Recycled Organic Living Soil (ROLS) and No Till Thread

Can't find it locally. You have a good link? I swear this exact reason is why I'm liking coco mixes.

I get it at my local farm supply. check nurseries and farm supplies.

which clover would be better for cover / companion crop? . dutch white or crimson? The crimson clover is half the price of the dutch white clover.
Hyroot- doesn't matter. One might be taller is all. No matter on that, either.

Same thing with red clover? I just read about its medicinal properties for cancer. My sister has cancer and Her friend is going through kemo, Red clover is cheaper than the other 2.
When I was into aquarium substrates, there was one that was like 1/4 inch black lava rock. Very porous, bagged with live bacteria, but very pricey. Read the description.


I use Higromite it has silica and is awesome for aeration too. I've seen 2 liter bags for $20


Higromite provides several advantages over expanded clay pebbles, coco and rock wool. It's high in silica, pH neutral, and has the best moisture retention and release on the market today. Completely reusable, the varied shapes of the rocks promote porosity, allowing more oxygen to reach the roots. Higromite provides the grower with much more precision in watering and management of nutrients. In side by side studies with other growing mediums, plants grown in Higromite exhibited more compact growth, improved stem length, quicker establishment, better bloom breaking, improved leaf expansion and an increased overall yield. Comes in a 21 liter bag.
Like the way you think Dank...always looking to improve. We need to get each member to grow out barley, aloe, VC, Clover, chia, Rrog can do the coconut tree, nematodes, etc. Just a big bartering soil web.
Anyone have any experience with Black Gold Garden Compost? I'd like something to hold me over until VC bin is done. I've heard mixed reviews on Black Gold products and wanted some opinions. Thanks.
I have one neem tree growing along side my gals. Getting a neem seed to pop is quite difficult. Apparently they don't store well, so to be successful with germinating a neem seed, they need to be harvested and germinated immediately.

People in India chew on neem twigs instead of going to the dentist.

I keep a steady rotation of aloe, kelp, spirulina, chlorella, DE, and even neem going into my fruit smoothies. These ingredients also go into a raw fish/meat/egg/organ and oat/rice/veggie slurry I make for my dogs.

If it's not good enough for me, it's not good enough for my plants/animals.
I have one neem tree growing along side my gals. Getting a neem seed to pop is quite difficult. Apparently they don't store well, so to be successful with germinating a neem seed, they need to be harvested and germinated immediately.

People in India chew on neem twigs instead of going to the dentist.

I keep a steady rotation of aloe, kelp, spirulina, chlorella, DE, and even neem going into my fruit smoothies. These ingredients also go into a raw fish/meat/egg/organ and oat/rice/veggie slurry I make for my dogs.

If it's not good enough for me, it's not good enough for my plants/animals.

Very accurate post on neem and thanks for the tips for the animal. I plan to start a little neem farm since it's such a beneficial plant.
Four dogs on the property that all stay on a raw diet. Hopefully one day 100% of my human/dog/plant food will come from my own property.

Growing plants like neem and coconut trees is difficult in a temperate climate I'll tell ya what. Two houses crammed full of plants that will die if left outside in the winter is what I am working with.

I would suggest seedlings from a reputable place as locally as possible as far as any potential neem tree farming is concerned. Also, I have found that the roots of a neem tree prefer much less water than what we here might be used to. I give the soil that my neem tree is in, and the tree itself a light misting with aloe, kelp, coconut, seed enzyme tee, aact, etc maybe two or three times a month. Then it gets some sort of soil drench about once a month. It is in my compost with about 35% lava rock and 35% expanded shale.

Unrelated note: I have an electrical question that can be found in the Growroom Design Forum. Anyone with electrical experience and confidence please check it out. Thanks.