Right wing beliefs


New Member
point proven


he comes around all my threads to fill them up with crap and make himself feel better fir the shit life he leads.

Probably has no friends or a woman, so he comes on here to be a "big man"

no one respects what he says because he never says anything intelligent
Caveat emptor


Well-Known Member
Right wingers are just misguided spoiled brats for the most part. They got left behind the door when compassion was handed out. They've gotten so used to having things their way that they absolutely panic when change seems to be approaching. Right wingers for the most part, are in the top 20-40% of wealth and definitely don't want change in their wealth status, so they blame the left for all their ills. Social anything is a death sentence for their way of life, or as stated by me many times, it's all about them, ME Me, Me!
ah yes, compassion. i don't doubt your tortured brain believes the drivel you spout, but you might try looking around before pulling these percentages out of your ass. a substantial number among our struggling middle class consider themselves to the right of center. these are the same folks who contribute a higher percentage of their wealth to charity than any other sector and you consider them uncompassionate? they don't object to giving to the poor, they object to being forced at gunpoint to finance a bureaucracy that merely pays lip service to aiding the disadvantaged. they have proven time and again that they are willing to open their hearts and their pocketbooks, but i guess that just isn't good enough for the despots of the nouveau-left. they won't be happy until everyone is living in a utopia of comfortable poverty. everyone except their elitist leaders of the left, of course. they deserve their wealth because they are just so damn compassionate.

i don't suppose hard work, frugality and the willingness to risk entitles one to a chance at the old version of the american dream or even to one's own hard won savings. that's the way we used to do it, but i guess you've forgotten that. my grandparents would be shocked to see the way the left has determined that compassion dictates that we are all entitled to what they had to work their whole lives for, no matter how little effort we may have put into attaining it. the lending debacle we are going through is a prime example of the deadly combination of leftist compassion and down home avarice. i'm sure you're more than willing to point the finger at the fat cat bankers for their part in this mess. i am just as sure you're totally unwilling to blame those of the compassionate left who decided in the 90's to lower the standards for mortgage loans so that even the poorest could attain the dream of home ownership and started the feeding frenzy that finally led us to this sorry pass. the mindless compassion of the left, without forethought and without restraint, is a foolhardy endeavor designed only to curry favor and gain voting blocs.

for those unfamiliar with this aging hippie, i suppose i should clarify my position and state that i am not truly a member of the right. ever the patient anarchist, i consider this experiment in the american version of democracy to be nothing more than another step on the path toward a less restrictive form and capitalism to be the ideal teaching tool to educate the masses in the merits of self-reliance. i suppose i could be wrong, maybe humanity is meant for slavery. maybe we will never be anything more than children in need of the firm hand of socialist totalitarianism to keep us from tearing each other apart. maybe we don't deserve freedom or to be treated as adults, capable of making decisions for ourselves.

yes, i find common cause with many of the ideals of the right. where there is me, me, me there is also you, you, you. what is it you want out of this life and what are you willing to do to attain it? expecting something for nothing is the childishness of the left, waiting for someone to come along and make all their dreams come true. growing up and doing for yourself may not give you everything you want, but it is ultimately the more fulfilling and rational answer.


Well-Known Member
Listen, it's very simple. America is being Mexican-afied. By this I mean in Mexico 1% of the population holds 99% of the wealth. There is no public education, the drug laws are a joke, the resources that belong to the people have been sold by the current leaders to their buddies at a fraction of their worth, the police are crooked, there are no working class jobs, and amazingly the rich keep getting richer. Basically the ultra-rich have become even more rich by bankrupting their own country.

NOW does it remind you of America?


New Member
Listen, it's very simple. America is being Mexican-afied. By this I mean in Mexico 1% of the population holds 99% of the wealth. There is no public education, the drug laws are a joke, the resources that belong to the people have been sold by the current leaders to their buddies at a fraction of their worth, the police are crooked, there are no working class jobs, and amazingly the rich keep getting richer. Basically the ultra-rich have become even more rich by bankrupting their own country.

NOW does it remind you of America?
Sure does. Give it a decade and if things dont change America will be no better than Mexico,, you can barely drink tap water as it is!


New Member
ah yes, compassion. i don't doubt your tortured brain believes the drivel you spout, but you might try looking around before pulling these percentages out of your ass. a substantial number among our struggling middle class consider themselves to the right of center. (SO is this a number you can substantiate, or did you just pull this thesis out of your ass?)these are the same folks who contribute a higher percentage of their wealth to charity than any other sector and you consider them uncompassionate? they don't object to giving to the poor, they object to being forced at gunpoint to finance a bureaucracy that merely pays lip service to aiding the disadvantaged. they have proven time and again that they are willing to open their hearts and their pocketbooks, but i guess that just isn't good enough for the despots of the nouveau-left. they won't be happy until everyone is living in a utopia of comfortable poverty. everyone except their elitist leaders of the left, of course. they deserve their wealth because they are just so damn compassionate.

i don't suppose hard work, frugality and the willingness to risk entitles one to a chance at the old version of the american dream or even to one's own hard won savings. that's the way we used to do it, but i guess you've forgotten that. my grandparents would be shocked to see the way the left has determined that compassion dictates that we are all entitled to what they had to work their whole lives for, no matter how little effort we may have put into attaining it. the lending debacle we are going through is a prime example of the deadly combination of leftist compassion and down home avarice. i'm sure you're more than willing to point the finger at the fat cat bankers for their part in this mess. i am just as sure you're totally unwilling to blame those of the compassionate left who decided in the 90's to lower the standards for mortgage loans so that even the poorest could attain the dream of home ownership and started the feeding frenzy that finally led us to this sorry pass. the mindless compassion of the left, without forethought and without restraint, is a foolhardy endeavor designed only to curry favor and gain voting blocs.

for those unfamiliar with this aging hippie, i suppose i should clarify my position and state that i am not truly a member of the right. ever the patient anarchist, i consider this experiment in the american version of democracy to be nothing more than another step on the path toward a less restrictive form and capitalism to be the ideal teaching tool to educate the masses in the merits of self-reliance. i suppose i could be wrong, maybe humanity is meant for slavery. maybe we will never be anything more than children in need of the firm hand of socialist totalitarianism to keep us from tearing each other apart. maybe we don't deserve freedom or to be treated as adults, capable of making decisions for ourselves.

yes, i find common cause with many of the ideals of the right. where there is me, me, me there is also you, you, you. what is it you want out of this life and what are you willing to do to attain it? expecting something for nothing is the childishness of the left, waiting for someone to come along and make all their dreams come true. growing up and doing for yourself may not give you everything you want, but it is ultimately the more fulfilling and rational answer.
I may be among those that are not so enamored with your return. It seems you go out of your way to dislike me. What I post from my "tortured Brain" as you so eagerly exclaim is this: Right wing assholes hold the wealth under lock and key. Without a fair modicum os good old ass kissing, a poor boy has about as much chance of succeeding as a fart in a whirlwind. Yeah I've heard that bullshit about hard work all my hard working life, It's pure fantasy. All hard work gets one without the breaks is a sore fucking body when they reach retirement. Thrill all those immature young things on here with your hard work bullshit, but don't try and bullshit a bullshitter. I worked Hard all my life and all I got was this stainless steel watch. So fuckoff old dude, Take your brainwash and lay it on someone that will agree with you. Like Vi and TBT, CC and a few other right wing holes. I see your prose for what it is, bullshit!


New Member
It seems you go out of your way to dislike me. Take your brainwash and lay it on someone that will agree with you. Like Vi and TBT, CC and a few other right wing holes. I see your prose for what it is, bullshit!
Welcome to the club. Except I get it twice as worse waving my flag.

These people creep around looking for people to put down and hate. They have to hate someone to make themselves feel like they are better. Im learning to ignore these idiots and focus on spreading my word of equality and freedom.

They can try all they want but they will never break my spirit


New Member
Well Chuck, If I wasn't ready to duel with these assholes, I wouldn't be on here. You have to remember, I am the voice of poor people on this site. What poor people don't have is a computer and internet access. If they did, I'm sure I'd have quite a few more allies on site. We are for the most part dealing with right wing assholes that have the time and money to sit on a keyboard and refute all reason on a Marijuana site with dumb ass rhetoric and down right lies. So don't expect a lot of substantial arguements or answers to your queries. Just hold your nose and proceed with caution. Something definently smells.


New Member
Ive been dueling.. But no matter how many times i prove them wrong they disappear and another one shows up.

I know i was being a pompous asshole towards the end of that abortion debate but i threw out at least 5 of those pro-lifers ON MY OWN but then another one comes around using the same argument as the last guy.

I am your ally Med, even though we do share different views (i.e. national lotto) we are still after the same thing. Equal quality for all.

I wish you all the luck in the world spreading your word as I hope you do the same for me.

We will take down these assholes sooner or later.

Common sense and reasoning ALWAYS prevails


New Member
Some words from "The Compassionate Ones:"


"speaking of extreme right wing shitbags....."

"Have a cunt hair of faith for the extreme right wingers"

"SO is this a number you can substantiate, or did you just pull this thesis out of your ass?"

"Right wing assholes"

"So fuckoff old dude"

"Like Vi and TBT, CC and a few other right wing holes"

"If I wasn't ready to duel with these assholes"

"We are for the most part dealing with right wing assholes"

"We will take down these assholes sooner or later."

And these examples are just from this one page.



New Member
Some words from "The Compassionate Ones:"


"speaking of extreme right wing shitbags....."

"Have a cunt hair of faith for the extreme right wingers"

"SO is this a number you can substantiate, or did you just pull this thesis out of your ass?"

"Right wing assholes"

"So fuckoff old dude"

"Like Vi and TBT, CC and a few other right wing holes"

"If I wasn't ready to duel with these assholes"

"We are for the most part dealing with right wing assholes"

"We will take down these assholes sooner or later."

And these examples are just from this one page.

seems like evryone thinks you are an asshole Vi



New Member
you would have thought you would have taken the hint by now...

maybe it will take another 9,000 posts of spreading foolishness, hate, and ignorance

Keep on truckin


Well-Known Member
I may be among those that are not so enamored with your return. It seems you go out of your way to dislike me.
aw, are we feeling picked on? can you hear the violins in the background? well, i ain't here to be loved. i'm here to speak my peace and offer my view of the world. i know that you and your kind will see me as some deluded elitist snob or or reactionary racist creep, but all those pitiful labels can do is make me laugh.

when i first joined this dysfunctional little family i sent you a pm, looking forward to joining in a combat of equals. in return i received insult and derision, i should have taken that as an omen. yes; i heartily enjoy picking apart your posts and showing them for what they are, the whining nonsense of a bitter man. i have always hoped that you might understand that our aspirations for mankind are more similar than some might think, but the shortcuts you espouse make it obvious that your view of the possibilities for humanity are far bleaker than mine.

Right wing assholes hold the wealth under lock and key. Without a fair modicum of good old ass kissing, a poor boy has about as much chance of succeeding as a fart in a whirlwind.....
how do you think wealth is accumulated? with few exceptions; through more than a modicum of ass kissing, work, luck and risk. the sorry belief that wealth is locked away in the vaults of the rich is the limited view of those with an equally limited understanding of wealth. wealth is not merely handed over from one person to the next, it is created. when the rational man wants the things that a rich man has, he doesn't break down the door and take them. he devises a way to earn those things for himself.

I worked Hard all my life and all I got was this stainless steel watch.
ah, the sin of envy. it drips from your every post. well guess what. i'm still working hard every day and probably will be until the day i die. i'm not going to get any stainless steel watch unless i give it to myself. i'll keep on working because i want the better things in life and i'm not willing to sacrifice my freedom or anyone else's in order to attain them.

These people creep around looking for people to put down and hate. They have to hate someone to make themselves feel like they are better. I'm learning to ignore these idiots and focus on spreading my word of equality and freedom.
i could probably just refer you to the original post in this thread or many of your own posts and mention that he who is without such sin should cast the first stone, but where would the fun be in that. i'm sure you think that we should all go meekly along with the trend toward socialist tyranny, but there are quite a few folks who don't look forward to begging the state for their next meal and feel compelled to call this monster by its true name.

we are no better and no worse than any others, our vision is merely of a country rooted in freedom and not in slavery to the state. if we seem intolerant, it is born merely of the refusal allow the guiding tenets of this country to be perverted. why is it that those who wish to divert america from its path always seem to consider only their own intolerance acceptable?

I am the voice of poor people on this site. .
i think i've just had my one allowable big laugh of the day. the voice of the poor? you are unwittingly the voice of those who wish to keep the poor fettered and add to their ranks (at least i hope it's unwitting). with the all-powerful welfare state to refuse us even the illusion of self-determination and dignity, forced wealth redistribution to penalize success and enforce mediocrity and such meaningless programs as affirmative action to make the present pay for the past and turn racism into policy; your voice is only the pale imitation of the millions of pseudo-marxists who came before you, preferring the indolence of comfortable slavery to the effort of personal responsibility.


Well-Known Member
I worked Hard all my life and all I got was this stainless steel watch.
Sucks to be you. I suppose when the only job one can obtain is that of a construction worker...Heh...Need I say more? Perhaps your SIL can do better and aspire to that of a chicken gutter, yes? After all, you did pull some strings and landed him that job in that chicken processing facility, right? :lol: BTW Med...If you're the voice of the poor on this site, how much are you donating on charity from the money you made playing the stock market today? :lol:

News flash Einstein...The poor don't play the stock market. :lol:


New Member
:lol: ... After those last posts by undertheice and Dave, why in the world would Med and Chuck ever want to show their faces in this forum again?

Brilliant job guys. :clap::clap::clap::clap:



Well-Known Member
:lol: ... After those last posts by undertheice and Dave, why in the world would Med and Chuck ever want to show their faces in this forum again?
because they believe they are right and no amount of rational discourse will ever change the mind of a true believer. the simple fact is that the path of socialism can work, but the price is too high. if you are willing to place your fate at the mercy of the benevolent state you might even learn to enjoy the lack of responsibility it entails. mediocrity is fine and dandy for those who aspire to nothing else, but society is not made up entirely of mere drones.

the fatal flaw in the creed of limited socialism is the delusion that the people can retain enough influence to limit the power of the state. the erosion of our basic right to personal property is difficult, if not impossible, to reverse once the juggernaut of bureaucracy takes control. a dependence on the benevolence of our representatives is even more dangerous than believing in any altruistic motives in big business. with the power of the military and law enforcement behind it, government easily sweeps aside any oversight and the myth of a government "by the people " can all too soon be shown as a lie. you would think that, with rampant corruption evident throughout all levels of government, it would be obvious to anyone that such power is, more often than not, abused and it is always the people themselves that pay the price.


New Member
Sucks to be you. I suppose when the only job one can obtain is that of a construction worker...Heh...Need I say more? Perhaps your SIL can do better and aspire to that of a chicken gutter, yes? After all, you did pull some strings and landed him that job in that chicken processing facility, right? :lol: BTW Med...If you're the voice of the poor on this site, how much are you donating on charity from the money you made playing the stock market today? :lol:

News flash Einstein...The poor don't play the stock market. :lol:
You are so gullible dave, If I said I took a shit, you'd want to see it,~LOL~ Now, this is your opportunity to brag about what a glorious genious you are, how you supported 50-100 poor people on shitbag salary and raised perfect children, or how you donate 50% of your salary to charity. You my non-friend are a worthless bag of bullshit. Keep bragging, we can see the real dave behind all the crap. Tell us how smart you are and how you have this genious job running the whole telecom market, when in all reality you drive a minivan and repair phone lines, yeah big bad dave, BTW fuck you! And also, genious, do you even know how to day trade. I don't claim to know the market, but yesterday was a slam dunk. Go fix someones phone, that is if you're smart enough.


New Member
Med ...

Did you read this paragraph of undertheice's last post:

the fatal flaw in the creed of limited socialism is the delusion that the people can retain enough influence to limit the power of the state. the erosion of our basic right to personal property is difficult, if not impossible, to reverse once the juggernaut of bureaucracy takes control. a dependence on the benevolence of our representatives is even more dangerous than believing in any altruistic motives in big business. with the power of the military and law enforcement behind it, government easily sweeps aside any oversight and the myth of a government "by the people " can all too soon be shown as a lie. you would think that, with rampant corruption evident throughout all levels of government, it would be obvious to anyone that such power is, more often than not, abused and it is always the people themselves that pay the price.

This is exactly what I've been trying to convey to you over the past two years. Once the citizenry wake up to the theft and corruption that socialism is, and start to revolt, the velvet glove of socialism comes off to reveal the iron fist of the totalitarian. Its been this way throughout time. Its people like you who unwittingly wish for it. Its people like me, Dave and undertheice who hold up the warning flags. Hopefully, with this new economic "crisis" unfolding, things will quickly return to normal and we won't have to say ... "we told you so."



New Member
Med ...

Did you read this paragraph of undertheice's last post:

the fatal flaw in the creed of limited socialism is the delusion that the people can retain enough influence to limit the power of the state. the erosion of our basic right to personal property is difficult, if not impossible, to reverse once the juggernaut of bureaucracy takes control. a dependence on the benevolence of our representatives is even more dangerous than believing in any altruistic motives in big business. with the power of the military and law enforcement behind it, government easily sweeps aside any oversight and the myth of a government "by the people " can all too soon be shown as a lie. you would think that, with rampant corruption evident throughout all levels of government, it would be obvious to anyone that such power is, more often than not, abused and it is always the people themselves that pay the price.

This is exactly what I've been trying to convey to you over the past two years. Once the citizenry wake up to the theft and corruption that socialism is, and start to revolt, the velvet glove of socialism comes off to reveal the iron fist of the totalitarian. Its been this way throughout time. Its people like you who unwittingly wish for it. Its people like me, Dave and undertheice who hold up the warning flags. Hopefully, with this new economic "crisis" unfolding, things will quickly return to normal and we won't have to say ... "we told you so."

VI, get real. It doesn't matter whether the government is left or right, it always trends towards dictatorship after a while. At the present we are in an oligarcic plutochracy. Doesn't matter what you call it, democrat or republican or libertarian. The fat cats have control and aren't about to give up power. There is no solution by the people as we only vote in the fat cats surogates. Even your hero Ron Paul would be burried by the PTB. You may fantacize about a new government under Paul, But You are only dreaming. They would kill him quickly before he could change anything. That's why I favor Obama. I believe he is anti-war and will try and keep the warmongers curtailed. He may even make this country better liked accross the globe and bring our social programs in line with other 1st world countries. Dream on but they are one-in-the-same.