Damm, okay trying to post this again.
Here are my ROLS, will not true ROLS as I used them immediately after harvest by transplanting established clones from my solo cups.
They had gone through some nitrogen deficiency issues after a few weeks in their new pots that I introduced my first protozoa and nematode tea too. Anywise I addressed with organic amendments of alfalfa and crab meal, in additional to top dressing with Oly Fish Compost and adding Oyster Shell Flour to possible needed calcium shortage that could affect available nitrogen.
Well it has been a few weeks since facing that issue and these four gals have been mainlined trained since established with 3 new branch nodes from clones and I recently gave them some new tea which was very fishy smelling.
For I brewed
Oly Fish Compost with
Eco Fish Hydrolisate and BSM. Diluted with water 1:1 and watered.
And Got This Brew..... which smelled like fish stew! But not foul rotten egg or alcohol or vinegar smell
The white ring is residue from making bokashi bran. So that is Bacillus bacteria which is good stuff.
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And these are what my babies look like... days after sipping from the brew
These are ready to go on to flowering I have little white roots sticking out
off their bottoms.
