Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

So the Diastatic Malt powder has all of the same enzymes as the coconut water? no difference?

What is the point of freezing the scraps before putting them in the compost or feeding worms.....just seems like another step...

When the scraps thaw out, they break down faster. When froze , if any kinds of bugs are present, they die
interesting theory...I have good compost so any bugz on my scraps will be consumed/killed by the 'goodies' im blitzing them into a the breaking down is minimal anyway...and i dont have any room in my freezer... :)

Wouldnt it reduce the goodness in the scraps by freezing them?
Diastatic malt is barley. Both Barley and Coconut are seed embryos but I think the coconut has higher Cytokinin. I dunno, I'm still making coffee...
Good point about the thawing and killing pests. My wife hates the frozen garbage (I told her its not garbage it's f'n worm food) in the freezer. When thawed out, it does turn to mush so you can skip a blender cleaning. I'm doing a test know on their favorite foods. They're loving these fall leaves and cucumbers! Think the leaves will give me some good fungi balance.
I agree with Rrog and Coots. I personally have been shifting towards everything sourced local or grown by myself. Coconuts fresh is the way to and I think once I'm done with all my powders I will start making my way back to the Asian markets.

My new regiment with my chapin sprayer 1x per week:

Drench Coconut water, aloe, silica, and SST 2.0 with mung beans. Mungs beans are easy to source and easy to sprout.

IPM drench on mulch for fungus gnats I will use some type of herb like lavender tea (bubbled) or even dr bronners when I'm lazy. Neem teas are great as well but tread lightly especially with smaller plants.

Foliar pretty much same aloe, silica, IPM, x 1 per week. Sometimes I will do a kelp meal bubble and hit the leaves but I keep noticing better results with balance. Especially irrigation. Made a huge difference investing in some instruments to measure soil tension. Real important in larger containers imo.

I hope all of you are well. I've been missing the community a bit and wish the best on everyone's gardens and overall health.

Please do keep up the purist ideology and let's make a difference in the cannabis world and knock down all this cannalore fake BS!
Remember this will not only a revolution of sorts but possibly a new evolution if you catch my drift.

Peace love and light
Thanks headtreep...

This thread has opened some new doors for me, and many others.

I have no idea who you are, but you kick ass, and I wish you nothing but super awesomeness in all aspects of life.
Thanks headtreep...

This thread has opened some new doors for me, and many others.

I have no idea who you are, but you kick ass, and I wish you nothing but super awesomeness in all aspects of life.

Nobody special just here to speak the truth and improve overall cannabis quality globally to the best of my ability. I spend most of my time offline anymore researching and healing myself but I hope things change and my energy will come back full force!

Thank you all for giving this thread a read through. We all deserve credit here for changing peoples outlook on cannabis cultivation.
The power of NEEM. Neem soap is pure awesome. If you really want to feel clean wash up with neem, haha. Of course we use it in our soil and part of the IPM programs etc for our plant health but for human health is just such an interesting plant.

I ended up ordering some neem seedlings cause I figured they would be great for my grow area. Nice little team tree in the corner or 2 is awesome. Growing a variety of plants in your grow rooms will assist with keeping most of the unwanted creatures away. Medicinal plants and culinary plants also mask odors.

Neem is a blood purifier, detoxifier and promotes healthy skin and wound healing. It's a general health promoter and something to take a closer look at than just giving it to the plants.

We all should be feeding ourselves "almost" what we feed to our soil/plants etc. Aloe, coconut, neem, kelp, and the like. I've been using Aloe for stomach irritation and it's awesome.

Knock out unwanted soil pest with 5 gal bubbled solution:

1/2 cup neem
1/4 kelp meal

bubbled for 24 hours and drench see how they like that. That's a good recipe from the net I've been using for over a year after stopping BTI. Great for overall health like a once a month type thing. Be careful with young plants.
I have a dumb question about top dressing compost. What happens when the top dressing dries out? Do your precious creatures die?

If you're referring to microbes and such they will go dormant. Worms, insects will dig deeper for moist and optimal conditions or simply die. You do not want your soil to dry out in a living organic soil or LOS environment. It's especially important to keep it evenly irrigated including the top mulch for best results. If you don't want to guess grab an irrometer or the like. Correctly irrigating is highly important from the very start of making a solid successful long term living soil.

That's why we using a wetting agent like aloe for our peat before we mix our soil together. Peat is a bunch of dormant microbes when you give them water and air they come alive and that's the start basically.
Thanks for reply. Do all the microbes go dormant or do some die off? I just bought a big aloe plant yesterday to foliar spray some bleached seedlings. I also mixed it with coconut water and drenched. What do you guys recommend for a good mulch? I've collected a ton of leaves for my worm bin, and also have some coco chips laying around. Interesting fact on peat...never heard of it having dormant microbes. Wonder if my guano has dormant microbes too.
Teaming with Microbes is a great place to start reading about such a topic. Microbes are constantly dieing, propagating, hibernating, fighting and eating but you learn more than reading the book I referenced. My best advice, as this has been credited to many others, that I've heard this from, is to simply "observe nature". I find that most real quality organic books discussed in thread has a pretty clear message especially One Straw Revolution. "observe nature" Mulch: Cannabis leaves, straw, coco chips, wood chips, all make for a fine mulch. Even sand in a pinch.
The point to ROLS or LOS or whatever we call it these days is creating a complete and well balanced biomass that we can constantly keep alive like a pet or child and grow basically any type of plant. Biofarming is will become virtually free at some point. Free nutes anyone? Grow your own nutes? haha who would have thought? I love plant cannibalism.
The point to ROLS or LOS or whatever we call it these days is creating a complete and well balanced biomass that we can constantly keep alive like a pet or child and grow basically any type of plant. Biofarming will become virtually free at some point. Just got to put in a little work. Free nutes anyone? Grow your own nutes? haha who would have thought? I love plant cannibalism. It's nice to be back and right now I need this time on the PC as I don't have many options being posted up in bed. TV sucks... I did however score the Beavis and Butthead collection to watch :)
I opened my worm bin today to throw in some more goodies and everything was gone! It just looked like worm castings with twigs and eggshells! I moved some of the top layer away and the worms are still there :) No freezing, no food processing, just big chunks fed to them and it is all gone! Hope they enjoy the new food.
