Well-Known Member
Agreed , he'd have a full time job sucking off hairy backed greek guys at the bath house & his nutritional requirements would be met at the same time .
His best hope is to find a job as a tampon .
Agreed , he'd have a full time job sucking off hairy backed greek guys at the bath house & his nutritional requirements would be met at the same time .
His best hope is to find a job as a tampon .
You're my hero. Seriously.Dude im normally pretty mellow when responding to your threads & i try n be nice but i cant take your constant belly aching anymore ,im gonna lay some ugly truths out for you this time , you could stop reading now to save the ass chewin .
First off wtf is wrong with your brain ?
That was a serious question , your main concerns are will you be able to loaf about like a sea slug & do nothing physical ,your worried you might have to excercise, do you want more outta life than a job as a telephone bill collector that everybody cusses out ?
Then your worried about being bossed around , god damm man your momma is sending your ass to rehab , your still being bossed by momma ,you should be used to being bossed around like a lacky so get used to it & like it !
Next you want to know if there will be drugs at rehab , are you fukin kidding me ,
Yes , all the dried cum you can snort off the community shower stall wall .
Then you want video games & fukin internet too , oh wait plus good food cause god knows your used to mommas cooking , or fucking take out , you got fired from making ice cream cones for kiddys so i doubt you have enough gumption to cook yourself a fukin pork chop .
Im not even gonna adress the other stupidity filled questions you posed , instead im gonna tell you what momma should ,your problem isnt weed its that your lazy as hell & have an expectation of deserving the good things in life that hard working folks enjoy , like weed,video games,internet & good food , the only thing you deserve is a kick in the ass , better yet a kick in the nutts so they'll drop , you need a dad to slap the shit out of you .
If i was your parent your ass would be eating dollar store oatmeal , i'd feed your ass a bowl of gruel at 630 am & make you get ready to look for work , by 7 am i'd have hour lunch packed ( a scoop of gruel in a paper sack ) then i'd put you on your bicycle , shove your mushy ass down the driveway & tell you not to come back till 10 pm , that way you'd get excercise & put in job applications , its a win win deal for everybody .
I'd shut your internet off , give away every video game in the house to some crack whore , take away your i-phone & give you a walkie talkie where i could beep you & cuss your ass out throught the day making sure you were job hunting , if you even whined one time no oatmeal for dinner , your ass would go to bed hungry to think about how you allowed yourself to become a lame brained mushy butt at 20 yrs old.
How dare you allow your mother to spend her money on sending you to rehab for smoking weed , all because she is willing to do anything to get you off that big mushy butt & get a damm job like a man .
Im 63 fuckin yrs old & so far today i split a face cord of wood & stacked it , ate an 80 mg oxycontin ,cleaned my dog kennels & composted the feces , smoked a fat ass hash joint with Mrs Panhead , came in & made my wife lunch & had a stiff drink with our lunch , did the laundry & had another stiff drink , prepped dinner for us & had another drink , now im sitting here sipping on some very nice apple brandy & thinking about doing some dabs with my wife before dinner, ive been fucked up since 11am & still got a ton of shit done , i have our squabs baking in the oven for dinner right now & havent even begun to defile myself with booze & weed to the point i cant get shit done tomorrow .
Weed dont make you lazy , lazy makes you lazy & no damm rehab on earth is gonna fix lazy & entitled , tell your mom to save her cash on the fancy Florida vacation rehab & go check yourself into the Salvation Army rehab that costs nothing .
Oh & dont post anymore of these whiny ass threads bo hoo'ing about your fuked up no job havin ass , were all sick of it .
I was going to post in that thread how a milkshake will probably be the end of me.
I've been lactose intolerant for the last few years, and it's only getting worse. But I love ice cream, and make a milkshake a few times a week at night. Acid reflux has happened too me now a few times so bad, I thought I was going to die.
I Wake up and can't breathe after inhaling choked up stomache acid. Fucking bulshit!
I've never been to rehab, and I don't know what your main substance abuse problem is, so I can't really give you any valuable advice on the question you askedAs you all know my life has not been on a
correct path lately, i live with my mother and she has decided I go to rehab, since she thinks bud is the reason for most of my problems. She now has it set up to where I fly to Florida a week from now.
So I searched up what is rehab like and I didn't find any results/reviews which were made by real people who actually went just websites explaining frequently asked questions.
So I ask if there is anyone who has went to rehab, what is rehab really like ?
Is it bad, full of junkies fighting and what not ?
Are there drugs in rehab ?
Will I have my own room or a roommate ?
Do they make you exercise ?
Is the food good ?
Will I be bossed around ?
Will I be able to leave the center sometimes ?
Is there internet, video games, or anything entertaining?
That's it Thanks in advance for answers.
I'm sure this has been said already...
But I can't go through 8 pages on my phone.
Still a good fucking song though.
Well I was going to offer to suck your dick whilst listening to that song.Page threeand it's not that good of a song, really....
People are funny ducks...I'm pretty sure we got rid of Skywalker this time. I don't believe that picture he posted is of himself because I doubt he's some 18 year old dumbass and like ChingOwn says, he's a 300+ pound black woman.
This reminds me of rainman when he posted that picture of a girl off the internet claiming it was his girlfriend then padawan came around with the same pic lol
Honestly I think he was banned because if you look at his profile it doesn't show his last activity which is the same with banned accounts...I'm pretty sure we got rid of Skywalker this time. I don't believe that picture he posted is of himself because I doubt he's some 18 year old dumbass and like ChingOwn says, he's a 300+ pound black woman.
This reminds me of rainman when he posted that picture of a girl off the internet claiming it was his girlfriend then padawan came around with the same pic lol
I'm pretty sure we got rid of Skywalker this time. I don't believe that picture he posted is of himself because I doubt he's some 18 year old dumbass and like ChingOwn says, he's a 300+ pound black woman.
This reminds me of rainman when he posted that picture of a girl off the internet claiming it was his girlfriend then padawan came around with the same pic lol
I saved it, I'm gonna draw dicks all over itBelieve it or not, that picture is my current self.
All the shit you just said you would do to me myDude im normally pretty mellow when responding to your threads & i try n be nice but i cant take your constant belly aching anymore ,im gonna lay some ugly truths out for you this time , you could stop reading now to save the ass chewin .
First off wtf is wrong with your brain ?
That was a serious question , your main concerns are will you be able to loaf about like a sea slug & do nothing physical ,your worried you might have to excercise, do you want more outta life than a job as a telephone bill collector that everybody cusses out ?
Then your worried about being bossed around , god damm man your momma is sending your ass to rehab , your still being bossed by momma ,you should be used to being bossed around like a lacky so get used to it & like it !
Next you want to know if there will be drugs at rehab , are you fukin kidding me ,
Yes , all the dried cum you can snort off the community shower stall wall .
Then you want video games & fukin internet too , oh wait plus good food cause god knows your used to mommas cooking , or fucking take out , you got fired from making ice cream cones for kiddys so i doubt you have enough gumption to cook yourself a fukin pork chop .
Im not even gonna adress the other stupidity filled questions you posed , instead im gonna tell you what momma should ,your problem isnt weed its that your lazy as hell & have an expectation of deserving the good things in life that hard working folks enjoy , like weed,video games,internet & good food , the only thing you deserve is a kick in the ass , better yet a kick in the nutts so they'll drop , you need a dad to slap the shit out of you .
If i was your parent your ass would be eating dollar store oatmeal , i'd feed your ass a bowl of gruel at 630 am & make you get ready to look for work , by 7 am i'd have hour lunch packed ( a scoop of gruel in a paper sack ) then i'd put you on your bicycle , shove your mushy ass down the driveway & tell you not to come back till 10 pm , that way you'd get excercise & put in job applications , its a win win deal for everybody .
I'd shut your internet off , give away every video game in the house to some crack whore , take away your i-phone & give you a walkie talkie where i could beep you & cuss your ass out throught the day making sure you were job hunting , if you even whined one time no oatmeal for dinner , your ass would go to bed hungry to think about how you allowed yourself to become a lame brained mushy butt at 20 yrs old.
How dare you allow your mother to spend her money on sending you to rehab for smoking weed , all because she is willing to do anything to get you off that big mushy butt & get a damm job like a man .
Im 63 fuckin yrs old & so far today i split a face cord of wood & stacked it , ate an 80 mg oxycontin ,cleaned my dog kennels & composted the feces , smoked a fat ass hash joint with Mrs Panhead , came in & made my wife lunch & had a stiff drink with our lunch , did the laundry & had another stiff drink , prepped dinner for us & had another drink , now im sitting here sipping on some very nice apple brandy & thinking about doing some dabs with my wife before dinner, ive been fucked up since 11am & still got a ton of shit done , i have our squabs baking in the oven for dinner right now & havent even begun to defile myself with booze & weed to the point i cant get shit done tomorrow .
Weed dont make you lazy , lazy makes you lazy & no damm rehab on earth is gonna fix lazy & entitled , tell your mom to save her cash on the fancy Florida vacation rehab & go check yourself into the Salvation Army rehab that costs nothing .
Oh & dont post anymore of these whiny ass threads bo hoo'ing about your fuked up no job havin ass , were all sick of it .
Hey! Don't post my picture all over the place seriously!!!