RIP Hostess

i never said all 18,000. how about just 1? can you at least do that? i bet you come up with some lame answer as to why you won't.
Shoot me a name and address, I'll send one of those youngsters doomed to the insanity of a progressive upbringing a literary awakening they would otherwise not be allowed to enjoy.
A homosexual? No, I like woman. Nice try though. But even if I was, would that be something you think I should be embarassed of? I'm just trying to get you to help out man. From all your earlier posts, it kinda seemed like you were someone who would appreciate a set of nuts in his mouth. Stephen Colbert put it best and I just paraphrased, but you and the Donald seem to have some things legitimately in common.
how original.
Pushing buttons like playing Simon is a "career?" You guys are worse than trailor trash you all make fun of. But they at least have aspirations to git 'er dun!
Pushing buttons like playing Simon is a "career?" You guys are worse than trailor trash you all make fun of. But they at least have aspirations to git 'er dun!

You sound cranky.

Aren't you the vegan guy?

Go eat a steak or some ribs and I bet you'll be in a better mood.
You need to ask if he's black first before you call him boy, or face UB's racism police. Don't say I didn't warn you!
Uh....Stephen Colbert?

Hence the Trump reference...

It was designed to show him what an asinine statement he was making when he suggested I personally go out and buy 18,000 gifts.

no hes a comedian entertaining people . . your own premise with a joke . . so are you a joke or just a fool

he offered to contribute to charity

your offer was to give a large number of families presents for Christmas they are utterly and completely different and in my opinion in bad taste . . fuck i thought hosty going belly up wasn't a bad thing but i would not try to make jokes about the families affected . . . .

man got to bring to light actual plight inorder to make a point but you have nothing to actually contribute but vindictive malicious toward those affected as i know 100% that you know your offer will never happen in any way or form . . so its just a joke on the families as they are very very real and so is there shitty holiday season . .wither or not they knew this was coming
I used the reference to try and expose the same nature that was present in Fdd's asking me if I was going to donate that was there when Trump tried to tie his birther cause into donations for Hurricane Sandy.

He wasn't asking a serious question. He was insinuating that because I don't just sit there and say "what can ya do?" that I somehow limit my actions to the internet.

To which I counter-offered my nuts.

Do you agree or disagree that the workers' were right to strike when management tried to hand them significant cuts to benefits and salary, while they (management) took bonuses and raises?
I used the reference to try and expose the same nature that was present in Fdd's asking me if I was going to donate that was there when Trump tried to tie his birther cause into donations for Hurricane Sandy. He wasn't asking a serious question. He was insinuating that because I don't just sit there and say "what can ya do?" that I somehow limit my actions to the internet. To which I counter-offered my nuts.
i was dead serious.
your own intelligence is highly dubious if you think the correctness of my grammar or spelling is any indication of mine . . . . keep flexing that tard muscle . . with your pseudo intellect

i forgot my ability to grasp the English language , as well as having dyslexia, is a direct correlation to my intelligence . . . . makes complete sense to most idiots, regurgitate and repeat . . that means your intelligent now
you gonna send some christmas presents to some of the kids who's parents lost their jobs? since you care so much about them.

Just because you can't hear sarcasm when it's typed, doesn't mean you can't imply it from the tone of the comment.

Stop playing victim.

And I said before, please provide me a link to where I can donate a gift. I would be more than happy to.

If you were sincere then you should have an outlet for me to participate.

Or was it just a snide comment that your now trying to ride as a point?
your own intelligence is highly dubious if you think the correctness of my grammar or spelling is any indication of mine . . . . keep flexing that tard muscle . . with your pseudo intellect

i forgot my ability to grasp the English language , as well as having dyslexia, is a direct correlation to my intelligence . . . . makes complete sense to a most idiots, regurgitate and repeat . . that means your intelligent now

Boo hoo.

Don't jump into the middle of discussion, misinterpret what i'm trying to say, and then turn around and insult me if you don't want a reaction.

PS- Answer the question. Were the workers' right to strike under those circumstances?

Do you agree or disagree that the workers' were right to strike when management tried to hand them significant cuts to benefits and salary, while they (management) took bonuses and raises?

ya its fucked up . . but jokes help . .right,

yes and the execs should have paid them! if they have to fire 15% to save the rest . .then thats there job to keep the company running not take the money and run

the execs had 6 years to get rid of the kinks . . . they choose not too . . can you answer what the execs did after the first bale out or almost closure

execs are always money hungry losers and workers always want more which makes sense as middle class income is growing at a slower rate then inflation of living cost most places . . . . but more jokes about families and the presents they need more then food or power or other utilities