Well-Known Member
Hey everyone! I've got an idea! Let's watch Richard Dawkins make an ass of himself by using phrases like "flying spaghetti monsters" and ASSuming a woman was brought up Christian just because she lives in America!
He states that he is making a presumption right at the opening. He can make this assumption because 70 percent of Americans call themselves Christian. He is speaking at Liberty University, the motto of which is "Training Champions for Christ". He can then assume, with a substantially better than 70 percent chance of being right, that she is Christian. And she is questioning statements he just made, which put the view into context. She has the opportunity to correct him if he is wrong.
I don't see what's asinine about referring to the probabilities of existence of the Flying Spaghetti Monster or Celestial Teapot or any other religion in comparison to God or Jesus.
Unless you have the preconceived notion that any or all of them is real, there is nothing to prove the existence of any one is more probable than the other.
The full lecture is quite interesting.