Reasoning: Why does everyone hate America?


Well-Known Member
Stop cursing @ people once again.. your on a roll and it wont turn out in your favor my friend.
LMAOOOO!!!!!!! dude, layoff the internet for awhile, it is really affecting your brain!

a jackass like you i pay no attention to in real life, what makes you think im going to actually listen to what you have to say bitch?

your probably some goof ball that was molested by those catholic priests! its ok, you can show where the man touched on the doll, go on!


Well-Known Member
Exactly, he also mentioned his dislike for Islam as well.
This is a childish and misinformed attitude that discounts the sheer number of Americans who travel internationally each year with no harm coming to them at all. It also fails to consider the number of people who are kidnapped right here in america, by other Americans. You speak as if America is totally free of greed and jealousy. Even if it were, that does not justify intolerance and ill consideration of your fellow humans.

Jesus taught: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, do not repay evil with evil. Your statements about foreigners suggests you're a bigot, and the contradiction of god's word suggests you are a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
Exactly, he also mentioned his dislike for Islam as well.
Point taken, but he could have good reason to dislike Islam, just as he could have good reason to dislike foreigners. It is the reasoning with which he justifies his statements that is rooted in bigotry, in case anyone misunderstood.


Well-Known Member
dude, you cant be serious heis? really?

im clearly joking bro and like i said and how i have learned from you, people evolve on a daily basis... so if you cant see that then im sorry!

i respect you for what you have shared here with me and you have enlightened me on some interesting points...

we are people and always learning, so if you cant given me credit for that then all i can say is you sir, are the hypocrite and bigot...

my attitude towards that dumb bear is the way it is because i do not respect him for what he has tried to do...

but, it is what it is and if you all want to hate, then all the power to you...

ill still continue to take your words as advice and knowledge i can use and for that i thank you

This is a childish and misinformed attitude that discounts the sheer number of Americans who travel internationally each year with no harm coming to them at all. It also fails to consider the number of people who are kidnapped right here in america, by other Americans. You speak as if America is totally free of greed and jealousy. Even if it were, that does not justify intolerance and ill consideration of your fellow humans.

Jesus taught: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, do not repay evil with evil. Your statements about foreigners suggests you're a bigot, and the contradiction of god's word suggests you are a hypocrite.


Well-Known Member
dude, you cant be serious heis? really?

im clearly joking bro and like i said and how i have learned from you, people evolve on a daily basis... so if you cant see that then im sorry!

i respect you for what you have shared here with me and you have enlightened me on some interesting points...

we are people and always learning, so if you cant given me credit for that then all i can say is you sir, are the hypocrite and bigot...

my attitude towards that dumb bear is the way it is because i do not respect him for what he has tried to do...

but, it is what it is and if you all want to hate, then all the power to you...

ill still continue to take your words as advice and knowledge i can use and for that i thank you
If you were joking then I apologize and you can discount my comments, but it seemed to jive with other comments from you.


Well-Known Member
Your correct, but he dislikes them for the wrong reasons. im sure thats not too hard to believe.
Point taken, but he could have good reason to dislike Islam, just as he could have good reason to dislike foreigners. It is the reasoning with which he justifies his statements that is rooted in bigotry, in case anyone misunderstood.


Well-Known Member
heis, like i shared with someone earlier, we are human and we learn and adapt from our mistakes... as such, i know my actions can say otherwise, but i am not stubborn enough to negate that i was wrong, and really i have learned from those past experiences you are referring to...

If you were joking then I apologize and you can discount my comments, but it seemed to jive with other comments from you.


Well-Known Member
why do you assume this? if you have not learned yet, i do learn from my mistakes, consider the other side and take from it what i can. I do not know about you, but that is how i am and i can man up to my mistakes and apologize when need be. im not some simpleton and I understand my errors, we are human are we not?

Your correct, but he dislikes them for the wrong reasons. im sure thats not too hard to believe.