Rhino's in the wild & scrogged indoors


Well-Known Member
Hey cryptic glad you figured it out.. and this is the place for everything my friend. I welcome all open discussion and questions related to anything. I find that most people on here are willing to help as long as you ask.. thanks for the props!! I was pretty proud of myself hahaha..

Dr...G!! Thanks for the words of wisdom.. from the great BM. RIP


Well-Known Member
2.5 weeks into flower on the scrog. I find myself in a predicament. I made a bigger screen than needed and I don't think I will fill the screen before these girls starts to put on some weight. I am not familiar with how the strain grows, but I have a feeling this should have been vegged under the screen longer. Should I just remove the screen and let the plant finish out on it's own or keep it in place? I have most of the undergrowth cut away. I counted 36 tops today..maybe a few more will hit the screen before they put on mass. Anyone with experience working this strain or working scrog in general, I would love some advice. Will post pics 2morrow. Buenos Noches


Well-Known Member
Bonus!! Almost forgot, I made my own topsy turvy today. Little late to be transplanting the tomato plants, and I kinda butchered the first one. I think it will live though. I will try to revise my plans tomorrow, just in a rush before class and wanted to see how it would work. I paid $1.98 US for each one:hump::hump::hump:.....pics in the am


Well-Known Member
I will leave the words until later, and take pics of the topsy turvy, gotta go put in some work with the g/f :hump::hump::hump:



Well-Known Member
Didn't get to take pics of the topsy turvey yet. Was a little busy earlier, and have a class all evening. I will try to take pics over break. Basically I took a 5 gal. bucket, drilled a 1" hole in the bottom of the bucket. That's it... I pushed all of the growth through the hole and hung it from a fence post by it's handle. Filled the bucket with potting soil and peat moss 60/40 mix and that was it. Pics later. peace!


Well-Known Member
Thanks smoke, I think my outdoors will produce wonderfully as long as I can keep pests away during bud season, and the time in between. This being my first outdoor, not sure what to expect. I love how much a real light source like the sun can do for a natural growing plant like this.. simply amazing! roll on....


Well-Known Member
So 4 inches of rain fell last night between 7-10pm last night. Was a little worried since I just starting training my tallest branches down to open up the middle. Only checked on the big garden because the little ones are not more than 2 ft. and have a better chance of surviving the downpour. Anyway, I had 1 of the main branches from topping snap on me. Lashed that sucker back on with a few lower branches and seems to be holding pretty well. Guess we will see what happens over the next 2 weeks if that branch is gonna make it. Any advice is appreciated on this matter. The 3rd pic shows how the plant was still growing and the tips were bending towards the sun, noticed how they are curved since the branch was laying flat on the ground. Amazing, since they only had 1 day to grow like that.....peace, boulderman

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
solid bro. the splint you made should hold. in fact when that shit heals, it will get stronger and thicker. use some gauze the next time you visit the garden so it holds better.

Dr. Greenhorn

Well-Known Member
if your plants start getting any bigger, you gotta start thinking if they need some type of support. the wind and rain can be nasty..:peace:


Well-Known Member
Good point doc, and I was thinking that after I left the garden tonight, prob gonna take a folding camping saw back with me next time and cut some supports. That weather wasn't typical of the area, but it does happen, and as soon as those branches put some bud weight on, I will be SOL without any supports. I would have loved to take back some tomato cages, but I have to ride on a public bike trail to get to the trail head where my gardens are about a mile back. Guess I will just use what mother nature already has out there. Thanks for stopping by doc, check out my thread I started in the DIY forum about solar panels. Not much to it yet, but I will be adding more knowledge as I acquire it.


Well-Known Member
The biggest plant has both main branches at 55" inches right now. All plants were topped except one, so I have 2 main stalks on each plant.