Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

coincidentally, i just did this with a seedling right b4 i saw this thread.:leaf:

Yea me too.. looks like I didnt do so bad... my main worry was exposing the roots... also my soil was pretty moist.. today is the day 10, but the second day after the transfer... we shall see
Some handy information here, the main thing is to ensure you don't stress the plants when using them! You have to be careful when handling them!
Howdy...probably been asked to death, but I got a 5'' tall, thick stemed, palm tree looking plant, got this way while outside for a couple of days, now inside under t5 panel, set fairly low. the question is should I replant, or go with it...Im a little paranoid since this is my first successful germ out of 9 attempts and 100 bucks ..Can I just stake it up and go with it?...its a la vida auto.
hard to say without seeing a pic. i'm assuming its in soil.

personally? i'd bury the long stem by either adding more dirt to the container or transplanting to a bigger container. You say your stem is thick, and being outside, it got lots of breeze, so is probably pretty strong. you could probably get by as is. but, try to remember that the visible part of the plant is only half of it. in some respects the roots are more important than the stem and leaves. a good healthy root ball will give bigger, more potent buds. so don't get too obsessed with plant height. think instead about root spread and health. remember that the leaves only absorb a small percent of the plant's nutritional needs. the vast majority of nutes is absorbed by the roots. so each new little root strand takes up its share of water and nutes. the more roots, the more nutrition the plant can handle and the healthier the bud at fruiting time.

Ask yourself, what does that long stem contribute positively to your plant's overall health? the thickness of the stem is good, it will be able to support large buds. but the length? its really a waste of plant capacity. bury that long stem and lots and lots of little root strands will grow out of it, eager to suck up more water and nutes and preparing to make even bigger, better buds.
I came back from a weekend out of town and found one of my seedlings was stretching about 6" now after its first single blade leaves so I assume its okay to bury those or should I pluck them first? And another question I don't know if its been asked but would scoring the stem a little with a razor before doing this encourange faster/stonger rooting?
i believe this may be my issue with my plants dying around 4 weeks into growth the seedling just gets very tall then falls over i tried replanting my last plant and it just died..i am very new @ this and still learning but i don't want to just waste my seeds if the seedlings die on me after four weeks...could it simply be my lights r to high?
u can break off a stem of a plant and put it in soil and it will grow??

sorry im really new to growing lol

It can , not a big ass stem but like from a side shoot

it would be like cloning , cut at 54% angle under the bottom node , you can also slightly scrape the outer skin just a little

if you can i would get something like peat pellets though to put it in instead of just dirt also you can get some cheap cloning powder from wal mart for 5 bucks and it works great , iv used the green light cloning powder wal mart has numerous times with great success

you can also just put it in a little cup of water and it will root ( water cloning ) it takes a little longer but its the simplest method to use imo

Howdy...probably been asked to death, but I got a 5'' tall, thick stemed, palm tree looking plant, got this way while outside for a couple of days, now inside under t5 panel, set fairly low. the question is should I replant, or go with it...Im a little paranoid since this is my first successful germ out of 9 attempts and 100 bucks ..Can I just stake it up and go with it?...its a la vida auto.

i would not bury thick parts of the stalk , it can get mushy

i only re bury stretch seedlings that has a skinny stem still which will grow more roots from after re burying

like art said , hard to say without pics

I came back from a weekend out of town and found one of my seedlings was stretching about 6" now after its first single blade leaves so I assume its okay to bury those or should I pluck them first? And another question I don't know if its been asked but would scoring the stem a little with a razor before doing this encourange faster/stonger rooting?

you can re bury it all the way up to the cotyledon leaves

if its stretched real bad like the first true leaves are inches above the cotyledon leaves then you can pinch off the cotyledon leaves and re bury up to about a 1/2 " to the first set of true leaves ( as long as the stalk is still skinny like a stem and not thick like you little pinky finger

i believe this may be my issue with my plants dying around 4 weeks into growth the seedling just gets very tall then falls over i tried replanting my last plant and it just died..i am very new @ this and still learning but i don't want to just waste my seeds if the seedlings die on me after four weeks...could it simply be my lights r to high?

If your seedlings are stretching crazy long like that then bury all of it up to the cotyledon leaves and yes lower your lights

if your using cfl`s you can keep your lights right over your plants like 2 to 4 inches , if a hid light like a m.h or hps then higher

you can use your hand to adjust your hid lights to your plants ,

hold you hand over your plants and if the light is to hot for your hand then its to hot for your plants

just get a cheap thermometer and sit it on top of a party cup beside your plant and adjust the height of your hid to your temps

If you can keep you hid about a foot over your plants and not go above 80 / 85 degrees then great but if not then it needs to be higher and the further your light is the more stretch you will get ( which you dont want )

create some good airflow and exhaust what heat you can out
Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

thank's,i did it 10 days ago,(10 days old seedling's),all survived@thriving+rep.
I think im haveing this issue, where there long and kinda bobble head-ish, can you suggest a change.

View attachment 2152311 My set up is kinda whack, I have a CFL in a lamp, and a foil chamber to be reflective....would put the outside which was the original plan but we have been haveing terrible weather in general. Also do they stress if I mive them too much, on a ice sunny day I would like to move them outside on a sunny day
Thank you goten for your reply I didn't read it untill now but I used some common sense that I had stored up and did what you said and now two weeks later its lookin good like the rest of the ladies.. I'm still curious though as to if a guy was to lightly score/slice little spots in the stem your covering up would that speed/help new roots or would it chance stem rot or other unwantedness's lol sorry about the spelling not my best subject, thanks in advanced!
hi there i just stumbled on this thread and had a look at your pic. foil in a grow room is a complete no no. it actually does not reflect and absorbs the light. Just thought i would give ya the heads up mate
ok, Im a newby!! I have ended up with 15 (left) seedlings...dif strains, have no idea what!! Was giving them Superthrive for nutrients...figured I might be giving too much so stopped but now the leaves on some of them are curling under and turning a lighter can I tell what I'm doing wrong b4 I loose them all! PLEASE ADVISE! thnx I did see some pics that do resemble a couple of my plants :cry:. Also thnx for the info for lowering my lights and how to fix my stretchy stems!!! I'v got several that are approx 6-7 inches and approx 5 wks old with only the 3rd "tier" of leaves starting....what else should I do...any suggestions?? thnx! :confused:

  • flush them out and stop nutrients until the leaves stop curling under. I believe that means you have under-watered them. Yellowing could mean either too much light or nutrient burn. Flushing requires watering only (plain water) for a while, I would say at least a week or so. I'm a noob so you may wanna check with a more seasoned grower but at any rate, watering only won't hurt anything.​

ok, Im a newby!! I have ended up with 15 (left) seedlings...dif strains, have no idea what!! Was giving them Superthrive for nutrients...figured I might be giving too much so stopped but now the leaves on some of them are curling under and turning a lighter can I tell what I'm doing wrong b4 I loose them all! PLEASE ADVISE! thnx I did see some pics that do resemble a couple of my plants :cry:. Also thnx for the info for lowering my lights and how to fix my stretchy stems!!! I'v got several that are approx 6-7 inches and approx 5 wks old with only the 3rd "tier" of leaves starting....what else should I do...any suggestions?? thnx! :confused: