Right wing nuts worldwide.

No, this is not something downplayed by reducing it to a black-and-white situation of Russia vs the good guys. The more you go east, whether it’s north or south east, the more nazi they get. Additionally, the whiter the population…. aside from Poland and Hungary, scandinavia has the largest portion of racists and neonazis, in seats, and population. They‘ve never been shamed enough to get rid of their nazi ideas, like their ally nazi germany itself, cause they switched sides. This is not the result of a war between other white tribes, anti-immigrant is in this context synonymous with anti-muslim/brown people. Don’t worry, almost every Finn wants Putin gone before normalizing relations with their neighbor and it won’t change their support for Ukraine right away. Long term though… well like I said, they hate Putin more than Germany.

Same in Europe. Specifically, it’s ’liberal conservatives’, sometimes former neo-liberal.
Finlands embrace of Nazism in WW2 is def. concerning going forward and your right about the Scandinavian countries where I remember a lot of dark death,thrash metal having a large following.
They are not as "woke" in the east the soviet legacy tended to retard them socially as compared to many in the more multicultural western Europe. You kinda see it in the cultural civil war going on in Ukraine, modernity vs the other shit. I think there is a cultural war inside the Slavic world and the war in Ukraine is one manifestation of a larger eventual struggle between the old and the new, now it is polarized with war. Even in the west, rightwing parties are fueled by xenophobia and the threat many smaller European cultures feel about being overwhelmed and subsumed.
Finland was never behind the iron curtain, but not quite part of the west either. They avoided becoming part of the soviet bloc by ceding a tenth of their land to the USSR. Generally speaking yes, a lot in the east is soviet legacy, which in turn is aftermath of WW2. But it’s more like the middle-of-nowhere rural folk in the US opposed to more progressive city folk. The finnish far right party is based on the ruins of the “Finnish Rural Party“… cunt farmers and lack of city walls.

Same in western europe, most of the support for far right comes from areas with by far the least amount of immigrants. Some have never seen or talked to an immigrant. If they want to build an asylum centre in a rural area the population there goes wild, when they add another 500 to my city we shrug, not like we notice. I can never stress enough the difference between different countries and cultures in eu/europe, but as a whole, generalized, east europe is our rural south and west europe is the coastal area and the more you go inland the more backward they get (with exceptions of course).

It’s above all simply a matter of conflicting cultures, it’s not like there are no real problems with lack of integration of muslim men and conflicting islam ‘values’. In for example large cities in France and NL there are so many immigrants from different cultures anyone new quickly finds out they don’t have to fully integrate with white europeans. In rural areas, whether it‘s on a national level or europe as a whole, the contrast is bigger and they still expect immigrants to fully adjust. They’re barely plurastic and a long way from multiculturalism.
So it’s an oxymoron, like “democratic republican”.
Well, from an American perspective maybe, but in most of europe no. Don’t know how that matches Canada but liberal conservatives are center-right. As @Lucky Luke pointed out once to much dismay of some, the US has from our prespective 2 right wing parties - and most of our european and australian right-ish wings (aside from far right) would be considered pretty left in the US. Liberal conservaties are usually not socially conservative. Merkel was a liberal conservative. They have a large overlap with the not-so-backward center right ‘christian democrats’ (now there’s an oxymoron) and tend to form coalitions with social democrats, or pretty much anything close on their left (cause there’s little but far right and/or very conservative christians on their right). The leading party for the past 13 years thus our forever-PM in NL are also liberal conservatives.

In Finland, the ruling social democrats lost, they’re considered to be liberal and left. The liberal conservatives, however, won, far right in second. The latter could probably be excluded entirely but that’s often not how it works when a party makes significant gains.

The challenge many countries in a similar situation are facing is that by excluding far-right the center-right is forced to form coalitions with the left. While the left is getting… lefter, the far right is softening its tone. See Italy’s ‘former’ fascist party PM, Le Pen‘s daughter in France (making gains now that Macron killed any chances for a new term), ‘former’ neo-nazi in Sweden. Many populistic far right parties in europe are in fact left af, borderline or full socialists, on many issues. Or pretend to be… basically they’re nationalistic socialists... and nazis truly are on the rise.

The situation in Finland is very similar to Sweden’s elections last year, where the coalition now relies on the former neonazi party instead of tipping to the left.

I’m a liberal social democratic republican by the way… also progressive right :-? None of them are mutually exclusive when your spectrum actually goes from far left to far right and you’re in a constitutional monarchy.
Well, from an American perspective maybe, but in most of europe no. Don’t know how that matches Canada but liberal conservatives are center-right. As @Lucky Luke pointed out once to much dismay of some, the US has from our prespective 2 right wing parties - and most of our european and australian right-ish wings (aside from far right) would be considered pretty left in the US. Liberal conservaties are usually not socially conservative. Merkel was a liberal conservative. They have a large overlap with the not-so-backward center right ‘christian democrats’ (now there’s an oxymoron) and tend to form coalitions with social democrats, or pretty much anything close on their left (cause there’s little but far right and/or very conservative christians on their right). The leading party for the past 13 years thus our forever-PM in NL are also liberal conservatives.

In Finland, the ruling social democrats lost, they’re considered to be liberal and left. The liberal conservatives, however, won, far right in second. The latter could probably be excluded entirely but that’s often not how it works when a party makes significant gains.

The challenge many countries in a similar situation are facing is that by excluding far-right the center-right is forced to form coalitions with the left. While the left is getting… lefter, the far right is softening its tone. See Italy’s ‘former’ fascist party PM, Le Pen‘s daughter in France (making gains now that Macron killed any chances for a new term), ‘former’ neo-nazi in Sweden. Many populistic far right parties in europe are in fact left af, borderline or full socialists, on many issues. Or pretend to be… basically they’re nationalistic socialists... and nazis truly are on the rise.

The situation in Finland is very similar to Sweden’s elections last year, where the coalition now relies on the former neonazi party instead of tipping to the left.

I’m a liberal social democratic republican by the way… also progressive right :-? None of them are mutually exclusive when your spectrum actually goes from far left to far right and you’re in a constitutional monarchy.
that's a lot to keep track of...
shit i dunno, i'm a 60's liberal progressive. never voted GOP.
How'd Dylan write it? "
Now, I’m liberal, but to a degree
I want everybody to be free
But if you think I’ll let Barry Goldwater
Move in next door and marry my daughter
You must think I’m crazy!
I wouldn’t let him do it for all the farms in Cuba
Your right wing party is called the Liberal Party?
The Liberal Party of Australia is a centre-right political party, one of the three major parties in Australian politics, along with the centre-left Australian Labor Party and the centre-right Nationals. The Nationals are becoming irrelevant and are declining in influence.

Its interesting that with the interest rate rising and cost of fuel, electricity and groceries rising, housing shortages and rising rents there is a move for more gov control and intervention in the market. That could be one of the reasons for more people voting Labor.

In American politics and polices they would be classed as just left of the Democrats. I've mentioned this before but some peoples heads seemed to explode and they couldn't get their heads around America having two right wing parties with no Left to balance politics.
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The Liberal Party of Australia is a centre-right political party, one of the three major parties in Australian politics, along with the centre-left Australian Labor Party and the centre-right Nationals. The Nationals are becoming irrelevant and are declining in influence.

Its interesting that with the interest rate rising and cost of fuel, electricity and groceries rising, housing shortages and rising rents there is a move for more gov control and intervention in the market. That could be one of the reasons for more people voting Labor.

In American politics and polices they would be classed as just left of the Democrats. I've mentioned this before but some peoples heads seemed to explode and they couldn't get their heads around America having two right wing parties with no Left to balance politics.
you're right about that...the democrats are slightly right of center on most issues, while the republicans are right of right on almost everything...
and the republicans insist on calling democrats leftists, even socialist and Marxist...Marx would laugh in trump's face...
Well, from an American perspective maybe, but in most of europe no. Don’t know how that matches Canada but liberal conservatives are center-right. As @Lucky Luke pointed out once to much dismay of some, the US has from our prespective 2 right wing parties - and most of our european and australian right-ish wings (aside from far right) would be considered pretty left in the US. Liberal conservaties are usually not socially conservative. Merkel was a liberal conservative. They have a large overlap with the not-so-backward center right ‘christian democrats’ (now there’s an oxymoron) and tend to form coalitions with social democrats, or pretty much anything close on their left (cause there’s little but far right and/or very conservative christians on their right). The leading party for the past 13 years thus our forever-PM in NL are also liberal conservatives.

In Finland, the ruling social democrats lost, they’re considered to be liberal and left. The liberal conservatives, however, won, far right in second. The latter could probably be excluded entirely but that’s often not how it works when a party makes significant gains.

The challenge many countries in a similar situation are facing is that by excluding far-right the center-right is forced to form coalitions with the left. While the left is getting… lefter, the far right is softening its tone. See Italy’s ‘former’ fascist party PM, Le Pen‘s daughter in France (making gains now that Macron killed any chances for a new term), ‘former’ neo-nazi in Sweden. Many populistic far right parties in europe are in fact left af, borderline or full socialists, on many issues. Or pretend to be… basically they’re nationalistic socialists... and nazis truly are on the rise.

The situation in Finland is very similar to Sweden’s elections last year, where the coalition now relies on the former neonazi party instead of tipping to the left.

I’m a liberal social democratic republican by the way… also progressive right :-? None of them are mutually exclusive when your spectrum actually goes from far left to far right and you’re in a constitutional monarchy.
Well explained, i wish i had your gift of the gab.

If i could id like to request the ratcheting to the right of American policies due to not having a left party...
It's a function and failure of the two party system, and it's rather futile to go for the other options when it's winner take all. Situation isn't going to get better. The right moves further to the right, the Democrats absorb the center right folks and water down the left influence. I'm going with Liz Cheney or Jeb! as my choice next time people speculate on a non-biden candidate for 2024.

*going to continue to vote libertarian for sheriff, I find it absurd and funny.
It's a function and failure of the two party system, and it's rather futile to go for the other options when it's winner take all. Situation isn't going to get better. The right moves further to the right, the Democrats absorb the center right folks and water down the left influence. I'm going with Liz Cheney or Jeb! as my choice next time people speculate on a non-biden candidate for 2024.

*going to continue to vote libertarian for sheriff, I find it absurd and funny.
Be very nice if you yanks moved closer politically to the poms and the ozzies rather than further away. Australia is going Left and will swing that way for awhile due to the dying out of the Boomers.
Be very nice if you yanks moved closer politically to the poms and the ozzies rather than further away. Australia is going Left and will swing that way for awhile due to the dying out of the Boomers.
what's a pom?
and yeah, it would be nice...you figure out how to get the republicans to join in, i've tried and they just don't seem interested in being anything but what they are.