red dwarf auto fem on CFLS


day 27 side view.jpgplant 1 day 16 Vegatative growth takes off..jpgday 26 side view.jpgplant one day 14 Removed round leaves.jpgday 24 - first white female hairs showing.jpgday 31 side.jpgplant one day 21.jpgday 29 trichomes Appear!!!.jpgplant 1 day 19 Significant vegative growth.jpgday 37.jpgplant 1 day 17.jpgday 29 White hairs from top to bottom.jpgday 35 side view.jpgday 3 plant one.jpgday 39 side view.jpgday 39 first brown hairs.jpgDay one plant one.jpgday 5 plant one.jpgPlant one day 13, 12.30.10.jpgday 33 Significant Bud growth.jpghello friends,
this is my first grow ever, red dwarf auto fem on day 39 . i thought for my first grow id start with the easiest, and then as things go , i would try regular seeds as i get better.

ok heres the bio on how i got where i am so far-

4ftx3ftx2ft grow box completely tin foiled, has 2 light sockets hardwired professionally.
used 100watt 5500k (300 watts equivillant) CFL primarily for vegging,
as well as 1 100watt 2700k (300watt equivillant) just for extra light thru vegging.

after 2 weeks of vegging, i switched the 5500k to a 2700 k

i have a 6" fan, keeping temps about 85 and holes in back of grow box to allow fresh air

plant is 6" tall, under 2 100watt 2700k( 600 equivillant) lights (keep in mind there is 2 under the lights, but second is 12 days behind and much smaller )

Yield so far is incredibly light, however i didnt go for big buds , just will be happy to have a smoke that i produced on special occassions!

day 39, with 21 days remaining (60 day life from seed pop)

planted in 3gallon buckets from the start. , miracle grow organic soil, started in larger buckets because with only 60days from seed to harvest, just isnt much time to waste with transplanting.

the sand on top was to combat the fungus gnats i aquired from crappy miracle grow soil . and yes the sand worked great! as well as sticky traps

lighting started at 24hours a day for first month, and now on a 19/6 light schedule.

i am using miracle grow fertilizer but very little, autoflowering doesnt appreciate nutes much.

i have a second plant that is 12 days behind and is following exactly as the first has to a T . i have a full journal and picture journal for everything, great to look at!

now my first plants white hairs are starting to just turn brown

just wanting to get some feedback if at all, and to help out with what i know! maybe some tips if you all have any


anyone know if this would be considered micro growing? since they are only 6" tall? grow room has really started picking up the skunky smell!!!


i just uploaded a bunch more pics of the process, unfortuneatly they uploaded severely out of order~! SOrry im not very computer savey,however if you scroll over the pictures, they are labeled with the day. plant 2 is following almost identically to plant one, except 2 has leaves in 3's,. and one has 5's and 7's have not posted pictures of 2 yet, but i have a full photo journal of both from day one if anyones interested,

look foward to feedback and + rep for anyone interested!


plant 2 day 29 side.jpgday 41 side view.jpgplant 1 day 41 top view.jpgDay 29 for plant 2, day 41 for plant 1.jpg ok, heres a picture of the set up, and then day 41 for plant 1, and a picture of plant 2 day 29. plant 2 has grown much more spaced out, and is not following its own course, looks like it will also have a better yield.


Well-Known Member
Looking good grower.
I grew red dwarf, it was the best skunk ive ever had.
Youll love it.

Mine went longer than they said, i cut it at like 9-10 weeks. She got about 15 in tall an yielded over 1/4 oz.



yeah i think ill be lucky if i get 3 grams dry outta #1 , but # 2 is now showing some promise!! #1 is skunking up my entire basement, i now have about 15 air fresheners lol !! + rep for you, thanks for subscribing!!


Well-Known Member
nice grow man love it but why such huge buckets for such small plants well as long as their healthy but maybe next time u can fit more plants by using smaller buckets cause they are nice and short


Thank you superbub, my work had 3 gallon and 5 gallon buckets so i put the dwarfs in the 3 gallon, and then stacked them (holes in bottom of all buckets and sides for water drainage) i only intended on one plant at a time, for experimental purposes, but i thought the fungus gnats from the miracle grow soil killed it since the leaves were yellowing and growth had stopped for a week. i was wrong, but before i found that out, i had already started her replacement. i did some research, gave plant one a boost of nutrient, and she came to life in full force. and i killed off the gnats. so now i have 2. next time for the red dwarfs ill be using 1 gallon pots. but my next grow is a blueberry fem i just germinated , which ill be transplanting into a 3 gallon again when ready. this is all new to me, and im going at it very slowly, and documenting everything. thanks for stopping by +rep for you!!!


by the way everyone, i know im new here, but i will be posting pictures every other day, and replying to everyone as soon as possible!!! love the site and everyone here is very helpful


Well-Known Member
Big pots for lil autos I agree, they dont like being transplanted.
Check out my Hobbes diy air pots. They stop root circling an increased his yield 25%. My journal has information on em on the first page. Make em very cheep.

I hate the gnats, its not MG grows fault. They are living on the shelfs at the store.
Before I buy soil now i look around under an between the bags, an If I see dead gnats I go elsewhere.
Stoped em 100% for me.


after a whole lot of research, i found the larve eat the roots, and the gnats eat the organics and nutrients in the soil. im hoping its why after the initial 4 leaves had grown, the plants both stopped growing. so i gave them a boost of mg fertilizer and once growth began again, i laid out sticky traps for the adults and a layer of sand on top of the soil. problem solved, both plants took off after day 12, however i do believe this is why i have 6" plants. but i cannot prove untill i chop them down and examine the root structure. scheduled harvest dates are plant 1= 2/21 and plant 2= 3/6. i hope it wont take any longer because i just started a blueberry fem under a 26 watt cfl 6500k yesterday (pics comming tomorrow as well as another thread for it)


plant one day 43 top.jpgplant one day 43 side view,.jpg red dwarf 1 day 43 , looking good, lot of hairs turning brown, scoped out the trichomes with 16x loupe and there still clear ! day 31 for red dwarf 2 and has grown and inch taller then 1 alreadyRed dwarf 2 day 31.jpg


Well-Known Member
Ive grown Lowryder, an red dwarf was sooooo much better weed than Lowryder.
Ive been thinking about tryn the others from Buddah seeds, white dwarf, phobos an demos.
Them spanish companys are under rated.
I got some seeds from Pyramid (tut, osiris an anestesia) an Cannabias Power skunk.
And this year im going to try them.


hell yeah, i have like 6 more random seeds left all fem (i hope) and 4 red dwarfs left, not sure where i will go next time, attitude worked well for me!