really bad times :/


yeah im feeling really down right now, my grow op was discovered yesterday. Now I have to take it all down and destroy my plants and today my bank overdrafted me 140 dollars. Im left with nothing. I cant even afford to toke away the pain all I want to do is crawl into bed and go into coma. I hate coming to work and wasting my day here for little to no pay after my bills. Im pretty depressed right now, I was super happy 2 days ago before all this happened. im hating life right about now. sorry just wanted to vent how i feel right now.



Well-Known Member
Shit could be worse. You could be out of a job. You could be in jail. You seem to be doing pretty good right about now.


Well-Known Member
Anone that has a job and can make the bills is lucky right now, regardless of the rest.
Find someone to give your plants to if you have to get rid of them and then get product back when they're done.


Well-Known Member
Shit could be worse. You could be out of a job. You could be in jail. You seem to be doing pretty good right about now.
I agree completely!!

It sounds like it might do you some good to take a few day break from toking.:peace:


There was a lightning thunderstorm while i was at work yesterday, i had a bad feeling like something was wrong so i left work to my house where I'm currently living with my parents because of financial setbacks in life well anyway my father is retired so all he does is sit around the house and spy on people. He took a spare key to my room and used it to get in to close my windows because of the rain and saw my closet door cracked with the fluro lights on. I came home and he was sitting on the couch pretending he didnt go in my room but i know he was in cause the fucking windows were closed and can only be done from the inside besided i keep a smal black fan in the window which was now running on the floor.
anyway he was being nice to me so I thought he would be cool about it. We recently started bonding together by working out hitting a punching bag in the garage that i got him last month for fathers day. He told me its ok you dont have to come home to close your windows, I'll take care of that you have nothing to worry about. so the rest of the day im confused thinking we have a private secretive understanding but nope I was betrayed when I got home from work. Walked in like normal asked my mother how her day went she said fine we watched part of the news together then she just broke out with whats in your closet? I was crushed, I worked so hard for almost a year on my operation and been able to keep it a secret for this long, only my girlfriend who lives with me knew. I invest alot of time and money now im broke and have brand new equipment I cant even use. I just bought a daystar ac cooled 6 inch reflector with eye hortilux hps bulb and lumatek 400 watt ballast, i got all my foxfarm nutes tons of shit, timers, meters all kinds of shit even exhaust grills with back draft dampers and I have 2 gorgeous test plants both female in their 7th week of vegging that I have to get rid of. I loved this project with all my heart and it was the only cure to my depression from life but now its back to being miserable with bad fortune. If theres a spare key to your room hide it well especially from anyone who has access to it that was my mistake. Now im taking boxes home and plan on packing and moving out soon. I cant take it anymore so im gonna rent a room till i have enough money saved up to move to a state where I can legally grow because this is my passion and something that made me truly happy.


Well-Known Member
Always know that there are many many others in this world that are actually in a bad spot... you situation is a situation millions wish they could be in. You are not having a bad time... that girl in a Korean prison is having a bad time, or the 5 year old that was kidnapped in February, Haleigh Cummings... is having a bad time. You my friend are living the good life, still.


Well-Known Member
Your parents cut you ALOT of slack. You shouldn't be growing in there house in the first place. Alot of parents wouldn't hesitate to throw there kids out over some weed plants.


i didnt bother anyone, i was very private, it didnt bother anyone when they had no knowledge of this. I stood up for the plants and for mary jane told my mother that i was very passionate about this and I wont stop so I have to move on. Im packing up all my equipment so i can send for it when im in a state where its legal.


Well-Known Member
You weren't bothering anyone, but if something happened between you and you left your girlfriend she would of most likely started running her mouth about your plants and got your parents in a whole shit storm of trouble.


nah shes not like that, shes asian. she would take a knife to the gut before betraying me, im her first and only love and we been together for almost 3 years now. besides i was just growing for fun i wasnt like this goons that come here with no knowledge who want to grow 6 lbs out the gate. I was happy with 2 plants that i could love and give attention to and basically thats all.. I understand it wasnt my house but i dont feel like i was causing harm to anyone. my mother has plants all over the house it looks like a jungle in my living room she even has fluoros on big palm trees type plants with leaves bigger than my head.


Well-Known Member
No offense.. but some people have real problems.. try keeping a household of four running without any income, phone turned off, car repossessed, dry milk, with a smile on your face because life goes on and the children need to not panic or worry... I envy your situation.. yet not your response..


Well-Known Member
nah shes not like that, shes asian. she would take a knife to the gut before betraying me, im her first and only love and we been together for almost 3 years now. besides i was just growing for fun i wasnt like this goons that come here with no knowledge who want to grow 6 lbs out the gate. I was happy with 2 plants that i could love and give attention to and basically thats all.. I understand it wasnt my house but i dont feel like i was causing harm to anyone. my mother has plants all over the house it looks like a jungle in my living room she even has fluoros on big palm trees type plants with leaves bigger than my head.


So you don't think your submissive, conforming little asian WOMAN wouldn't turn on you if you fucked her over?!?!

LMFAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOOOOOOOOOOOO@ These dudes thinking there dick has more power than what it actually does.


Well-Known Member
you cant be serious man, this isnt ur house so ur parents have every right to put a stop to it. they seem EXTREMELY linent. you have a job, a roof over your head and a girlfriend, what r u bitching about?

Find a nice secluded spot and grow outside if u truely cant live without growing!!

Stop acting like its the end of the world, this is barely even a story bro.


Well-Known Member
Keep telling yourself that about your girfriend. That alone tells me you got some serious growing up to do. You two will most likely not be together forever and the breakup WILL most likely be very ugly. Your parents let you AND your girlfriend live in there house, and you grew weed behind there back. That's pretty shady dude.


Well-Known Member
^^^ Um no. I've had crops fail. It's a small deal. Let it go, and move on. This should be a sign to you. Work on your life and get shit in order.


Well-Known Member
Yeah bro. We've all lost crops. I'm probably considered a mass murderer/serial killer in the plant world by now.