Im by no means implying I'm a GG expert or anything even remotely close, but I'm not really seeing the GG in the pics? I looked at your clone cuts too and didnt really see it there either. You sure you got the real deal? Have you flowered it already or is this your first run with it?
ill post some more pictures in a few weeks.
this might help, when I fist got them, the one lower front middle look better?

there is two BD, in the bottom right. the rest are the G4.(except the back are the old GA's)
the whole real deal, thing is as old as my parents: I can remember the "REAL BUBBA" war back when I first started, that one almost got someone killed...and still to this day people question the label pre98 bubba. or OG bubba this argument still happens.
I have never once questioned my sources, I never felt the need to. we have been running this for a little less then a year now. but I can only speak and post about what I explicitly hold on a personal level.
its really hard to prove absolutes let alone in pictures. for all we know the real G4 was changed at some point, from what know to be G4: chemsis and friends. if you consider they sell G4 beans and its possible variations, or new strains with g4.
like I said the biggest problem, in dispensaries is what's in that jar? google G4: and see how many variants in cured product you see. this site "Supposedly" tires to keep only recognized data: they are like the Martha Stewart of cannabis.
^this will change things, but they already have over 100 strains that Identify as OG kush. which one is the real one. and these companies don't seem to take root, if people really cared this would be the norm already. maybe its the futilely of it all, if it is worth keeping track of.
just one of those things you have to ball park and take with a grain of salt. because you will never have an answer, until we have a correct data base.