Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

I think im haveing this issue, where there long and kinda bobble head-ish, can you suggest a change.

View attachment 2152311 My set up is kinda whack, I have a CFL in a lamp, and a foil chamber to be reflective....would put the outside which was the original plan but we have been haveing terrible weather in general. Also do they stress if I mive them too much, on a ice sunny day I would like to move them outside on a sunny day

Hey man, dont put em right in the full sun all at once, it would kill them. First day shade, next day doppled shade, next day full sun (or stretch that out longer, even, if you want. It wont hurt)
hi there i just stumbled on this thread and had a look at your pic. foil in a grow room is a complete no no. it actually does not reflect and absorbs the light. Just thought i would give ya the heads up mate

I dont use foil my man

I use mylar or diamond sheets
Do I really need to burry the plant couple cm lower, I'm sure it is neccesary if it has stretched really high, but the 5cm? What about the top layer of soil then, the roots won't grow upwards will they? I'm just curious.
Do I really need to burry the plant couple cm lower, I'm sure it is neccesary if it has stretched really high, but the 5cm? What about the top layer of soil then, the roots won't grow upwards will they? I'm just curious.

don't worry,i byrryed my appr.10 sm.,no ill effects(thanks,goten,they were streching really bad,i was panicedkiss-ass)now,7-8 weeks later they are 3-5 feet high(sativa dominant guerilla),allready started flowering(just a bit),and i was wondering how tall they will at the end,and i was useing UB"s get 2 or 4 main colas(thanks UB),it works great,i can just imagine how tall they would be without cutting them at the 2 node,when they had 6 nodes.that proves that burring the stretchy stems is actually beneficial(more roots i gess)
To be honest, I'm clueless as to why this is a sticky. It's poorly written and full of bad information...
im gonna have to do this tomorrow, im a noob to the whole forum thing and was curious what a bump, +rep and a sticky hahah :/ dont eat me alive haha
To be honest, I'm clueless as to why this is a sticky. It's poorly written and full of bad information...

Not all of us can write up a perfect essay like you i guess

What maters is that the people who do read it can understand what what im saying ( regardless of proper grammar and punctuation and shit ) this is not grammar school its a marijuana forum

The info i gave in the first post to help some noobs out is NOT bad information it is good and correct info , if it was such bad info then it would not have helped the ones who tried it and SUCCEEDED
Not all of us can write up a perfect essay like you i guess

What maters is that the people who do read it can understand what what im saying ( regardless of proper grammar and punctuation and shit ) this is not grammar school its a marijuana forum

The info i gave in the first post to help some noobs out is NOT bad information it is good and correct info , if it was such bad info then it would not have helped the ones who tried it and SUCCEEDED

i agree 100%,it worked for me like a magic,i allready harvested 2 days ago first plants(part of them),who hase been buryed by goten's method,they grew 5-8 feet tall,got a good harvest,not remarkable,do to poor care(guerilla).but still good one.that proofs to me that this works,even better then to replant-i have not seen ENY stress on my plants,they were started inside under sfl's,stretced soo bad first 2 weeks,then i buried them,lowered the lithes,and 2 weeks later they went outsade topped and with good root sistem,no even 1 wellow leaf!in my oppinion,useing this metnod promotes grow,my next part i made them stretchy by purpose,so i can bury them-not that mutch,just 3-5 sm.,-the same thing,they grew well,now they are All alive,some are 5 feet tall,little skinny,just starting preflowering.for me that even PROMOTES GROW,it may slows the grow(ONLY IF YOU REPLANT),or do something wrong,but even then it will repay later-after the transplant shock(if any)is gone,they will catch up end grow srong and healtly.just my opinion,it worked good for me.thank's agayn,gotten,+rep.
P.S.and let's not forget,that not every one here was born in US,or UK,AUSTRALIA OR CANADA(my favorite country,no offens to the oders,i have been in US,UK and CANADA,in CANADA weed was decriminalised,IDK details,but i have smoked all the time-at home,at parks,in the car,landlord knew wery well that we smoked weed every single day(3 of us,in 2-bedroom apt.,12 floor building,in downtown TORONTO,nobody cares,many times seen teens smoking on the streets,even 2-3 times at busstop,evening. i swear,i was smoking with the postman,i was at home one synday(i think it was winter 2004,expecting a pakage from UPS,smoking weed(allways strong and good,in TORONTO they have some really good weed)with a russian guy,who came to visit me at home,the UPS guy(basicly he is a postman) came,gave me the pacage,took the tip,ahd he was not in the rush to leave,we(me and my frend)were soooo hi,it took me 5 realise,that this guy wants something,staying at the door and jently asking innosent questions what language is that,is that russian(i say yes),are we russians(i say no),then way we both speak russian(i say becouse our russian is better then our english),and then i finnaly realise and asked him if he wants to
smoke weed,to come in,just to make sure hi is o.k,because this is strong shit(i think it was some hidro,taken from my vietnami frend(IDK wat was that,but was a strong shit).he made a call,say it is o.k.,we smoked
and the guy was able to go home after 2 hours.never seen him again.
THE POINT IS,that not everybody speaks english perfect,for some of us simple is better,grammary hase nothing to do with this forum,it's for growing
weed,not'' spelling bee''.I UNDERSTOOD everything,and it worked for me very good so far.just my opinion.

Thank you, my poor weak seedlings have been struggling for a couple weeks now, took to long for the light to come and suddenly my Ph is to low, so I am waiting for the soil to dry up a touch and I will attempt this.
Let me put this briskly;

If you don't want ugly, stretchy, weak seedlings, give them plenty of dirt and don't fuck with their roots.