Replant Those Long Stretchy Stems ( Its Easy )

If you have to do it it's a great idea but avoiding the need is even better. It should be reserved for emergencies but it works. I don't. think goten is suggesting that it is a fix if you need it. Damping off is always going to be a risk but it is still better than tossing your little ones. Especially if you paid big buck for your nuts.Keep the lights close and use a fan. I have used a fan on its highest setting and boy does that make for some sticky and strong plants. If you have to punt then do it. Rock on.
If you have to do it it's a great idea but avoiding the need is even better. It should be reserved for emergencies but it works. I don't. think goten is suggesting that it is a fix if you need it. Damping off is always going to be a risk but it is still better than tossing your little ones. Especially if you paid big buck for your nuts.Keep the lights close and use a fan. I have used a fan on its highest setting and boy does that make for some sticky and strong plants. If you have to punt then do it. Rock on.

Hey, wheres your experiment plant where you took off the first few nodes and scraped the stem? Im really interested to see what happened there! she still around?
Good question pickle. It's the one plant I have that is a little light starved because I reserve the best light for the ones I know are girls and that was just an expanded test of goten's thread. I did cut off the bulk of fan leaves recently cause was just jamming it in a corner.The plant was sunk deeply covering woody stem by a couple of 2 inches maybe even 3 inches. I also scraped the stem and used rooting hormone which "should" have helped.

I have to report that the plant is doing fine. I think it would be thriving if I had given it it's fair share of light and left the fan leaves alone. Root are coming out the bottom of the cup at a rapid rate. We will find out very shortly how many roots set on the woody stem because regardless of it's sex it's coming out of the box in a couple of days and heading for the compost heap.

I will post pictures of the plant in it's cup and with the dirt shaken off and we will see more. Just between you and I pickle I was betting it would have died or at least suffered and lanquished. Once again gardening 101 says to NEVER cover the root crown. It's the biggest killer of landscape plants when they pile mulch up around the bases. I can't believe it not only survived but I think it would have taken off if I had given it even a little bit of attention.

Don't cover stems with dirt unless you raelly have to but if you have to it might well work out. I wish some one of you guys who have done it recently (few month) and let me know how they have done for you. Damping off is a much better possibility than powdery mildew.

Im so paranoid now. Today I decided "hell Ill could bury more of that damn stem!" and when I watered I topped up my pot with extra coco and watered it in around the stem of my 3 week old plants. I already buried the stems up a while back when they were really stretched but quite young and now Ive done it AGAIN on the same plants to try to get the plants 1 inch shorter/more root. They look freakin awesome right now at 5 nodes, but something is gnawing at me telling me I may just have fucked the whole crop! I sure hope not and Ill take your little deprived plant as an example that there is hope. Ive invested alot into these 10 seedlings so I really hope they dont damp off now because of what I have just done:evil:. They buried to about a quarter inch from the coytledons so if they dont damp off they are going to look really cool after I top them to 4 colas:weed:.
If they all survive my over-nuturing/obsessing I will definately post up pictures on this thread as an example. I figure if they survive the next two weeks we will have our answer.

It will be sortof interesting to see if roots have come out of your plants stem, I personally didnt think it could work but only because you went above a node. I would think the plant would be a bit confused having a node and trying to grow roots out of the same spot. I think you probably will have roots though now that Im hearing its doing good. but more importantly, has damping off set in at all? I dont know how long damping off takes to really start to show, it could be happening and you dont know it yet
Hi pickle ,
in my humble opinion, "dumping off" is less likely to happen after week 2, and even less likely in week 3 , i don't see any reason why they wont be ok umbre, Peace..
I think your going to be fine pickle. Your probably going to be fine with the damping off even is have buried more stem. I don't know if it applies to weed but I have rooted hundreds of outdoor ornamentals. The key is to let the top layer of soil dry pretty well between watering. If the soil of the exposed or even the buried stem is always damp it's like the plant is sitting in water. When you do water, don't water the stem. Back off a little so the water gets to the deeper roots. Like I said I have done it a bunch outdoor plants but can not apply the results directly to weed. Your also going to need and sit down with them and smoke a fatty while nicely asking them to do well. Music works to but RAP will kill them quickly!!
Your going to be fine. I'm sending some good karma your way. In any event let me know how things all come together. If it does work your going to have some plants with a deep root system. We will still see about my test plant....I wish I didn't have to kill it. I just don't have the room. I really even need to pull one of my female Master Kush but I don't have the balls.
hahaha thanks for the karma waves, Would you recommend classical music? I had a friend who had a stereo setup for his plants playing music all day for them lol

They know I love them, I keep telling them about all the big lights they will get if they keep on growing strong and are female.
i think damping off usually only happens with young stems... from seedlings.. i was told damping off was a bacteria or fungi.. but i too have been doing this since i started growing with no problems. id like to know if using clonex on the stem will help it open up tinto rooting much quiciker.. i would say since its not being cut away from the root system i dont think it would stop any growth so..? y would u of treated it any different? i have noticed.. the plant i use stakes for that i tie the twist ties too tight.. it will scar the stem and make a nuckle making the stem thicker.. and so far has not affected this huge 6 foot mom that will produce hundreds of clones.. in the next couple dayss.

and if u want to know more about music and plants watch the mythbusters even though they screw up the test.. but i dont think it matters really wat kind of music.. as long as the music has lots of frequencys so ima guess u need to have it playing loud to get anything from it .
my plants get the music of an oscilating fan an exhaust fan, a magnetic ballast and a humidifier... hopefully it sounds nice to them lol

are you suggesting dabbing some rooting hormone onto the stem before burying it? sounds like a good idea. I dont know if I would go as far as cutting the stem with a razor blade, but a little rooting hormone cant really hurt. I think roots are designed better to handle the moisture(obviously) so if you can get that stem to root quickly youll have less chance of damping off. I couldnt use any rooting hormone because I dont have any.

BTW my plants dont seem to have suffered any from my burying the stems up to the coytledons, so I can vouch for this thread that its safe to bury stems, at least in my experience
I scratched the stem and used hormone. I do it on all the plants I air or stem layer. It seems to work. I agree "Damping Off" is a term for seedlings not for things that have gone woody.
I was just screwing around with the woody stemmed plant.:peace:
Yea but its a noob mistake thats gunna keep getting made over and over, I did research in determining how far to put my light, Jorge Cervantes book said that seedlings need 300 lumens as a "Maximum" so I did this by putting my 1600lumen CFL(which are mentioned in the book as being quite effective for growing marijuana) a good couple feet away... its bullshit cause 300lumens is definately not enough. But its just something I had to learn from experience. If the growers "bible" is giving shitty advice like that then you know there is going to be alot more people making this mistake. Thankfully though I had this thread to save my would be doomed plants. They look very nice now btw, They are at 7 nodes now and are the same height they were when they had just 1 node before I buried the stems

They are also under a shitload of MH light now
not all that experienced but I think this is a great idea and good thread to have around. The fan trick might work most of the time but if you were to see my seedlings you would understand that sometimes its too late... I put a fan in there to try and correct the stretching and it made two of the ten bend over beyond 45 degrees and away from the light even... didnt look good so i propped them up with some wire. Everyone is a bit surprized to hear of PM on tiny seedlings and insisting that I must have overwatered, I dont think that is the case, but I did also not mention that the one that has that spot of PM had quite the early traumatic experience/near death as I will explain:

day 3 after germination I had every seed come up but two, and all were germinated before being put in jiffy pellets and had good roots about half an inch long when they were put in. I dug down to see why 2 didnt pop and I found that one had grown a second main root or something and was actually pushing its seedpod downwards with that and had no hope at all of survival, I pulled it up from what I thought was the main root and discovered that there was in fact a second root shooting straight down(still it would probably never have emerged with the way it was pushing a root strait up and not with the seed leave so not a stem) and that main root got ripped clean off right at the seed. This is on a 2 1/2 day sprouted seed... so I was like fuck its probably gunna die but I did my best and planted it back in the soil with the seedpod just poking out of the jiffy. and it grew quite well, its about 2 days behind the other seedlings but is otherwise perfectly healthy, must have rerooted and all was good. but I think the trauma and fingers all over it and all that gave an easy way in for mold spores and took advantage of this, now it has a small speck that doesnt look bad but Im not going to just ignore it and lose it again if I dont have to. In fact in some ways it is the healthiest of the bunch as it did not stretch as much as the others because I had the light down lower by the time it came up.

I will transplant and be sure to bury up close to the seed leaves sometime tommorrow assuming I can get my bigger veg room setup in time.

THanks alot for this great technique hopefully I will never have to use it again !

What grade did you get on this essay?

Haha just kidding man don't take it the wrong way :-P
haha sorry I seem to do that sometimes, and then often when someone else posts up a big paragraph like that I just skip by it.

... but it is better than coming on here and pulling the old "My plant has some yellow spots, I dont have any pictures, whats wrong with my plant?" routine.
haha sorry I seem to do that sometimes, and then often when someone else posts up a big paragraph like that I just skip by it.

... but it is better than coming on here and pulling the old "My plant has some yellow spots, I dont have any pictures, whats wrong with my plant?" routine.

Haha don't worry man you had a reason to post that *honeslty I barely read it* you should not be sorry, I should be if anything.
Pickle,, long winded posts and being stoned go hand in hand. Ha Ha..... If you cannot ramble on a stoner forum then where are you going to ramble. WTF. Ramble On!!
yea WTF guys ease up on me lol

btw all of the problems that I was trying to describe in my long posts have been cured, the plants look really healthy and this thread was a big help.