Republicans scared of Clinton?

Moderators in debates are supposed to remain neutral. But if it supports your cause you dont care what laws are broken... You call me gay and then accuse me of having a vagina... Am I a lesbian now? I guess you have your sexuality all confused with your wife keeping your balls in her purse...
That explains why he always carries his wife's purse for her. Its the only chance he gets to spend time with them.
LOL! what law did crowley break by pointing out facts in a dispassionate and neutral fashion, child? you're just upset that the facts ruined the delusion you had built up around yourself last year. now i'm gonna call you a faggot because apparently the other right wingers WON'T call me racist or a bigot if i call you a faggot. thus, you are a faggot.
You're a racist and a bigot.
Bailout = Bush
Stimulus = Obama


both = 110th congress

Bush = Obama
If she gets elected president it may be time to retire to a foreign country. She's is unworthy of our nations highest office. She would be unworthy no matter what party she represented.
Not to worry. She became a Senator and quit. She was winning the Democratic nomination and quit. She was appointed Secretary of State and quit. If she wins the Presidency, she'll quit it, too.
Damn the democrats are desperate to allow this inept lying and corrupt woman run.
Cant wait to see her torn to pieces in the debates. I am by know means a Gingrich fan
but wouldn't it be great to watch him put her in her place. I bet she starts to cry when the truth confronts her.
fuck this website is annoyingly slow. what the hell am i paying for here??
It would be nice to gingrich in the debate. But hell go all kooky and start talking about going to mars.
nope. tax cuts, infrastructure, and investment in renewable energy, actually. don't be stupid.
Not much infrastructure. Not much in renewable energy either, and a lot of that was wasted or went overseas. Most was tax cuts, but cutting contributions to Social Security when its already underfunded will have repercussions. Notice how politicians like to enact proposals that get paid for only long after they leave office?
obama's DOE has a better record of success investing in renewable energy than bain capital has at investing in anything they chose to. but you keep whining about how in capitalism, sometimes companies fail. it just shows what a petty, mindless, righty-parroting idiot you are. we all know it's based on race with you anyway, you even said black males are worthless.
Bain capital made a lot of money. DOE just spends money. Race has nothing to do with it. What is wrong with you?
ripple lol. do they still have that? We used to drink something called nighttrain. Taking the nighttrain express to the puke house. Shit was awesome. And cisco I think was the other one.