Rehab ?

I've never been to rehab, and I don't know what your main substance abuse problem is, so I can't really give you any valuable advice on the question you asked

But what I can tell you is that if you live in your moms house and she believes your life is at the point where you require rehab in order to save it, unless she's the sort of person to consistently overreact or exaggerate issues, follow her instructions as she only wants what's best for you.

So let me ask you some questions.. Do you think you're at the point where you need rehab? Do you think it would help your current situation? Do you mind if I ask how the relationship between you and your mother currently is, or how it's been previously?

The relationship i have
with my mom is great, it
has been previously great.
And like I said before I know I do not need rehab but I just wanna go cause I heard they can set me up with a future when I get out.
Insightful tough love and rehab are what will begin to help you be honest with yourself, so (maybe) you will succeed one day. You may have some potential but from everything I've read you have almost no life experience as an adult and basically don't know shit. not knowing shit IS a serious problem that you clearly are in denial about. do you know shit?
Insightful tough love and rehab are what will begin to help you be honest with yourself, so (maybe) you will succeed one day. You may have some potential but from everything I've read you have almost no life experience as an adult and basically don't know shit. not knowing shit IS a serious problem that you clearly are in denial about. do you know shit?

What do you mean, do i know shit ?
Insightful tough love and rehab are what will begin to help you be honest with yourself, so (maybe) you will succeed one day. You may have some potential but from everything I've read you have almost no life experience as an adult and basically don't know shit. not knowing shit IS a serious problem that you clearly are in denial about. do you know shit?

I don't know tough love is
just something i can't handle no matter how positively try to think about it, i appreciate the ones
who explained what rehab was like though.
I know I do not need rehab but I just wanna go cause I heard they can set me up with a future when I get out.
Is that the only reason you "want" to go?

If that's the case, rehab will not help you. You have to WANT to quit whatever you're using. That is the purpose of rehab

You need to look elsewhere to solidify your future. Look inside. What do you like? What could you do for 8 hours a day? Get good at that. Get used to LOVING THAT. You have to love it in order to succeed in it. If you don't, you won't. That is life, and I personally hate it, but that's the reality we face. Get good at something you love, that is the best possible life you can lead!
Is that the only reason you "want" to go?

If that's the case, rehab will not help you. You have to WANT to quit whatever you're using. That is the purpose of rehab

You need to look elsewhere to solidify your future. Look inside. What do you like? What could you do for 8 hours a day? Get good at that. Get used to LOVING THAT. You have to love it in order to succeed in it. If you don't, you won't. That is life, and I personally hate it, but that's the reality we face. Get good at something you love, that is the best possible life you can lead!

That's what i heard this specific rehab will do for me I hope it's true if it's not I will be extremely frustrated, and die, cause the only places that are hiring out here are pizza stores looking for delivery drivers I should've gotten a license.
Yo skywalker.

I wasnt sure how you took it. But im completely serious in what i said you should do.
You really need to go live some. Stop being a bitch. Thats not tough love. I really do like you though man, i kinda feel bad for you. Almost see a part of my middle school self in you. But thats the problem!
Stop being a bitch. I wish i could better put into words what im trying to say.

Build your self confidence. How often do you have sex? Real question. Go get you some life skills. Obviously im really fond of chemistry and pharmacology, i also studied/study theoretical/quantum physics.. not only do these apply to everyday life, the beauty in lifes workings but they help you get a job. Build vocabulary (not unnecessarily either, i hate people who use big worgs to seem smart) you will be more successful in any endeavor having a real education. Study anything you can, knowledge is amazing. Will help you with your spouse, your future kids and how your viewed
Im also a firm believer that the college experience is very important in a young person breaking out into the world. Its completely different than high school in many ways. Besides the classes attendance etc, but the whole culture.

Ugh hopefully you get what im trying to say
That's what i heard this specific rehab will do for me I hope it's true if it's not I will be extremely frustrated, and die, cause the only places that are hiring out here are pizza stores looking for delivery drivers I should've gotten a license.
PM me dude, lets talk privately about this. I've been where you are, don't ever think that's the end.
Yo skywalker.

I wasnt sure how you took it. But im completely serious in what i said you should do.
You really need to go live some. Stop being a bitch. Thats not tough love. I really do like you though man, i kinda feel bad for you. Almost see a part of my middle school self in you. But thats the problem!
Stop being a bitch. I wish i could better put into words what im trying to say.

Build your self confidence. How often do you have sex? Real question. Go get you some life skills. Obviously im really fond of chemistry and pharmacology, i also studied/study theoretical/quantum physics.. not only do these apply to everyday life, the beauty in lifes workings but they help you get a job. Build vocabulary (not unnecessarily either, i hate people who use big worgs to seem smart) you will be more successful in any endeavor having a real education. Study anything you can, knowledge is amazing. Will help you with your spouse, your future kids and how your viewed
Im also a firm believer that the college experience is very important in a young person breaking out into the world. Its completely different than high school in many ways. Besides the classes attendance etc, but the whole culture.

Ugh hopefully you get what im trying to say

See now most of these
people think im just a lazy person who doesn't try, it took me a long time to find
that job at braums, I walked 3 and a half hours to get to the interviews, basically the issue I have is I'm tired of trying to no avail, before this rehab idea came up I was still looking for any type of work I could get I embarrassed myself going
to fill out applications with a sweaty musty stench from walking in the sun all day, this is probably the main reason i never got a call back from any of those places I took everyone on here advice, and I tried to execute it to the best of my ability.

I even listened to Gary Goodson, cause I really did not want to walk to any of these places at all but I just sucked it up and went for it, I figured well if all that is not going to work what is ?

That's just basically my take on this situation, to try and explain to people that I'm not just complaining to
complain, and why i think rehab is a good idea.