Right VS Left, Dem VS Repub, Lib vs Con!!!!!


Active Member
Looking for a constructive view of those on this forum!

Really where do you stand?

My views are as follows.....!


If I choose to smoke a plant... SO BE IT!


The line is drawn in an a imagination sense. Close the border and give those who live and work here a free ride, those who steal, traffic, rob or rape for a quick $$ south of the border paycheck deservie no free ride!!!!!

Personal Freedom: Once again, we are CITIZENS of this GREAT COUNTRY!

Our choice is OURS and you as the politician can only follow that we choose, anything else is just YOUR opinion!


Guns and bullets are just the tool that drives FREEDOM!


Well-Known Member
Legalize freedom
Legalize all drugs
Stop the wars and shut down at least 2/3 of our international military bases.
Eliminate tax brackets and subsidies
Either end the fed or nationalize it.
Build a wall but remove the bureaucracy of legal immigration and make it much easier to come to this country

Is that what you were asking for?


Active Member
Never asked for a wall........ But bring home our defenders and place them there on the Border = NO BS! They are not keeping me here, but they be keeping out the drugs that drive the war!


Active Member
Legalize freedom
Legalize all drugs
Stop the wars and shut down at least 2/3 of our international military bases.
Eliminate tax brackets and subsidies
Either end the fed or nationalize it.
Build a wall but remove the bureaucracy of legal immigration and make it much easier to come to this country

Is that what you were asking for?

Umm for the most part... ! Stop the drug war by stopping the trafficking and personal possession that it created, stop the illegal immigration by creating a straight forward avenue to get here legally while stopping those who cross illegally or traffic drugs. humans, animals; no prejudiced to those who are here now and are being straight forward CITIZENS!!

More so give me back the rights MY forefathers fought and died for! Give me back the FREE country we all read about!



New Member
My views can be summed up pretty simply: Fuck Corporations and Fuck Government..This is what I base everything on..Is it pro-people or pro-corporation or pro-government...If its pro-people I am all for it. If it is pro-government or pro-corporation then its probably also pro-government or pro-corporation..then its probably also anti-people...:)

So essentially I am a libertarian but I am left because generally I support social liberties over economic liberties but I think that both are necessary. Really, I don't know how you can separate the two but If I am scored based on issues I tend to go far to the left. In particular this environment of a representative democracy makes me liberal also because of the way corporations are intertwined with government. I am also a liberal in the classic sense.

Really I identify with Mutalism the most but I am torn between that and market anarchism as I suppose mutalism is...so depending on how you score me I am a mutalist or classic liberal and can even be labeled as a center slightly right libertarian.