Religion a form of Control?


New Member
IMHO "RELIGION" is a scape goat and has been used as an excuse and as a means of control for centuries. I personally believe in no one's idea of what their religion means to them. However, that being said, I have a personal relationship with the God of my understanding. And it is based on FAITH.


Well-Known Member
...I'm not sure if you're messing around or not, but I'll answer seriously :lol:

Yes. And. No.

Government is organization. All that man does, at a 3rd tier level, is to organize himself to ensure procreation. "Religion" is procreation in the mind, but also in the flesh. Religion in the mind is both hemispheres united. Religion in the's fun as hell!

thats a bunch of bullshit words thrown together to sound nice. no offense :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
...this was my point. :) I was messin' around about how man at his primal level 'governs' himself to 'get some'...

Oh! GET SOME... Heard of Snot before? Hmm, something new to post in the music thread. :)
Heh, yeah - I mean humans are pack animals, and to live in a pack there must be a hierarchy. There's never really been a true "state of nature", (see Thomas Hobbes).


i thought christianity promoted goodness and what not ...

im not religious but thought that ..

I guess it distracts people from what really goes on . If america really trusted in God they wouldnt be doing half the things they are doing haha .

"in GOD we trust"... pffft give me a break . lol


Well-Known Member
i thought christianity promoted goodness and what not ...

im not religious but thought that ..

I guess it distracts people from what really goes on . If america really trusted in God they wouldnt be doing half the things they are doing haha .

"in GOD we trust"... pffft give me a break . lol
Well, that can go both ways. If we did what God commanded us to, we'd end up a federal penitentiary looking at 25-life.

You have to cherry pick the good things and discard the bad in order to be a somewhat moral person.

If you lived your life 100% according to the Bible you would not be what I consider a moral person.


Weed Modifier


Well-Known Member
There was this stupid parasitic species that thought they had shit all figured out. Then they died off. The End.


Well-Known Member
Before man invented Christ he tried to please the gods. When different tribes or kingdoms clashed, the peons were told their god would protect them and bring them victory. Whoever won had the stronger god. I believe the kings and their courts used their fabricated gods to motivate the masses to fight for their leaders and to keep them from being afraid to fight to the death. Damn the dark ages. Pun intended.


Before man invented Christ he tried to please the gods. When different tribes or kingdoms clashed, the peons were told their god would protect them and bring them victory. Whoever won had the stronger god. I believe the kings and their courts used their fabricated gods to motivate the masses to fight for their leaders and to keep them from being afraid to fight to the death. Damn the dark ages. Pun intended.

Funny how the side without God always loses.
When sons forget everything fathers teach we become idiots, I'm curious Atheist, who taught you not to believe in God? Sure as hell wasn't your parents, well at least not your grand parents. Wise as donkeys, as harmless as a thumb tack.


Well-Known Member
Funny how the side without God always loses.
When sons forget everything fathers teach we become idiots, I'm curious Atheist, who taught you not to believe in God? Sure as hell wasn't your parents, well at least not your grand parents. Wise as donkeys, as harmless as a thumb tack.
Someone has to indoctrinate you to believe in imaginary sky wizards before you have to learn to not believe. No one has to teach a rational person to not believe, it is the default, natural state of every person.


Well-Known Member
i call you on your "indoctrination" fallacy... why do atheists believe that all believers are "indoctrinated"?

Someone has to indoctrinate you to believe in imaginary sky wizards before you have to learn to not believe. No one has to teach a rational person to not believe, it is the default, natural state of every person.


Well-Known Member
and now that you are here, i got a question on evolution that has been bothering me for a while and cant get over it

the overlapping of species is what i do not understand why it has not taken place in our time or since records have been kept H. sapiens?

I just am dumbfounded that there has not been any other species except for us on this planet. i know bone records and all that of other species that predate us, but they did overlap, why is there no overlapping with us?


Well-Known Member
i call you on your "indoctrination" fallacy... why do atheists believe that all believers are "indoctrinated"?
Because if people weren't indoctrinated, most every rational person out there, including you, would reject the idea out of hand.