Right wing beliefs


Well-Known Member
He forgot to mention that his wife, previous to moving to the Sierra, has NEVER experienced snow but for one time in her life. Let alone driven in it. He decided he wanted me in something big, and it was a good thing I was in that when I hit the black ice a couple of years ago. It was like a carnival ride WHEEEEE!!!!!


Active Member
Guess those prohibitionists do lurk a lot and post once in a while! Only 'stoners' would be such crazy lib's right? LOL I mean someone that doesn't use MJ would never come up with such crazy BS, right Bill Clinton or Joe Biden? :roll: two individuals that have pushed the gas peddle of the War on Drugs to full speed on more than one occasion! (and of course Bill didn't inhale so he can still be in that class of not using MJ right?)
I'm no prohibitionist, I'm a conservative but I smoke weed. That's about all that sets me apart... and the fact I grow bud.

Still, the presence of a "right wing beliefs" thread just proves my earlier point.


Well-Known Member
I'm no prohibitionist, I'm a conservative but I smoke weed. That's about all that sets me apart... and the fact I grow bud.

Still, the presence of a "right wing beliefs" thread just proves my earlier point.
My friend, you are a conservative who smokes weed.;-)
republican hemp farmers of america, ftw:finger::bigjoint:

Doctor Pot

Well-Known Member
I believe there are inferior religions. For instance, Scientologists and Jehova's witnesses are pretty low on the list. But the rest of that, I'm not.


Well-Known Member
I believe there are inferior religions. For instance, Scientologists and Jehova's witnesses are pretty low on the list. But the rest of that, I'm not.
You know, if you were talking about anyone else except these, I'd be all over you for bashing. :lol: bongsmilie O! good lord.


Well-Known Member
You know, if you were talking about anyone else except these, I'd be all over you for bashing. :lol: bongsmilie O! good lord.
America's favorite past time?

Bashing on Jehovah Witnesses and Scientologists.

Why, because one harasses people endlessly with their inquiries of, "Do you want to learn about my god? May I come in and talk to you about my god?"

And the other, because any religion that requires brainwashing or ignorance of reality and logic is ludicrous.


New Member
Some of the weirdest people I've ever met were Scientologists. What's up with these folks, anyway?



New Member
:shock: Yes! And I don't think anyone's seen poor Katie since.
lol, i always knew there was something "funky" (and not the good kind of funky.. like funkytown) with that Cruise dude.

I think he might have turrets or syphilis or something :D:D:mrgreen:

See, we can all unite when discussing things like TC and Scientology




Well-Known Member
Tourette's. My youngest son is a Touretter. :) Syphilis might be more like it with Mr. Cruise, he's gone pretty whack-o. Also, I think that Tom Cruise just lends himself to a good bashing about, he frightens me, even though I believe he's about my size (just a smidge over 5'). :lol: :shock:


New Member
Tourette's. My youngest son is a Touretter. :) Syphilis might be more like it with Mr. Cruise, he's gone pretty whack-o. Also, I think that Tom Cruise just lends himself to a good bashing about, he frightens me, even though I believe he's about my size (just a smidge over 5'). :lol: :shock:
Tourette, ha, I have never known how to spell that. Actually I spelled it an even different way but the spell check picked it up. Thinking about it isn't a turret a gun of some sort? Most likely why the spellcheck recognizes it.


Well-Known Member
Yep! I get the Tourette's spelling wrong all the time. Is it one 'r' or two? Two 't's' or one? Two 'r's' and two 't's'? Crap, gotta go look it up. Onomatopoeia is another one I tend to get well mixed up. Kerplunk! :lol:


New Member
Yep! I get the Tourette's spelling wrong all the time. Is it one 'r' or two? Two 't's' or one? Two 'r's' and two 't's'? Crap, gotta go look it up. Onomatopoeia is another one I tend to get well mixed up. Kerplunk! :lol:

now there is a word i havent heard since highschool. I always liked that word.

Trippy question. Did charlie browns teacher only speak in onomatopoeian(I may have made that word up)?


New Member
Ahh Med, my dear friend. I see you are operating from a false assumption. I suppose it's perfectly understandable since you only have yourself as a control group. But you see...My balls are simply too damn big for a minivan. Therefore, when we purchased our last vehicle, we got this one...

;) Luv and kisses ol' buddy. :lol:
Uhh, I see you are a conservasionist, eh? What a gas Hog. My hemi will eat your lunch. I guess you needed that to haul all those strange children you are raising, eh? Those ford V-10s are abominable, 6-8MPG, 12-14 on the highway. I get 19-21 on the road, 12-14 in the city, and I drive about 3-4K a year. Better hope your job doesn't get outsourced to some Indian tech that will do it for 6-8 bucks an hour, ~LOL~. Yeah, Luv and Kisses to you and SeaB also.