Returning bottles to the Beer Store? Beware of possible breath test by police

Yeah Here in ontario its happening alot since they passed the new law a couple weeks ago. Police don't need reason anymore. They can demand a breath test at anytime you are operating a motor vehicle. I've overheard people saying that, that includes ride on lawn mowers. So you can't have a beer while mowing your lawn. I'm sure if that is true but I heard some guys talking about while standing in line at Canadian Tire. Imaging getting a DUI in your backyard.

Backyard wouldn’t happen. Front yard you bet your ass. Question is. They towing the lawn mower and impounding it? If so, fuck who is cutting my grass now lol.
Backyard wouldn’t happen. Front yard you bet your ass. Question is. They towing the lawn mower and impounding it? If so, fuck who is cutting my grass now lol.
hahahaha nice. Well the motor vehicle act applies to private property, so that is true. I happened to get pulled over on a farm once that had a 1km driveway out to the main road, was totally legal but cops don't like to push it because they might lose in court as it isn't looked on very well by society at large.

What is interesting, is following the totally incorrect logic of the article, cops will WAIT OUTSIDE THE POT SHOPS. Well, it looked like you were buying pot, so now I have a reason to test you.
This is just the start of a 1984 By George Orwell world. People have been saying that we are losing our liberties and The US has had a lot more issues but now its happening in Canada.
They give you things so you think you we are progressing but yet the put more restriction.

Legalize cannabis. Oh we are winning. But then all the restrictions come along with it. And the high prices and bullshit of shortages to drive prices up.
But he is subject to the same laws. Why shouldn't he get subjected to the same harassment? Just call in his name several times a day. I'm going to report Rachel Notley....and I don't even live in the province. Do the same with federal MP's. We'll make this law the biggest pain in the ass for them. It'll only take one or two politicians getting harassed and charged to change the law.
Notley looks like one of those old bar hags that's been rode hard by a lot of different dudes over the years, of course she's drunk, she doesn't remember any of em.
They give you things so you think you we are progressing but yet the put more restriction.

Legalize cannabis. Oh we are winning. But then all the restrictions come along with it. And the high prices and bullshit of shortages to drive prices up.
AS I said a few years back
They are pushing a product, that they want to JAIL you for
Backyard wouldn’t happen. Front yard you bet your ass. Question is. They towing the lawn mower and impounding it? If so, fuck who is cutting my grass now lol.
I think you would have to be on the road or at least in a parking lot to get an impaired. I have 40 acres and I'm pretty sure I can drive all over it as drunk and stoned as I want to be, just as long as I stay on my land and off the roads. I don't need insurance or registration either. Correct me if I'm wrong.
I think you would have to be on the road or at least in a parking lot to get an impaired. I have 40 acres and I'm pretty sure I can drive all over it as drunk and stoned as I want to be, just as long as I stay on my land and off the roads. I don't need insurance or registration either. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Wrong. Motor vehicle act applies to private propery. Look it up. I did after I was pulled over on a farm.
Yeah it might be different in the states but in Canada the law is for orperating any motorized vehicle. not just operation on the roads. I too looked it up after game wardens stopped my buddy and me on skidoos luckly we were around a cabin and sitting on the skidoos by a fire pit. We told them we were spending the night and weren't planning on leaving till the next day.
I think you would have to be on the road or at least in a parking lot to get an impaired. I have 40 acres and I'm pretty sure I can drive all over it as drunk and stoned as I want to be, just as long as I stay on my land and off the roads. I don't need insurance or registration either. Correct me if I'm wrong.
Sounds like one hell of a Saturday night
Well they weren't doing any of that now were they? They can't pull you over just on a whim, or because they saw you returning bottles. Any charges that they would have filed would have been thrown out..they clearly did not stop him to check the road worthiness of his car or his paperwork, the cop clearly said he saw him returning bottles i.e. engaging in a lawful activity with no indication of non-sobriety. You must be a pig or something, stop making excuses for the police state.

R v Ladouceur It's established precedent google it. You're welcome to take a stand on a position however naive and ignorant it may be. And under the modified law the cop articulated the reason for his suspicion even though he was not required to do so. Someone has an opinion that differs from yours must be a pig? Grow up.

So what margin will this make the roads safer by exactly? It has very little to do with safety and a whole lot more to do with civil liberties. An officer can fabricate any reason they want to pull you over if they wish. Something as simple as "sorry it looked like you didnt signal back there." Even worse is that in the above article it was specifically about the amount of bottles which were returned. If you don't see a problem with that you're either willfully ignorant or sorely uninformed.

Might want to brush up on those charter rights...

Most first world countries have random breath testing. UK, Australia, France, most of Europe. And most have seen a reduction in the alcohol related traffic deaths. I'm not convinced the two are mutually exclusive since the number of impaired drivers continues to drop decade after decade in Canada as well. I think the social stigma has more to do with it, but this will be a deterrent to impaired driving. Millennials are sick of the messed up world we've inherited and it's our turn to shape it how we want it. Like it or lump it.

Cops don't need to fabricate a story. They can randomly pull you over for three reasons. Previously they couldn't expand the contact beyond the reason for the stop. For example a cop couldn't "legally" use a license/insurance check, then ask to search your vehicle. They would have to let you go after your papers cleared. That's not to say it didn't happen.

Which section of the charter of rights and freedoms covers operating a motor vehicle? Since you're clearly so versed, please point it out to me because I cannot find it.

Out of curiosity how many participating in this post wrote their MP prior to the change? How many protested on parliament hill or got involved beyond complaining after the fact? yea that's what I thought.
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