That's untrue. Scientismists make that claim but the reality is because of statist agenda those who have valid criticism are silenced. Those who are legit scientists and know the truth is somewhere in the middle keep quiet.
At one time gays in the DSM for psychological diseases labeled them as mentally ill. The truth eventually came out but because of government backing that gays were degenerate they were silenced, hence the term in the closet. The same with gays in the military.
Our government also said how nice we were for freeing and giving "democracy" to oppressed nations but ironically it took a gay female soldier by the name of Chelsea Manning to prove their claims were indeed bullshit.
If climate change is such a real threat why does the big good government punish the poor with smog tests, nuclear rod disposal fees on electric bills, redemption value tax on drink bottles, winterization additives expense to gas, banning plastic straws, plastic bag fees, etc.
Yet China's biggest 15 cargo ships pollute more than all the world's cars combined, corporations that don't pollute can sell carbon credits to those who do so they can continue to pollute more and more rather than fix their shit. Etc.
So it's not indicative of scientific incompetence but of scientism being the new global religion to fool the sucker populace.
Hey I'm all for not polluting and conservation, I support several environmentalists causes like Sea Shepard, but I get mad about getting lied to so I pay for assholes in government corporatism to get rich off my labor.