Red light during flowering?

Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
Hey all, i have one pretty simple question. I currently have 4 babies under 2 100 watt 6500k fluoros soon to be 4. I have a 3 ft long red tube that i would like to put up along with 4 soft white fluoros once i start flowering..The tube is similar to a fluoro tube except much skinnier (dont think its neon). Will it make a difference? (I would post a pic i have but firefox keeps shutting down everytime i try to upload it:wall:.. much love:leaf:


Well-Known Member
rope lights are useless because they have very low light production just enough to dimmly lit a doorway... Ive tried to use them a while back around the base of my plants no pics sorry but i dumped em in a month they helped not at all!...

Young Macdonald

Well-Known Member
Looks pretty much like these..It seems like it would give off enough light if place 1-4 inches of plants..Or i could just be dreaming:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Those are indiglo lights they are flouresant and used at clubs.. ive seen them used there not rope lights and will help densen up your flowering plants just an fyi!