really bad times :/


New Member
Your parents cut you ALOT of slack. You shouldn't be growing in there house in the first place. Alot of parents wouldn't hesitate to throw there kids out over some weed plants.

i didnt bother anyone, i was very private, it didnt bother anyone when they had no knowledge of this. I stood up for the plants and for mary jane told my mother that i was very passionate about this and I wont stop so I have to move on. Im packing up all my equipment so i can send for it when im in a state where its legal.
You living there is a bother to them. They put up with it because they love you. Heck, they let your GF stay there as well..... Always obey house rules, or get your own house and make your own rules. That's the way it works.

P.S. If you have hit upon hard times financially, I'm sure that your parents aren't thrilled that this is how you spent any precious extra opposed to a down payment to live under your own weight. NO? :peace:

There is no privacy in someone elses house.


Well-Known Member
Having to chop down a crop early because of a security breech is something most of us have had to do at one time or another... comes with the territory.. but growing in someone else's home for which you don't pay, then bitching because they don't wanna take the risk.. grow up man.. you wanna make the rules of the house, move out.. you're lucky.. many growers don't get off so easy, they get a much less friendly warning.. like the cops just show up..


yeah your all right thanks, i was overcome with bad emotions lately. I dont handle them well. but Im better now thanks. ur right its not a big deal.


Well-Known Member
There was a lightning thunderstorm while i was at work yesterday, i had a bad feeling like something was wrong so i left work to my house where I'm currently living with my parents because of financial setbacks in life well anyway my father is retired so all he does is sit around the house and spy on people. He took a spare key to my room and used it to get in to close my windows because of the rain and saw my closet door cracked with the fluro lights on. I came home and he was sitting on the couch pretending he didnt go in my room but i know he was in cause the fucking windows were closed and can only be done from the inside besided i keep a smal black fan in the window which was now running on the floor.
anyway he was being nice to me so I thought he would be cool about it. We recently started bonding together by working out hitting a punching bag in the garage that i got him last month for fathers day. He told me its ok you dont have to come home to close your windows, I'll take care of that you have nothing to worry about. so the rest of the day im confused thinking we have a private secretive understanding but nope I was betrayed when I got home from work. Walked in like normal asked my mother how her day went she said fine we watched part of the news together then she just broke out with whats in your closet? I was crushed, I worked so hard for almost a year on my operation and been able to keep it a secret for this long, only my girlfriend who lives with me knew. I invest alot of time and money now im broke and have brand new equipment I cant even use. I just bought a daystar ac cooled 6 inch reflector with eye hortilux hps bulb and lumatek 400 watt ballast, i got all my foxfarm nutes tons of shit, timers, meters all kinds of shit even exhaust grills with back draft dampers and I have 2 gorgeous test plants both female in their 7th week of vegging that I have to get rid of. I loved this project with all my heart and it was the only cure to my depression from life but now its back to being miserable with bad fortune. If theres a spare key to your room hide it well especially from anyone who has access to it that was my mistake. Now im taking boxes home and plan on packing and moving out soon. I cant take it anymore so im gonna rent a room till i have enough money saved up to move to a state where I can legally grow because this is my passion and something that made me truly happy.
Wtf??you live with your parents,you got no kids,no wife,all you have to worry about is yourself and a few bills.You're acting all depressed and done for it!!Shiiiiiiiiiitttt,you mine as well quit rite know because life is about to get much harder down the road...


Well-Known Member
No offense.. but some people have real problems.. try keeping a household of four running without any income, phone turned off, car repossessed, dry milk, with a smile on your face because life goes on and the children need to not panic or worry... I envy your situation.. yet not your response..
No shit!!guys like that just need to get slap real hard in the face and stop crying about it!You know what i mean?His parents really sound like good people,he should be thankfull just for that.


Well-Known Member
I'm sorry to hear about your sadness. This maybe a crossroads in your life that will turn out better in the future. ppl who say things like "you have it good. what are you sad about?" are technically right. They may even be speaking from experience and are miffed that you feel sad over something they consider trivial. people are also right when they say you shouldn't have grown in your parents home. what most ppl don't get is that you already know these things and are just bummed because it is still fresh. I understand loss of hard work and expenses and all, but what struck me was your love of the plant and the process and feeling like you won't get your medician now. if people here can't understand that much, then maybe Im on the wrong site. Sorry for your pain and I hope everything works out for you in the future....Good luck bro.


New Member
I'm all for growing.... I do quite a bit of it myself :wink:. However, i do get a little tired of weed being re-labled a medication, as if a disease is being treated.

Let's not turn weed into the next Prozac..... Most ppl who grow have nothing wrong with them at all. Nothing at all. Medical MJ may be a stepping stone to better things, but if everyone instantly NEEDS their medicine, the govt. will call the bluff. Let's not ruin it for the truly sick and needy.


Well-Known Member
I'm all for growing.... I do quite a bit of it myself :wink:. However, i do get a little tired of weed being re-labled a medication, as if a disease is being treated.

Let's not turn weed into the next Prozac..... Most ppl who grow have nothing wrong with them at all. Nothing at all. Medical MJ may be a stepping stone to better things, but if everyone instantly NEEDS their medicine, the govt. will call the bluff. Let's not ruin it for the truly sick and needy.

:clap::clap:Well said!!:clap::clap:


Active Member
You have a pretty good life, actually. My living sitution is identical to yours, except we can't find jobs and may be kicked out soon because of that. Consider yourself lucky, there are worse situations. You could be homeless, jobless or dead. Life is depressing, but honestly if your ONLY joy is growing, you need to do something about that. I have depression from time to time, but I get myself through it, otherwise life moves on without you.


Well-Known Member
"The truly sick and needy" Who are they? People with cancer, epilepsy, MS, anorexia, Etc? My question would be if some one needed it for depression and it helped, would that be any less righteous just because some of the "legal" states didn't get it incorporated into their laws. ppl who state that its only right if your a mmj legal are forgetting that it shouldn't be illegal at all. Its a plant. If it makes your day better, great. To me "medicine" is anything that helps you. be it mental or physcal.


New Member
Mj will never be accepted as a cure all. The faster you try and expand it the more it will contract later on. In the end acceptance and uses of Med MJ must come from the AMA, not the street.


Well-Known Member
Acceptance comes from education. Not institutions. Politicians use to be afraid of looking soft on crime if they supported marijuana. Now, at least some, are afraid of looking stupid and uncompassionate. That change has come though better education of the masses. the media also is not as hateful and stupid as yesterday. Not as much "reefer madness" to deal with. The fact the MMJ does help some means that it could help more.


New Member
If you wish to have MJ declared a MEDICAL treatment, it will be done through the scientific and medical community. That's exactly why self medication is considered

MJ may be enjoying a slight uptick in popularity, but it was much higher in the 70's than it is now.


Well-Known Member
Never say never. The crooked ass United states government won't be around for forever. So far weed is the one medicine I know of off the top of my head that has endured the test of time.

It was more popular in the 70s. I think we have Nixon to thank for ruining that. But back then smear campains were the norm and in todays age science is taking the reigns.


Well-Known Member
Nothing will be accomplished though the scientific and medical community The government has complete control over what will be researched and what wont. Especially when that is an illegal drug. What research has been done has been ignored or skewered to say what the Gov. wants. Its the governments fault that more research hasn't been done. They don't want weed legal. for reasons we know of and probably some we don't. They don't care about the facts. Truthful education of the facts will make pot legal someday. It won't be soon but maybe less and less ppl will be in jail if we all stick together.