Recircluating Aeroponics Second Grow White Widow + Master Kush


Active Member
This little buddy needs to tell us if its a BOY or a GIRL

This fucker EXPLODED

IMG_20110802_194506.jpgIMG_20110802_194503.jpgall the plants
IMG_20110802_194515.jpgFront right master kush all the plants have budded up similarly

Im also proud to announce that i ran the room for 5 days straight at 73 degrees with 750 watts pumping

today i upped it to 1k tomorrow i will recheck the temps and see how it holds

Also seems as though all the rot is gone i havent seen any slime and all the roots have a very nice furry look to them


Active Member
All i have to say today is FUCKING BITCH
Suddenly ive got a problem ive never seen before the only guide that even looks close pins it at a magnesium def

MY ph is always at 5.7-5.8
My room temps are 70-75(usually 72-74 but i was testing full power light)
My RH has been saying between 35-52%

IMG_20110804_205405.jpgIMG_20110804_205401.jpg HELP WTf is this none of the plant problem guides show anything like this

IMG_20110804_205617.jpgIMG_20110804_205632.jpg opposite sides of the same water tank one is covered in white shit the other has NOTHING and they were both cleaned during my last res change

IMG_20110804_205409.jpgIMG_20110804_204559.jpgIMG_20110804_204534.jpg Seedling thats under 12 hours of light anyone see sex parts? and yes i see what seems to be powdery mold too but this isnt inside my grow room its actually in a dirty closet and all i want is sex

IMG_20110804_210132.jpgThis is my bolt that the water drains back into the tank DO NOT BUY this as your return line

kevin murphy

New Member
sorry pal ive not got the experience or knowledge to make a comment on it wat sayin about the pic updates through the thread mate..hope u get it sorted pal..


Well-Known Member
Hey, FP! How long have those seedlings been under 12/12? It's hard to tell, but in pic #6 it looks male (little claw bananas). In a few days you'll be able to see the little white pistils, or bigger claws :) The first pics of leaves looks like a mineral deficiency (or ozone damage), not bugs. You may want to use a light mix of cal-mag or some kind of mineral mix nutes and foliar spray those leaves.Good luck!


Active Member
hey tyler thx for stopping by that little guy got 2 days of darkness then has been under 12/12 for a week im beginning to suspect it being male too i just wanted to be 100% before i kill off 3 plants(1 seeding 2 clones). im glad you dont think its bugs. a couple people i talked to agreed it was magnesium deficient.


Well-Known Member
It's always sad to have to kill your plants, but the dudes have to go :) I only buy feminized seeds nowadays, I just hated the weeks of nurturing plants only to ditch half of them. Good luck!


Active Member
IMG_20110813_153231.jpg this is everybody the blue mystic clones are the front left and back left if the below pics turn out to be male then those will die

these are all the same seedling that seems to be getting alot more dark than light

im fairly confident at this point that this plant is a male


Active Member

Flowering Blue mystic and Master kush flowering in a cardboard box in my closet i do believe both are girls

healthy plants Seems as though the back corner plants are doing the best

PRoblems?!?!?!?!? Disease?!?!? lack of oxygen!?!?! Ph is always 5.7-5.8

All plants picsIMG_20110820_191903.jpgIMG_20110818_220853.jpgIMG_20110820_191914.jpg

