Remember when......


Active Member
i remember when i was younger my mom would send me to the corner store with a note and some cash so they would let me buy smokes for her


Well-Known Member
remember the little, for $2 you would be high for like 8 hours...the little yellow ones called "sunshine" were the best...summer of 82'
I wrecked my first car right in front of the high school while tripping on purple micro-dots. Ran a red light and hit a lady in a little Honda car. What a bad trip that ended up being. Thank God nobody was hurt, and nobody called the police.


Well-Known Member
Shrinky Dinks.

Full Service Gas Stations.

G.I. Joe.

Not the miniature 'action figures' of the 80's; the full size mofo. The one who fucked your sister's Barbie collection and bitch-slapped the shit out of Ken.


Well-Known Member
Shrinky Dinks.

Full Service Gas Stations.

G.I. Joe.

Not the miniature 'action figures' of the 80's; the full size mofo. The the one who fucked your sister's Barbie collection and bitch-slapped the shit out of Ken.


Well-Known Member
I remember when I tried to grow weed before the Internet.
I remember when DWI wasn't a crime (at least not enforced).
I remember when the three channels available on TV actually went off the air at 2am.
I remember the VHS v. BETA debate.
I remember pushing those big silver buttons on 8-track players and never getting to the song I wanted.
I remember hairy bushes in nudie mags.

Lt. Dan

Well-Known Member
I remember when I tried to grow weed before the Internet.
I remember when DWI wasn't a crime (at least not enforced).
I remember when the three channels available on TV actually went off the air at 2am.
I remember the VHS v. BETA debate.
I remember pushing those big silver buttons on 8-track players and never getting to the song I wanted.
I remember hairy bushes in nudie mags.
Yes, I remember
throwing them out the window
yeah, they just took your beer and weed for their after work party
you had to get off your butt to change the channels
don't forget the metal movie disc
super tuner 8-track
sexy was shaved into a heart shape


Active Member
I wish I could remember the simple life.

I didnt get to live it.

And it HONESTLY depresses me every single day. I'm 19, and I crank 93.3 the eagle(classic rock) everyday at work, while the bitches that are pushin 50 listen to 105.7(pop and rap). I like metal, but that just goes hand in hand with the oldies(at least the metal I listen to does).

I would give anything in the world, to sit and smoke with some of you, laying out in a pasture next to a cow patty, listening day and night to your stories. I love you mother fuckers. Every one of you old timers.

Im thankful for my hard ass father that taught me respect. And my once-was hippie mother that showed me love.

3 dollars a fuckin gallon? Fake ass foods....over population and technology is bullshit.

Im going to stop ranting, I dont have any green to calm me down afterwards.

Much love from a new generation guy, that dreams of being a long haired, 73 nova drivin, beer drinkin acid poppin joint tokin simple livin REAL MAN.

Fuck "REALITY TV"......fake ass bitches. Id like to shoot a load on snooks face and then drop kick her with my huge left nut.

The end.

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
You might be able to do that but you can't drop that dime in a machine and get a coke(real coke colas) like I droped my nickel and got one from a machine. When they went up to 6 cents thought we would have to stop buying cokes they cost to much. can LMAO about that now.
Well it came out in 1888 for 5 cents.

It stayed at that price till 1960. 5 cents from 1888 with inflation is $1.20 today. 5 cents from 1960 with inflation is 45 cents. :)


Active Member

I'm firing one up now!

I don't live too far from you, but I don't want to lay next to any cow patties............. :)

Cheers, puff puff, pass
Bahahaha! There is nothing better than knowing you laid down without looking, then blindly looking over, and seeing that you were about 2 inches away from a buzz kill


Well-Known Member
I remember when gas was.89 your bud gave u a fiver for a ride and you were stoked cuz you got a 1/4 tank. Cigs $2. House parties were epic with good ole fights and chicks hammered outta their minds. I hooked up with a bunch of drunk chicks and never had a prob just a smile the next time we saw each other.


Well-Known Member
I wrecked my first car right in front of the high school while tripping on purple micro-dots. Ran a red light and hit a lady in a little Honda car. What a bad trip that ended up being. Thank God nobody was hurt, and nobody called the police.
oh man, driving and scary shit...I had to drive home from a concert one time,in a blizzard, after eating 2 strawberry microdots...I was scared shitless but laughing my ass off all the way home...I'm still not sure how we made it


Well-Known Member
I wrecked my first car right in front of the high school while tripping on purple micro-dots. Ran a red light and hit a lady in a little Honda car. What a bad trip that ended up being. Thank God nobody was hurt, and nobody called the police.
Never wrecked while trippin'. But if it makes you feel any better, I plowed my car into a mattress factory after falling into an alcohol induced sleep at the wheel. Ironic, no? And the police were notified...


Well-Known Member
Remember when...

Your only responsiblilties were getting your ass out of bed for school, Doing your homework and what ever chores (dishes, take out garbage and mow lawn on weekends for me) you had....

Playing outside from sunup til the sun went down and your Mom still telling you that you have to come in. Now, I'm lucky if my kids play outside for more than 2 hours a day!

And man... My dad had a home made wooden paddle. In my minds eye that fuckin thing was a foot wide and 3 feet long. It was more like 6 inches wide and maybe 18 inches long but you know how shit looked bigger when you were a kid... Anyways, that paddle had holes drilled through it, less wind resistance I later learned, and that fuckin thing wouls whistle as it came flyin towards my ass.... I hate that fuckin paddle to this day, and I'm 36. But I would love to beat my kids ass like I used to get. I promise the backtalking and whining would come to a fuckin stand still!!!!!