really slow seedling?

Thanks for the info. Anyone have any suggestion on type of humidifier?

I use this humidifier here on Amazon. It costs $35 and uses these filters.

Just to let anyone who crosses this thread and is trying to get help from it that this is definitely not just an overwatering issue. These plants are all 3 days above ground and are going just as quick as all the others when i have not watered again and did 3 different methods. The pots are light and i might water but screw the overwatering thought it is either something else or even underwatering becaue as i keep saying after watering an overwatered plant you think it wouldn't shoot out its biggest growth spurt of its life but obviously what do i know. Also the othe plant basically no growth again no water. AA83443A-6644-4EF4-9F7D-0D25FAB96897.jpegADEEE908-9204-466D-9A83-7C4E79B17F40.jpeg94F341F8-9364-45B8-A76F-B6850CC022E2.jpeg8C553C5C-6AF3-4DED-84C6-D44CA0DA77B0.jpeg52810725-15F4-4584-BFCA-D77FCE3D78A6.jpeg
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Hey, I am still having problems with pro mix and maybe someone will be able to help now. The last grow ended up working out and I got good product but it took a long time to grow and have no idea why. Lets start by saying the pro mix has been sitting for at least a year and is bone dry in the bag. The mix when I try to grow a seedling will stay wet on the top and I can squeeze out a bit of water if I squeeze between 2 fingers even if it is sitting in the sun outside. If it is really hot outside the top will dry off after a while but right below the surface it is dark and wet. If I grab a whole bunch of the mix I can squeeze out a few drips of water after it sitting for a few days with warm soil on a windowsill. My seedling seem to grow very few roots and the roots that do grow are around 1/2 way down the pot above that is just a white stem no roots shooting out. the soil around the top is loose. Maybe it is too loose as I can move it around easily but it is dark and a bit of moisture comes out if squeezed. and I need to compress it a bit. I am using really tiny seedling pots with 4 holes on the bottom. The pots seem to get pretty light after about 4 days after watering but the top is still dark and I can squeeze it between my fingers and see a bit of moisture coming out. Also I can see some fuzzy stuff growing on top. Should I Just be watering when it seems light or wait for the top to start drying out.
I am curious can soil be too loose for a plant to root out the medium. I am thinking it may be too loose at the top causing the roots to not spread out at the top of the soilless mix. The bottom has more compaction due to the water causing it to weigh down. I am also finding the mix to be weird because it is staying wet longer than my room mates potting soil and seems to be absorbing a lot more water. The potting soil has less aeration. I thought pro mix HP is supposed to be good for not overwatering but seems to be getting very wet.
Here are some pictures. This plant is a few weeks old I believe. It has been sitting out in the sun and has been out there since its head popped out of the mix with 32 celsius weather for a week. The top will not dry out and has been outside in the sun for a few days. Here are some pictures of me squeezing the mix with some water coming out and the plant. Am i supposed to water when it is dry on the surface or when it seems light?B6E9944C-438B-467B-9EF8-2CE79BDB47B2.jpeg1606EE84-1721-4B49-AD95-90D16BB9319E.jpeg2DC0DDFE-4643-4391-8192-2500DE28F4B1.jpeg19688849-75BE-4906-97F5-1212ADB83700.jpeg946ED6E7-8059-4CB9-962D-B447FFB54764.jpeg1E4F9111-48FD-4497-A610-6494A82E6BEF.jpeg3587F7E7-0B76-4F53-AA78-619E05E6169C.jpeg
Wow. This problem seems to be unsolvable or not experienced by people as growers that have grown for years have no advice. I feel as if i am watering a potting mix that retains water for a long time. Once the plant is established it is good but takes so long because the mix seems screwed. Obviously there is something major that is wrong with the mix because no one else has these problems and it should be easy to work with. It should not take this long to dry out. It takes a long time even when spread out on my desk approx 3 days. Here is a picture now and i will update with a picture in 3 days.F31A49B4-EC94-4F77-BAF1-2F598E1CC3DD.jpeg
In my view, 90% of this type of problem with seedlings is the medium. That's why I make up my own soil. And the soil I grow seeds in is different from the main grow: it's mainly peat and Perlite. You want rapid root growth. The worst thing for seedlings is a heavy, soggy medium with any kind of insufficiently decomposed wooden material. A lot of commercial 'potting soil' contains shredded trees. It's terrible for our herb. If you're not familiar with soil composition, you can grow in coco coir, just flood and drain.
In my view, 90% of this type of problem with seedlings is the medium. That's why I make up my own soil. And the soil I grow seeds in is different from the main grow: it's mainly peat and Perlite. You want rapid root growth. The worst thing for seedlings is a heavy, soggy medium with any kind of insufficiently decomposed wooden material. A lot of commercial 'potting soil' contains shredded trees. It's terrible for our herb. If you're not familiar with soil composition, you can grow in coco coir, just flood and drain.
Thanks for the advice. I just put 8 seeds (seedsman freebies instead of bomb seeds to try and not waste my good seeds as i have been chucking em) into a cup to start up another grow so i will probably try a couple with coco as i have some on hand and 6 of em with pro mix with different watering styles and packing styles. Also some with added worm castings and others without. If anyone has suggestions on anything i should try give me a shout. Thanks and appreciate all your advice.
Hey, here is a picture of the promix hp after sitting out loosely lying on the table. It is starting to dry on top but it seems to be taking a long time with it lying fluffed up on the table. There is also a picture with the measuring cup with the mix in it. I poured a bit of water through it yesterday to hydrate it and see how long it takes to dry on top.46AA70E7-FDF9-4FB8-A94B-A6481D24E026.jpegD6A45B18-9E64-4B3A-BE9D-AFA2E0544D8F.jpeg
Just took a pic of the outdoor plant. After being out in the direct sun and 32 celsius for more than 24 hours. First pic is yesterday the other 2 r today. It seems to be drying but really slowly for pro mix hp i feel.AE8B25D4-B4FA-45FD-A478-2CB12A4DDAAB.jpeg33CBF21D-2BEC-4E68-9631-4EB252D5D302.jpeg00CA79E7-A4AD-487E-8DFD-B27D0C62A90E.jpeg
First problem is you didn't fill the container. That had nothing to do with your issue but it's still a problem.

A small plant in a large container doesn't need the entire pot soaked. Now that's soaked leave it alone. It will dry. Stop giving it water.
First problem is you didn't fill the container. That had nothing to do with your issue but it's still a problem.

A small plant in a large container doesn't need the entire pot soaked. Now that's soaked leave it alone. It will dry. Stop giving it water.
Thanks for the advice. I planted it shallow so it wouldnt grow big. It was just a plant that was for fun. I never really thought about it but being so shallow it is probably not getting much airflow. I will hold off on watering till it is really dry or wilting.