Hey Nitro how's it hanging , you still dragging the Panhead ?
You are right , we did have some good normal discussions back before this section went to shit where everything is racism ,, its impossible to debate or discuss anything here anymore with the racism witch hunt happening , apparently im a bigot as well nowdays because i pointed out the muslim pratice of child marrige , an issue my wife has been highly involved in for 25 yrs so im a bigot
Next week i'll be a pedophile because i spoke out about the constant slander of Robroy

, i posted the laughing head for me but for the other members who are trolled by buck with the blessing from top staff i want to post this face it pisses me off so bad

, staff is supposed to be impartial , not encourage hard core trolling , its been said by buck a dozen times that he is trolling members who pissed off top staff with no public denial by top staff , or any public admonishment for him making claims of collusion with top staff to troll members , now he's sporting the head top staff members picture as his avi ,what are we left to think , all coincidences & conspiracy theory
Im a pretty far left political thinker but i am not part of the bash o member clique cause their views are different than mine , i surely dont support collusion with top staff to shit on members .
I dont want to be banned or put on the Miserable User list permenantly but i cant sit back & watch this shit show going on without saying something , other members should speak out as well & all at the same time , whats happening here is wrong .