where are you at? east coast doesn't seem likely anytime soon but who knows.
moving... haven't decided where for sure yet... all the western states and CO are still in the mix with different reasons to go for each... I wanna try and visit seattle later this year to check it out... don't know if i'll get a chance to or not.
Actually my daughter is one of the main reasons I want to move... I don't want her to grow up in an environment where DARE is preaching to her starting in elementary school that her dad's bad and she should rat her family out... or having to keep it some big secret from her... i'd like her to grow up in an environment like in those states where it's basically treated like alcohol... also don't want her to see her dad going to jail for what he loves to do

moving to those other states doesn't completely eliminate that risk, but it makes it as small as possible.
So here's my pro/con list:
* CO - Pros: Lots of family there, most similar culturally to the state i'm from of the choices, i've been there a lot, LEGAL. Cons: Fucking cold a lot of the time. Family (that are not pro-mj), the regulators are already doing everything they can to squeeze people like me (small timers (esp coming from out of state)) out of the market through regulations
* WA - Pros: Seattle is a techie city, and i'm a techie guy. Never been there, but I like what I know of it. LEGAL. seattle has an international airport. Coastal city. Largest population in the NW of my wife's culture. CONS: EX WIFE ALERT!! Also adopted daughter lives there and I envision if I move there every time she has an argument with her mom I'm going to be in the middle... fuck that. Seattle is probably off the list for this reason. Can be as cold as CO at times but not worried about it that much... i don't mind the rain either

Legal regulations same issue as colorado in fact i wouldn't even be able to apply to be a legal commercial grower until 2014 (or later) and even then there's no guarantee as the approvals are on an as available/needed basis. Fuck that. Could go medical but they're already trying to screw the medical people over to make sure they don't miss tax money.
* OR/Portland: Pros: The city I'm from is the Portland of the south culturally... watching Portlandia almost feels like home as far as the kind of people. The culture there appeals to my independent streak. Love their medical limits. Lotta nerds around there I'd love to get to know and be a part of that group. I'm not as old as he is, but I kind of picture myself becoming a Dave from Weeden type eventually out in the country. Cons: I think they're next for legal (though this could be a positive depending on how it happens)... seems like more of a gray market as far as supplying for medical. Portland's job market not great if I needed to do that... i'm planning on doing part time remote work at that point though so shouldn't matter.
* CA: Pros: Second most visited state, have a friend there who also grows and whose wife is good friends with mine, largest population of her cultural group in the US in socal and parts of nocal. Same benefits of being close to the coast as LA including international airport. It's fucking Cali! Possibly the biggest reason: seems like the prospects for a small time commercial grower from out of state are best here/easiest to get into... lots of competition, but easiest to probably get started in. Where my friend lives it's practically a hop, skip and a jump to Vegas... not a big Vegas fan, but I am a big UFC fan... and I could see becoming a bigger Vegas fan with more extra cash to spend. Cons: It's fucking Cali -- high taxes combined with an ineffective and overreaching government. Unpredictability based on what's going on with the dispensaries getting shut down and all the different places trying to put in restrictions... I figure when CA legalizes it the government will find a way to fuck the mj growers even worse than the other states are trying to....
At least with CA or OR, if they legalize I'll already be a resident by then... i think both WA and CO have some restrictions on people moving in from out of state... may be just one and not the other though...
What to do what to do

I'll probably wait til after the new year to make a decision since a lot of stuff with the laws is up in the air in all these places... gotta see how it shakes out