Riots in Baltimore

I think you mean bulbous erection. lol.

There is nothing wrong with being proud of your heritage, and there is nothing wrong with groups in general. So that we agree. But if you do use the term, "White Pride" as a label for yourself, you should be prepared for what people will assume of you because the stigma attached to the term itself. That's all I'm saying on the subject. I only know you based on the interactions on this site, and so far I've got no complaints.

I couldnt remember if it was blue , bulbous or big so i took a shot , bulbous sounds scary :)
I am sheskunk. I will rape your ass. The only sandwich being made will be you sandwiched between me and bubba. You're gonna love it.

You aren't reinvented or reborn, you are the same pile of shit you've always been. Just with a gaping asshole.
You may be right pan. But I just don't see it. What I see is UB is praying on people's conspiracies, that's all.

All I can say is that the current "Top level" moderation, including sunni and GWN are a lot more fair than FDD ever was. He would shit on people and then ban them if they gave it back to him. It's one thing to be a non-moderating member and shit on people and claim whatever you want, it's an entirely different thing to have actual moderation power and abuse it. I don't think UB has that advantage as you claim. But again, I could be totally wrong.
You are "totally wrong". Uncle Puke harrasses and libels members unjustly all of the time. I B 1. All you pretty much have to do is disagree with him on something political (or probably most anything) and he may choose to follow you around unjustly putting a racist label on you. Jumping into weed threads just to fuck with you. He is actually pathetic. And yes the admins here are seemingly unfazed by his rampent and regular pissing on their ability to keep order... Possibly because he owns the place or possibly the good old boys running things don't have the balls or desire to stand up to the creepy thing.
You are "totally wrong". Uncle Puke harrasses and libels members unjustly all of the time. I B 1. All you pretty much have to do is disagree with him on something political (or probably most anything) and he may choose to follow you around unjustly putting a racist label on you. Jumping into weed threads just to fuck with you. He is actually pathetic. And yes the admins here are seemingly unfazed by his rampent and regular pissing on their ability to keep order... Possibly because he owns the place or possibly the good old boys running things don't have the balls or desire to stand up to the creepy thing.

That is certainly your interpretation of things. And you very well may honestly feel that way.

But here's a little anecdote for you. UB and I disagree on a fair amount of things, both politically and otherwise. In 2011 or so we used to troll each other from time to time, but eventually we were cool with each other. My observations thus far have been that UB shits on people who have said racist things or stupid shit that could be interpreted as racism or bigotry. And just as the person who says racist shit has every right to say what they want, UB has the same right to "fuck with you".

There's always the Ignore button.

And of course if you don't want him shitting on you, stop saying stupid shit. (Not directed at you specifically @bravedave, I've never read your posts)

If UB were wildly shitting on everyone, wouldn't you think he would be alienated from the entire site? He doesn't and he isn't.
That is certainly your interpretation of things. And you very well may honestly feel that way.

But here's a little anecdote for you. UB and I disagree on a fair amount of things, both politically and otherwise. In 2011 or so we used to troll each other from time to time, but eventually we were cool with each other. My observations thus far have been that UB shits on people who have said racist things or stupid shit that could be interpreted as racism or bigotry. And just as the person who says racist shit has every right to say what they want, UB has the same right to "fuck with you".

There's always the Ignore button.

And of course if you don't want him shitting on you, stop saying stupid shit. (Not directed at you specifically @bravedave, I've never read your posts)

If UB were wildly shitting on everyone, wouldn't you think he would be alienated from the entire site? He doesn't and he isn't.
Ha! Interpretation? How many people would it take then to convince you? I said nothing racist and you are correct, you have never read anything by me that was.

Edited: neither has UB
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Ha! Interpretation? How many people would it take then to convince you? I said nothing racist and you are correct, you have never read anything by me that was.

Edited: neither has UB

You provided me with your interpretation of UB, I provided you with mine. And you laugh at me condescendingly? You aren't making a good case for yourself man.
You provided me with your interpretation of UB, I provided you with mine. And you laugh at me condescendingly? You aren't making a good case for yourself man.
Maybe my statement about what was transpiring needed no interpreting, man.
Maybe my statement about what was transpiring needed no interpreting, man.

You are not understanding me. Whatever it is that is between you and UB is YOUR interpretation of it, however accurate or inaccurate it is. And by your attitude towards him, I suspect you genuinely feel as though he is an ass to you. And you go on to claim he is an ass period and is that way with everyone. My interpretation is not the same as yours, I conveyed that to you, and you condescendingly laugh it off as if I were not being honest. Haus.

It's almost as if you are being condescending to me because I don't agree with you. Sound familiar?
You provided me with your interpretation of UB, I provided you with mine. And you laugh at me condescendingly? You aren't making a good case for yourself man.
But seriously, how many ? Oh and can you share with me an area you differ with UB on.
But seriously, how many ? Oh and can you share with me an area you differ with UB on.

If I can remember when we disagree I will be sure to tag you. I'm too lazy right now to look the shit up for you. The search feature can prove to be very useful.

@UncleBuck can you think of some of the things we disagree on?

Oh, I know one thing. Guns. We disagree on guns. I love my guns. He's not a fan, especially of the dumb-dumbs who own them.
You aren't reinvented or reborn, you are the same pile of shit you've always been. Just with a gaping asshole.

You sure seem to have a thing with pushing in my shit. You know what they say about homoph0bes. Come on over and cuddle up with me. Don't be scared, I'll go slow.
You sure seem to have a thing with pushing in my shit. You know what they say about homoph0bes. Come on over and cuddle up with me. Don't be scared, I'll go slow.

Really man? Try harder. You used to be so much better at this. You seem tired and washed up. You should just stick to being a lurker, it suits you better. You literally have nothing of value to add.
If I can remember when we disagree I will be sure to tag you. I'm too lazy right now to look the shit up for you. The search feature can prove to be very useful.

@UncleBuck can you think of some of the things we disagree on?

Oh, I know one thing. Guns. We disagree on guns. I love my guns. He's not a fan, especially of the dumb-dumbs who own them.
I can only suggest you follow him for awhile
Later, man.
This shit is all ass backwards ignorance i cant believe ppl think this is ok!! What are we living in the old Testament? A eye for an eye? Why cant ppl just understand the reason the cops killed those ppl is cuz they obviously put themselves into a bad situation it is not excused in the least for killing another human but if ur not doing anything nothing will happen and to those cops who did it they will get theres when time permits but for us to say ya kill em is wrong. Do these cops not have familys as well? Just like the ppl who they killed? Yes they do, no one deserves to be beat or gunned down in the street

SOMETIMES, eye for an eye is the only logical solution.