RIP Chirs Kyle!!


Active Member
I just want to pay my respects to Chris Kyle who was murdered last night at a charity event in Texas. Kyle was a former Navy Seal who killed more than 150 insurgents overseas. Hes was a sniper. Please think of him today during super bowl. Kyle was trying to help a Marine who was suffering from PTSD at a charity event last night when he was shot in the back by the same Marine he was trying to help. THIS IS A TRUE AMERICAN HERO!!! Let us not forget that. To my fellow brother in arms, Chris Kyle, You will never be forgotten by this man. Rest in Peace my brother.


Well-Known Member
He went out doing what he knew best, helping others who could not help themselves. May he rest in peace.

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
This is the same guy who Punched Jesse Ventura. I don't know if I would take someone with PTSD to the gun range though, but I have not served in the military nor have over 150 confirmed kills so my opinion is moot. Rest in peace.


Well-Known Member
Where did you read the shooter was the guest of honor? CNN,FOX made no mention of that.
"WFAA/Channel 8 quoted unnamed sources as saying that Kyle, who lived in Midlothian, and a neighbor, Chad Littlefield, 35, had taken Routh on an outing to help him deal with post-traumatic stress disorder. Routh turned on the men and shot them in the back, the report said."


New Member
"WFAA/Channel 8 quoted unnamed sources as saying that Kyle, who lived in Midlothian, and a neighbor, Chad Littlefield, 35, had taken Routh on an outing to help him deal with post-traumatic stress disorder. Routh turned on the men and shot them in the back, the report said."
Thanks 420. However, it seems strange that the big boys don't mention that, maybe because it is from "unnamed sources" and the media, for a change, may want to get the story right by reporting confirmed sources.


New Member
Respects to Chris Kyle.

Just my 2 cents, mentioning how many people he killed is unnecessary.
In addition, CNN managed to state Kyle was against OBAMA on the second rights issue before pretty much anything else. I don't see what that has to do either with the story. Look on CNN and the bullet points on the left side. First thing mentioned. These are the elite medias suttle little ways......... bastards.



Well-Known Member
Thanks 420. However, it seems strange that the big boys don't mention that, maybe because it is from "unnamed sources" and the media, for a change, may want to get the story right by reporting confirmed sources.
If its coming (or not coming) from Fox "News" and CNN, its likely an agenda. ie. They are witholding the information during a time when gun control lobbying is extremely active.


New Member
Fox has confirmed that the dude was an ex-marine and had ptsd. Why he shot a comrade is so baffling to me. Sounds more than PTSD to me, but I'm no psychologist.

Stonerman Enoch

Well-Known Member
In addition, CNN managed to state Kyle was against OBAMA on the second rights issue before pretty much anything else. I don't see what that has to do either with the story. Look on CNN and the bullet points on the left side. First thing mentioned. These are the elite medias suttle little ways......... bastards.

Communist news network at it again.

meechz 024

Active Member
Really? Adam Lanza deserves respect? Osama Bin Laden deserves respect?
You don't even know what Osama Bin Laden actually did for sure, and why. You just know what your government decides to tell you. So it's better for you to just respect the dead instead of holding grudges over shit that you don't even know the full story on.


Well-Known Member
You don't even know what Osama Bin Laden actually did for sure, and why. You just know what your government decides to tell you. So it's better for you to just respect the dead instead of holding grudges over shit that you don't even know the full story on.
sorry man, but that argument does not hold up. can you also explain Adam Lanza? please reread what sunni wrote, then reread my response to her, take some time to think it over... then get back to me.


Well-Known Member
too bad youve never even been in the military. and if you had any sense you would know that certain areas of astan surround the pakistan border. STFU
lmao. i think i actually went over this already. i was in the military. beyond that fact, you do realize this forum is for 18+ adults right? you may want to go ask your mommy if you are allowed on this website.

p.s. you are a bad liar, and a very bad troll. if you would chill out a little, i may consider taking you under my wing and showing you the ropes. i can teach you how to properly troll.