Riots in Baltimore

If black people in this specific community don't want to be perceived as violent criminals who should be targets for police it seems counter intuitive to make a spectacle for all the world to see of violent criminal behavior. It's kind of hard to play the helpless victim card when the reaction to a tragedy is "lets see how much shit I can steal".

"Play the victim card" -- If you are walking down the street minding your own business, see police, turn and walk the other way, and 3 hours later have a nearly severed spin, are you not a victim?

"Make a spectacle for all the world to see of violent criminal behavior" -- Ok, so when black people do it, it's criminal, when white people do it, it's a protest?

It doesn't matter.

so it doesn't matter how many people live there, how many people are peacefully protesting, and how many are rioting. got it.

if just one black person does anything bad, then you think that black people in that specific community should be perceived as violent criminals who should be targets for police.

you are racist as fuck.
so it doesn't matter how many people live there, how many people are peacefully protesting, and how many are rioting. got it.

if just one black person does anything bad, then you think that black people in that specific community should be perceived as violent criminals who should be targets for police.

you are racist as fuck.
You really like to put words in other peoples mouths. I think that's your real problem. Maybe you should see a therapist, you don't seem firmly rooted in reality. I don't think they SHOULD be perceived as violent criminals..they already are, by the police specifically, that's what this whole thread is about. I'm saying they're not helping the people who are protesting..somehow you disagree with that.
you literally said "it doesn't matter".

quit blaming me for asking questions that elicit racist responses from you.
Yaaaawn, I've had my fill of troll bait.
Don't be too mad at your's a good thing to be humbled every once in a while.
If black people in this specific community don't want to be perceived as violent criminals who should be targets for police it seems counter intuitive to make a spectacle for all the world to see of violent criminal behavior. It's kind of hard to play the helpless victim card when the reaction to a tragedy is "lets see how much shit I can steal".




So Freddy Grey was walking down the street and saw the police approach so he decided to turn away and go another way. Police interpreted this as an indication that Freddy was guilty of some crime so they arrested Freddy after they chased him down. When they dragged him back to the car a passerby thought he saw Freddy with a broken leg and yelled at the cops to be nice. 45 minutes and 2 stops later Freddy grey shows up with 3 broken vertebrae and a nearly severed spinal cord.

It is the absolute sworn duty of the Police to take responsibility and care of the "innocent until proven guilty in a court of law" people. This is an outrage, and we know that the officers who brought him in are lying through their scumbag teeth about what happened that night. They are trying to save their own skin and so they hide behind the shield and a thick blue wall.

The people who are rioting and looting could very well be paid provocateurs. Their actions help to justify the means by which law and order are imposed ( Violence).

In the month of March, US police officers killed 118 people. One Month. In the last 115 years the UK police have killed 69 people. SO US police kill over 200 times as many people.

In the USA Blacks are more than five times as likely as a white person to be killed by police. The number of unarmed black people that have been shot to death are legion.

Why do we allow police to treat fellow human beings this way? AT one time people called police for help, now they would rather deal with the problem themselves because calling the police is like calling an assassin to come and kill you.

ND, you just said something that I can agree with. Well said.
Yaaaawn, I've had my fill of troll bait.
Don't be too mad at your's a good thing to be humbled every once in a while.

Well at least you got "your" and the ellipsis right. I commend you on that. You even managed to get "every once IN a while" correct to.

If this were theexpress he would have said, "yaaaawn, i gots had me fill off trole bate. Done be two mad at yur a good thing too be humbul every once and a wile."
You might finally lose your virginity and be happy if you put down the Ayn Rand book, wash the cheetoh from your fingers, get out of your mom's basement and stop being so jealous of my Veteran's disability.

Already today you have "repititiously repeated" it no less than four times out of left field. Hopefully now that you have gotten a little attention from me you won't cut yourself or abuse any animals. Take it easy, young man.

Thanks for the encouragement, coming from a stud like you I feel honored.