really slow seedling?

Another thing is the pot hasn’t changed weight at all it seems within the last 3 days. Is that normal with the temp at 25 Celsius with smart pots and soilless mix. Seems ridiculous to me. Do you guys really think the only problem is overwatering as it does not seem to be the only issue to me.
Another thing i feel could be an issue is that i have a heater on for 24/7. Also can ambient temperature around the tent have an effect as it is 19 celsius surrounding the tent with passive intake and on a cold cement basement floor. I am pretty sure i only had these issues in winter but i am not sure until this summer.
I am reading you should not have a fan heater in the grow tent which is what i am using. I am thinking of getting an oil filled radiator to place in the tent. I think that is also the reason why they are growing better with the dome on. Its because it is blocking the plants from the heater. The heater is not pointed directly at the plant but the fans are blowing the air around and the heater is placed on the ground and is lower than the plants due to the plants being on top of wire racks.
One thing i dont understand is with the extremely low humidity (15 percent) the decently warm environment and a heater in the same room how can the pots take this long to dry? My understanding says it should be using water too quickly. It doesnt seem to be drinking much if it all.
I am not worried about starting a fire and there is no way i can grow in 18 celsius temperatures. I have 3 fans in the tent all pointed at walls and the plants sway slightly when not in dome. Again if airflow is the problem than why do the domes seem to help? With the dome on they also seemed to drink the water quicker as the pot was lighter faster. Maybe i just think the dome helps but i have one with and one without so we will see if the one with the dome grows past they other one. The one in the dome has been the worse one since the beginning but the dome was removed at the same time as the other one and stopped growing just like this one. If it starts up again now that i have put the done on we shall know. I dont know how i can get a bigger root system but i guess i should just continue to not water them.
Over watering will really mess your grow up. Water really small amounts until they get bigger. I have a 24oz water bottle I fill and use that to control the amount of water I give. What light do you have?
Never mind I see you have light. I don’t know how your temperature is so low with your light on mine stay perfect. Do you have a exhaust fan. If you do you can get a controller for cheap and turn your exhaust fan down your temperature will come up
If i have the 630 in my tent the temps are at 27 celsius without the heater. I just dont want to put so much light on the seedling. I did that the last grow though and they turned out okayish other than being fluffy though so maybe i should try it as a last resort.
Turn it down temperature should come up some you could look for a smaller exhaust fan, one that moves less air. The controller didn’t work good on my 4 inch fan it sounds terrible but on the 6 inch it’s okay. Overwatering reduces air to the roots and mess up your ph so yeah it is important
27celcius is almost 80 Fahrenheit? I didn’t read the entire thread, why do you want temps over 80 or 27celcious I try and keep mine in the mid 70s Fahrenheit
I just keep reading they grow best around 22-25 celsius. I am aiming to keep it around 24 if possible which is what i got my heater set at.
High temperature will effect how the buds finish. I have germinated and started seeds under my 600 hps and 315 lec and don’t have issues. Keep your light all the way up. I think it’ll help speed things up. If your pots aren’t drying point the fans right at the pots for awhile
The light will help them not over stretch if you don’t have enough light you will end up with a tall lanky plant falling all over the place
Thank you very much for your suggestions and trying to help. I will have to try some of these things out when i get home in a couple days.
One thing i dont understand is with the extremely low humidity (15 percent) the decently warm environment and a heater in the same room how can the pots take this long to dry? My understanding says it should be using water too quickly. It doesnt seem to be drinking much if it all.
Under extremely low humidity, the plant will go into survival mode and actually conserve water by closing the stomata on the leaves, this reduces the amount of water a plant will use as the plant is trying to protect itself against the threat of low humidity. The plant will do much better with more humidity.
I don’t necessarily disagree with that , but be real tho ...I’ve seen the dumbest rednecks in the world grow 10x as much pot in one year Outdoors , than most of these people will ever do in a lifetime . Indoors is more finicky cuz u can’t play the statistics u only got so many to work with . But don’t overplay genetics my dude ...even u have seen some seeds in the right soil , with the watering techniques , and the right approach jus not grow like others . Admit it
This post couldn't be more wrong. Indoor is more finicky? Lmao.
Under extremely low humidity, the plant will go into survival mode and actually conserve water by closing the stomata on the leaves, this reduces the amount of water a plant will use as the plant is trying to protect itself against the threat of low humidity. The plant will do much better with more humidity.

Thanks for the info. Anyone have any suggestion on type of humidifier?