Remember when......


Well-Known Member
i remember field day and field trips both being awesome. from what ive heard, they dont really do it so much anymore too. i went camping for a week to a camp for a class trip in 5th grade and it was so awesome. ill never forget it. and that was like 14 or 13 years ago. Now schools dont want the kids to do shit but read liberal written books and not have an opinion.
the goverment is a fuckin joke.

oh yea, and remember TAB?

curious old fart

Well-Known Member
I remember being in library in the 8th grade when the principal came in and said that John Kennedy had been assasinated...going to concerts where Herman's Hermits were the opening act for The Animals which finished with The Who...gas was 20 cents a gallon and cigarettes were 18 cents...enlisting in the air force to keep from being cannon fodder during the draft...taking two weeks to sober up when after being in the service for 14 months they started the draft lottery and my number came up 355...when a cuban defector flying a stolen mig fighter aircraft parked next to Air Force One at Homestead Air Force Base(I was there)...but don't ask me what I did yesterday, cause I don't remember



Well-Known Member
I remember when when kids played with pogs lol back in grade 3-5 pogs were the shit, kids were (OUTSIDE PLAYING) i know strange hey Saturday cartoons were from like 8 - 3pm He-Man,Chip n Dale, Captain Planet, Sliver Hawks , Caption Bucky "O" Hair, THUNDERCATS , Transformers, duck- tails are cartoons still on on weekends? i miss thai sticks the real ones not the ones that pop up now. 1cent candy, lol pagers were new thing, real dime bags lol things change and im only 25. 20 inch tv man they were heavy. lol 8-track i know a lil before my time but still used them and real albums on that big round disk called a record player, toys like GI joes with the kung fu grip, lol gi joe and Barby lol 1st porno toys you had to move to play with. marbles army men were so fun


Well-Known Member
I remember being in library in the 8th grade when the principal came in and said that John Kennedy had been assasinated...going to concerts where Herman's Hermits were the opening act for The Animals which finished with The Who...gas was 20 cents a gallon and cigarettes were 18 cents...enlisting in the air force to keep from being cannon fodder during the draft...taking two weeks to sober up when after being in the service for 14 months they started the draft lottery and my number came up 355...when a cuban defector flying a stolen mig fighter aircraft parked next to Air Force One at Homestead Air Force Base(I was there)...but don't ask me what I did yesterday, cause I don't remember


that is living the history old fart thanks for ur service bro sp4 army


Well-Known Member
Sound off if you remember fucking with the tv tube testing machines they used to have at the grocery store. I always had to go push the buttons.


Well-Known Member
I remember playing with the tube tester for TVs.....I remember when the guy would come to your house and fix the TV
Hell I remember when Doctors use to come to your house to fix ya up.
Hell I remember when we didnt study History in school we Studied PRESENT


Active Member
I remember;

My first car was a 1966 convertible Mustang....$200 bucks used and in great shape...

I sold "Lids" for 10 bucks

You had to sift the seeds and stems out of your pot...there really were no buds.

I could ride the bus in San Francisco for a nickle.

I wasn't allowed to wear pants to school, girls could only wear skirts/dresses.

Nobody ate meat on Fridays...always fish...they even covered up the meat at the butcher shop and displayed only fish.

Hippies were only in the San Francisco Bay Area

When Castro district was mostly straight families.

When you got gas, they used to wash your windows, check your oil and tire pressure at the gas station...routinely. They had a cord that went across the driveway, when you drove over it, it went "ding" and the attendant would come running out.

Cartoons only played on Saturdays....some religious ones scattered around on Sundays.

I have to stop, my list is too long as I am ancient!!