Reveg vs starting from seed


Active Member
Switched 4 reveg to 12/12 today. Had my second room all wired and self contained. No more running extension cords all over the place. Had a buddy wire the room last weekend but, kept tripping the breaker. Had a weed friendly electrician come work out the bugs. Only cost me an eighth of purple kush. Now both rooms running and self contained power wise. Going to run the metal halide for a week then, switch to hps. The girls are about 4 ft tall and almost as bushy. Only can fit 4 in the flower room. Going to put the other 2 outside in a few weeks.


Well-Known Member
Reveg as in harvest the buds and not kill the plant and letting them regrow? Now that's interesting... I wonder how many time you can do it, and if the bud is less potent?

Do you have to repot at all?
Been doing it forever,takes a month but it saves a strain.Dont let the Morons get ya down.


Well-Known Member
i just wanna pitch in that it's faster to have mature pre-vegged plants ready to put into the flower room once you harvest the ripe ones, than it is to either plant a seed or re-veg


Active Member
Mine are 7 weeks in and a third larger than my last grow from seed. With lot's more main colas. About 12-15 per plant.


Active Member
Repotted clones today. Used half light warrior, half pro mix. All 18 rooted! My buddy apparentally knows his shit when it comes to cloning. Took them out of the peat pots and transplanted into 4in plasic pots and 16oz solo cups. The ones that had the most yellowing of leaves had the best root growth. I took them out of the dome and put them 3 feet under my mh. I am only running it on 400 right now. The tops on the established plants were curling a bit on 600. So bumped it down a bit. They were better within 8 hours. Hoping the new clones will deal with the extra light and lower humidity. Room is running about 60% humidity. The reveg in flower plants are cranking. I had to raise my light 4in today. They stretched an inch or two last night. They are really getting big. Pruned a bunch of crap of them, that won't amount to much. Going to do some more lst in a week or so on the reveg. Haven't fed any bloom nutes yet. Going to give them a good couple gallons of water first, then I will start giving them Bloom nutes and some teas. Will post some new pics in a few days.


Active Member
Keep up the good work. It sure seems to be working good for you!
Thanks man. Reveg vs seed No comparison. Reveg is way better growth. The stems are getting nice and fat. Don't think my last grow was even close. All have been pruned and ready for bud.


Active Member
i just wanna pitch in that it's faster to have mature pre-vegged plants ready to put into the flower room once you harvest the ripe ones, than it is to either plant a seed or re-veg
My last grow I vegged 7 weeks from seed breaking ground. Same with my current reveg. My reveg are showing way more white hairs then earlier start from seed. One night on 12/12 and they are already showing flowering traits. More so, then last round. And what you say is true if, folks have the luxury of 2 grow rooms. I had one.


Well-Known Member
But still if you dont have them "ready" to hit that flowering room it does take longer. but like stated earlier in the thread if someone only has the luxury of 1 room its a good method to research


Active Member
Thanks man. Still need to do more lst but, going to give them a few days to recover from their haircut. A couple got a little light/heat burn from the mh. They grow so fast hard to keep up with raising the light. Almost daily now!


Well-Known Member
Just a quick update. This is after I gave them all a good trimming. Mostly took off small shoots that wouldn't add up to much. I left all leaves on that I could. 7.5 weeks since start of reveg.
shit man is that,that sorry looking plant from the thread start? nice work if it is man coz it LOOKED fucked at first good job,hopefully it may encourage others to try this and make make progression in getting better reults,diffrent methods ect ect ect.
good job


Active Member
shit man is that,that sorry looking plant from the thread start? nice work if it is man coz it LOOKED fucked at first good job,hopefully it may encourage others to try this and make make progression in getting better reults,diffrent methods ect ect ect.
good job
Thanks. Yes same plant from start up. A little over 5 weeks since new growth started. Reveg is good for someone who has a good strain they want to keep going and limited space.


Active Member
8 weeks yesterday since original harvest. Technically, these have only been growing 6 weeks in veg. I think it proves reveg works. These ladies are twice the size as the original grow.



Active Member
looking good as always, 2 more days and the "end frost date" is here.
Too late here. I already put the start from seed plants out. They are about 3ft tall and pretty bushy. Didn't have room for them in the flower room. My clones and sprouts are in the veg room. Ocean temp is 50 another week or so stripers should be heading this way!
I have been following this thread, can't wait to see what the re-vegs yield, very curious. I am currently in the early stages of my very first grow (about a week after germination) and I have been thinking through the best ways to make the most out of a little and I definatley see re-vegitating in my future. Your plants look amazing, keep up the good work.


Active Member
I have been following this thread, can't wait to see what the re-vegs yield, very curious. I am currently in the early stages of my very first grow (about a week after germination) and I have been thinking through the best ways to make the most out of a little and I definatley see re-vegitating in my future. Your plants look amazing, keep up the good work.
Thanks man. Only have 4 plants in flower this run. Originally had 8 and got 18 zips. Hoping for the same with half the plants.