Well-Known Member
Whats the best way too solve greensantas problem? Sucks to here u have this problem, how long has it been happening? Strange, ive never teally seen a calmag problem in ROLS..
if adding thru water doesnt work, can he recycle or compost the soil with gypsum and lime?
it is nothing to worry about. I am not really ROLS, I recycle my supersoil et re-ammend it for now. I am in the process of making big compost piles for an eventual true ROLS.
The problem is when I placed my big pennywise into budding, she kind of turned slightly yellow, that was also after I top dressed her so it could have been nute lock... I remember in the past when my plants looked this way just a dose or 2 of cal-mag would bring things back to normal. I dont have calmag anymore and I am tempted to go buy it just for now. The plant might go back green now that the soil has dried out and is ready for watering without the addition of cal mag since the top dress contained gypsum.