally, I am making sure that the area directly above the room will NEVER have to support a great deal of weight. That way, I won't have to make it absolutely "bombproof".

I admit that I don't have much experience with construction, and I will have many questions. Safety, however, won't be much of an issue, since I over examine everything. It would help to point out more subtle hazards than the obvious, however. The faraday cage, for instance. Gonna have to look at that some more...[/QUOTE]


Interesting change of plans... After I went through all the trouble of digging a HUGE hole in the ground, my wife tells me to grow in the closet. But not just grow some, oh no. "Take measurements and grow AS MUCH WEED AS I CAN GROW! Kinda sucks I dug so much, but now I can use that start to make a spot to develop my new strain.... I'll keep you folks posted.

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
Interesting change of plans... After I went through all the trouble of digging a HUGE hole in the ground, my wife tells me to grow in the closet. But not just grow some, oh no. "Take measurements and grow AS MUCH WEED AS I CAN GROW! Kinda sucks I dug so much, but now I can use that start to make a spot to develop my new strain.... I'll keep you folks posted.
Maybe she has enough common sense, not to allow you dig your own grave?

I personally know of someone who was buried alive digging a simple trench. Cave-ins are common, and you should have been shoring up as you went.

Hopefully nobody else follows your example.


Maybe she has enough common sense, not to allow you dig your own grave?

I personally know of someone who was buried alive digging a simple trench. Cave-ins are common, and you should have been shoring up as you went.

Hopefully nobody else follows your example.
Funny. The u/g grow was her idea. \


Well-Known Member
building underground isn't impossible... mexicans and canadians build tunnels into the U.S. all the time...
Nobody said it wasn't possible, just that it's extremely unsafe unless you do it properly.

That, and the fact that it's fucking hard work. :mrgreen:


Nobody said it wasn't possible, just that it's extremely unsafe unless you do it properly.

That, and the fact that it's fucking hard work. :mrgreen:
EXACTLY, I guarantee you for every 10 mexicans working on a tunnel to get into the us, 3 die from collapse or just sheer stupidity when it comes to subterranean building requirements....


I think that the Underground grow idea is a great one to say the least, regardless of the number potential problems. It seems however that doing a full scale grow room, at least for most people is quite dangerous and not really practitcal. I like the concept and thought of an alternative idea for everybody to help me form into a workable plan.

PotPatriot you seem to be quite knowledgeable in this area of expertise so I would ask that please point out any flaws in this plan I don't see . I was looking at home made growboxes of two large attached tupperware containers which are about 16x19x24 (<wrong order?).
What I was thinking may work would be digging a hole that can fit just the grow box with a few inches of clearance on each side a square hole at the top. I noticed at my last visit to home depot these small flat about 1/2 solid metal doors that looked like 1.5 times the size of a barfridge door. Then if you could find a reasonable way make this door level with the ground and attach a fresh roll of sod to it, you could essentially have like 15 of these all over your back yard, walk right over top of them. Whenever you needed to look at them you could just flip it up and as long as nobody saw that..... . I guess I'm just trying to look at the underground go op from more of a SOG viewpoint rather then having one big plant/room. That way the holes would be a lot easier to dig (shallower), as far as I can see any danger from collapse is essentially eliminated but I am sure that there are variables and problems I can't see. Obviously one would need to be quite cautious regarding the neighbours and such, but also you wouldn't have to worry about the heat signature from a giant op as much. What do you guys think?


PotPatriot you seem to be quite knowledgeable in this area of expertise so I would ask that please point out any flaws in this plan I don't see . I was looking at home made growboxes of two large attached tupperware containers which are about 16x19x24 (<wrong order?).
What I was thinking may work would be digging a hole that can fit just the grow box with a few inches of clearance on each side a square hole at the top. I noticed at my last visit to home depot these small flat about 1/2 solid metal doors that looked like 1.5 times the size of a barfridge door. Then if you could find a reasonable way make this door level with the ground and attach a fresh roll of sod to it, you could essentially have like 15 of these all over your back yard, walk right over top of them. Whenever you needed to look at them you could just flip it up and as long as nobody saw that..... . I guess I'm just trying to look at the underground go op from more of a SOG viewpoint rather then having one big plant/room. That way the holes would be a lot easier to dig (shallower), as far as I can see any danger from collapse is essentially eliminated but I am sure that there are variables and problems I can't see. Obviously one would need to be quite cautious regarding the neighbours and such, but also you wouldn't have to worry about the heat signature from a giant op as much. What do you guys think?[/QUOTE]

My first question would be WHY? that is an inherently flawed idea. does it rain in your locale? how odd would it look with extension cords running in a spider configuration all across your lawn to power those lights? no lights? using the sun? well then youve got 20 exposed open holes? my advice to people who want stealth, DONT TELL ANYONE, then when you are about to start talking about it to someone, KICK YOURSELF IN NUTS!!! I am currently run and am getting ready to start a 3600w flower room, I have a 600w mom room and have no issues, IF you are dead SET on going uderground, get a business license together and get a loan go to and get a custom build model 24 cabin to suit underground needs, be about 35k$ installed waterproofed and entrance way constructed and sealed, that would give you 200 swuare feet in a 12 foot wide 24' long underground room, and i guarantee that it will outlast you and your kids and your kids kids.


My first question would be WHY? that is an inherently flawed idea. does it rain in your locale? how odd would it look with extension cords running in a spider configuration all across your lawn to power those lights? no lights? using the sun? well then youve got 20 exposed open holes? my advice to people who want stealth, DONT TELL ANYONE, then when you are about to start talking about it to someone, KICK YOURSELF IN NUTS!!! I am currently run and am getting ready to start a 3600w flower room, I have a 600w mom room and have no issues, IF you are dead SET on going uderground, get a business license together and get a loan go to and get a custom build model 24 cabin to suit underground needs, be about 35k$ installed waterproofed and entrance way constructed and sealed, that would give you 200 swuare feet in a 12 foot wide 24' long underground room, and i guarantee that it will outlast you and your kids and your kids kids.
My apologies for not explaining the reasoning behind this thoroughly enough last time. My buddy was actually the inspiration for this idea, because he is 20 and lives still with his mother who is no longer to keen on the green. When I was at his place a few nights ago he was talking about wanting to set up another growbox, but doesn't appear have any room inside for one so we were trying to find decent alternatives for him. He has a outdoor electrical outlet that is hidden under his deck so if the wire stayed underground just until it got to the deck it would be unnoticed and we began suggesting a somewhat similar idea, I just kinda ran with it a little much on this thread. But as we are both still in school full time the luxary of an underground room like that even if we split it is still not reasonable at this point in time (hopefully one day soon, that would be a dream:hump:).
So just doing the another box in this manner (even if it was only one, my plans tend to get a little grandious at time, thats where 15 came from lol) would be very cost efficent. Sorry I guess I should of mentioned that before lol. Is there a reasonable way to protect against flooding?


My apologies for not explaining the reasoning behind this thoroughly enough last time. My buddy was actually the inspiration for this idea, because he is 20 and lives still with his mother who is no longer to keen on the green. When I was at his place a few nights ago he was talking about wanting to set up another growbox, but doesn't appear have any room inside for one so we were trying to find decent alternatives for him. He has a outdoor electrical outlet that is hidden under his deck so if the wire stayed underground just until it got to the deck it would be unnoticed and we began suggesting a somewhat similar idea, I just kinda ran with it a little much on this thread. But as we are both still in school full time the luxary of an underground room like that even if we split it is still not reasonable at this point in time (hopefully one day soon, that would be a dream:hump:).
So just doing the another box in this manner (even if it was only one, my plans tend to get a little grandious at time, thats where 15 came from lol) would be very cost efficent. Sorry I guess I should of mentioned that before lol. Is there a reasonable way to protect against flooding?
That would depend on many things. Elevation, angle, and soil quality are some things to look at.
Making a concealed underground room isnt hard at all. The only problem is stealth in making the hole, which honestly... isnt to hard to pass off as making a tornado shelter or bomb shelter. After thats cover is given you dont have to tell anyone about it at all. I mean, whos going to question you about it? "Why are you digging a storm shelter, thats kind of nuts dont you think?" Hell at that point you could rent a backhoe and put some real work into it... pour concrete and the works. After that its not really going to be a "red flag" or a big mystery why its there. Build a security fence if you dont have one already and put a shed with a trap door on it.

The trick to it is to make a hole first. Dig it all up, dont tunnel. Lay your floor slab down and water proof it. After that form your walls, this can be done a little bit at a time if you wish. Just make sure you have your re bar laid out entirely first. Water proof that and then put your support pilers up. Though on this part if you still wanted to use RR ties i would suggest to put them in during the laying of the floor so that you can place footing for them to sit in so that they wont budge when you set up the top slab. After you get it all poured cover it with dirt. To make things completely stealth go ahead and do that greenhouse idea. It would eliminate the concerns about IR emissions during any point of the year, as well as giving you a reason to be going into that building several times a day.

Im crafty and skilled at most all of that crap enough to hide things from human eyes... but what about the olfactory senses of a dog? Is a CF enough to be stealth from a dog, or even on that... is there a way to make an entrance completely sealed off from smell that you could hide it from them. I would guess that you would have to have an air lock style room to do that best... Thats my question about it all... Im the overly paranoid guy that always thinks the worst first and plans for it to happen.