Renewing Your MMJ Recc


Well-Known Member
wondering about the legality of how often you need to renew your mmj recommendation in california. i'm not talking about the actual card just the recc.

thanks alot guys :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
anyone from california know anything about this? i really don't like the idea of having to renew the subscription every year or less.


Well-Known Member
Mine has an experation date 1 yr. I have heard somewhere that once you have a rec it's good for ever, but dude, I DO NOT KNOW if this is true or not. I just happly go to LA once a year to renew, it's a plus I actually like my DR. We get to catch up! lol


Well-Known Member
it's a small thing to do to stay legal, stop bitching! Remember a lot of us can only dream about going to the doc and getting a med card, consider yourself lucky!


Well-Known Member
good for one year, on your actual paperwork, it gives the experation date. one year and then renew it again. another 100 bucks.


Well-Known Member
Ya but I think the question is..... is that date legal, did the dr.s just put them there to get us to renew or is it "once you have a rec, you always have a rec?". Just like my Dr. (for $150) will write me a rec that would allow me to grow more then the 12/6 limits, even though that was turned over several months ago.... there are alot of grey areas in this whole prop 215. Even though I thank god evevryday that our great state had the balls to vote it in!


Well-Known Member
right, dont have that answer, why would they put an exparation on the card unless they wanted more of your money... Right?


Well-Known Member
i dont care about these outside opinions. i know its is a miracle our state actually got these laws passed. and i dont want to know what "is a small thing to do" i want to know what my legal rights are. if you dont i am sorry that you dont have mmj but with that kind of mindset it will be hard to get it. challenge the government where you have a legitimate claim dont just be grateful things aren't as bad as they used to be.


stays relevant.
See if your doctor will renew you for a discount. If not, there are plenty of places that will renew you for $80.

Perhaps I will find a business card for some affordable recommendations for you, unless someone here, or you have one?


Well-Known Member
i found a recommendation for 150 thats the cheapest i have found yet and they offer 100 dollar renewals i think. but it doesnt seem legitimate to me that you have to renew and pay more all the time. over 10 years at $100 a renewal thatll be $1000!! and its not like a normal perscription, you are not getting anything but the recc and the doc's time. sorry maybe i am seeming a little cheap to some of you but i don't own a house and have a good paying job, i'm a college student trying to get through school and $100 is alot of money for me to have to pay every year right now. thanks for your input guys. anyone with any legal information regarding this issue please post it will be much appreciated.


Well-Known Member
If you are really in medical need then you will be going to the Dr. on a regular basis anyway. You kids that go to quack Dr's that only write rec's for the money are the ones that will cause a good law to fail.


Uses the Rollitup profile
Pardon me, but I wouldn't call a doctor a quack if he is compassionate enough to risk his medical license to help patients and further our cause. And who are you to say that someone else is not a patient that benefits from marijuana use? Each MMJ patient is helping to justify the cause, and we should be grateful for their involvement.

To answer about the legality of the annual checkup, there is none. That is a doctor who is covering his ass in case he gets called on his care, and rightly so because their ass is on the line.

So legally your rec doesn't have to be up to date. The times that law enforcement has looked at my rec, they didn't notice the expired date. The only thing that I know of is some dispensaries won't provide to patients with expired recs.

HTH :mrgreen:

weed ho

Active Member
In Oregon we renew every year. What's 100 big ones compared to the asking price on the street? Hell, 200 would be a deal. I'm just so very happy to live where I can grow with no hassle.

Care givers are making out like bandits!:cuss:


Well-Known Member
Fman, I dont think you have the authority to judge what is or isn't a legitimate reason for medical marijuana. doctors give out other types of prescriptions for much smaller reasons than why i would be getting my card. True i don't have a super bad or even worse, a potentially fatal disease. But I do have chronic pain in both feet, i broke one and walked on it for a year before i went to the doctor for an unrelated reason (i broke my other foot skating) and he told me that my left foot was broken and my right had been broken at some point and healed poorly. marijuana helps ease this aching especially during cold wheather. I also have trouble sleeping and i find marijuana helps, this is another legitimate reason in my opinion, although is not why i would be getting my card.

Thanks for your info guys,
so what your saying is that mmj reccs dont have to be renewed but the doctors do it to cover their asses?


Well-Known Member
The recommendation my doctor gave me does not have an expiration date. Just the date the recommendation was made. However, if you were to verify my recommendation online, it states "expiration is 1 year from letter date" and has the date of my letter.


Well-Known Member
Most states require yearly renewal. I'm not sure about CA, but you can find out easily through the THC Foundations website. The reason being is that your doctor needs to affirm that your condition still exists, and that medical cannabis is still needed to relieve your symptoms. A small thing to ask, really. For my pain medications I have to call in refills every two weeks, and one of them has to be picked up once a month at the doctors office. I am also required to come in and see him for a check up visit every month or two.


Active Member
Medimar bro...100bricks. i got a new doc..i requested for my old one but they said no go... i didnt have a problem renewing...the doc was high as fuck to..hahahahha...."u know what son....u have to go and get a Az drivers cali they chack ur d.l every ten years.." "oh son u have to read this book" i was there for so long i forgot where the fuck i was at..hahahaha...