Riu family please help

chief blunts

Active Member
i think a de-humidifier would be counter productive in my set-up cause my humidity is already on the lo-side of the curve, however gonna check the ones i watered last night and see how they are doing as far as water consumption, might start wicking if need be, kinda looking for guidance if i can make a bone meal tea or if i should just sprinkle some onto the top layer of soil before watering next time, also if they are only 6 inches tall but have a somewhat healthy root system can i get away with flowering in the 1g pot or if i should transplant after they are sexed, i do have a few 3 gallons ready to go and a few bags of ff-of also rdy to go, i know transplanting would be beneficial at this point for a few reasons, nutes in the soil are at least on par and i could mix in my bone meal into the bigger pots-not to mention give the roots some room to roam and breath....

so do i transplant after sexing??????? can i make a bone meal tea???


Well-Known Member
it has been my experience that up canning before the bloom is a fool's move-

you will fight water logged pots the whole way.

chief blunts

Active Member
ty ty sir on the timely response, like i said im not really concerned with yield at this point-though i would like to maximize of course, its still not really a concern, kinda a test run to get myself dialed back in, been out of the loop for almost 3 years now, also thought up-potting would have been counter productive but im a lazy dumb american and just needed someone to tell me.

thanks for the help murfy id rep ya again but it wont let me!


Well-Known Member
What does up canning mean? I have been out of the loop for a few days so I'll catch up and see if i can help.


Well-Known Member
Got you, I start in those red dixie cups. When it gets to the point where I'm watering every couple of days I transplant to either a 2 or 3 gallon bag, depending on what I have. They live in those bags until a week before flowering, at which time they get moved to 5 gallon bags. That's the life of my plants. Don't like to mess with them to much in the flowering stage.