I was irritated when I learned you can't edit posts past a certain age, because there is a security risk there, especially with the servers on U.S. soil and the fucking U.S. Constitution ERODING BEFORE OUR VERY EYES.
Now you're fucking with the fundamental basis of what makes this an attractive website. Do you not realize how important social elements are to the average user these days???
This is fucking ridiculous. I'm taking my business elsewhere. Nice job, ROLLITUP.
I wouldn't be surprised if this is fucking government managed, the way you guys shit on your users.
There, I've said my piece. Ban me if you want. I don't care. Your site is degrading before my very eyes, and there are plenty of other grow forums i can go to. It's just FUCKING SAD, because I REALLY thought you guys had something going on here, something different... a strong sense of community, and maybe even a sense of connection between the "higher ups" and the "average guy." Whoops, I was wrong.