RIU is being watched.. just be careful. Tread lightly..


Well-Known Member
Examples of why RIU is being watched would justify your post otherwise, like everyone else said, I call BS.....


Well-Known Member
i have no doubt there's police officers on here.

but pictures of pot plants are not illegal. talking and posting pics of pot plants isn't illegal.

you have to take a picture that puts the pot inside your house and post it. even then it could be hearsay b/c the source of the picture cannot be independently verified as an image of plants found inside a certain house. LEO has used a capability that new cameras have that place GPS info on pictures (iphones, blackberrys, HTC phones all do it) to their advantage. if you want to be safe, use a scrubber to erase all the non-pixel related info from the jpeg file.....

the issue becomes more complicated with mcmansions and mcpartments which make a lot of different places look eerily similar.

give us some more info!!!!!


Well-Known Member
I plan on sticking my dick in the mashed potatoes tonight. Now if I were being watched, I would have cops at my door arresting me on charges of vegophilia!


Well-Known Member
Some cat the other day had just gotten out of the joint or something mentioning his RIU posts were brought up at trial.

I can't imagine the feds bothering a grower like me as long as I stay within the legal guidelines of my state and I don't even come close to my limit. Just don't have the room and am happy with what I can grow. I know the feeling of paranoia from distant past experiences with growing. Every night and day it was on my mind. Since getting my card and begining to grow again I have to say, those paranoid feelings are a thing of the past. It's amazing what a little piece of paper from the State can do to ease ones mind.


RIU Bulldog
For some reason I don;t believe you.... ;P
But if your trying to lose the internet persona of 'grower' i get it.
Threw your plants in the fire huh? Suuuuuureee. ok

After reading some of your other thread I now think he finally did it. He finally pulled his plants.


Well-Known Member
Some cat the other day had just gotten out of the joint or something mentioning his RIU posts were brought up at trial.

no they were'nt. i remember that guy, he pleaded guilty, there was no trial. that guy was growing with a parolee as a wife, the parole agent went for a surprise visit and BAM. off to jail. the RIU posts were brought up after the fact probably.

chances are they weren't actually used in any legal manner against him, they were used to imply to the wife's parole officer that there was something going on, and since he can search with no warrant, boom....


Well-Known Member
Some cat the other day had just gotten out of the joint or something mentioning his RIU posts were brought up at trial.

I can't imagine the feds bothering a grower like me as long as I stay within the legal guidelines of my state and I don't even come close to my limit. Just don't have the room and am happy with what I can grow. I know the feeling of paranoia from distant past experiences with growing. Every night and day it was on my mind. Since getting my card and begining to grow again I have to say, those paranoid feelings are a thing of the past. It's amazing what a little piece of paper from the State can do to ease ones mind.
Bull and shit.


RIU Bulldog
those two threads are made exactly 30 days apart,today might be his payday and he reups on meth ,today had only been 20 days since his last episode
He said in the other thread that he was addicted to pills. the way he describes it, it sounds like it was opiates. If you take that into account and hes threads, he sounds like a manic depressive. I think he pulled his plant in a manic state. That's my psych 101 analysis of the situation lol. Sorry.


Well-Known Member
well the dude ask if anybody have free seeds to send him. new user and ill give the link so dont talk shit to me cuz i back it up with proof
this goes for u 2 redivider
Sensitive one aren't ya? I wasn't talking shit, I asked for you to elaborate, with proof, and you did. Although I don't see that as solid evidence that he's a LEO, but whatever have fun with it.


Active Member
and be careful with that you post.. including pictures.

I actually just got done pulling my latest grow. I threw the plants into the fireplace and torched them. My nerves can't take it anymore.. I'm afraid. So, with that being said.. I'm going to just wait until they eventually legalize cannabis in my state, before I grow again. I'll still be around here.. checking out other peoples stuff, but me personally.. I won't be posting any further pictures because I no longer have anything to show.

I've got a little bit of sadness right now.. because that PKB plant turned out to be female.. and she had some of that tightest nodes I've personally ever had any plant of mine have.. would have been a very dense 'rock like' bud structure for sure. I only have 5 more beans of the 'PKB'.. and after just only seeing a glimpse of what those genetics are capable of.. I think whenever I do start growing again, I will def. be growing out one of those babies.. just fucking amazing! I've never even heard of the strain 'Ice Berry'.. probably because it never got out to the public.. it was a creation of the breeder that sent me all these strains of his to begin with.. to test out. I've never heard of 'Blue Kush' either.. come to think of it.. and the PKB has both of those genetics in it.. along with Pandora's Box. So yeah, its just an amazing strain.. and I didn't even get to finish it.. to see what it would have produced in the end.

Def. starting to regret my actions.. but, since I feel a lot of heat for some reason, I feel better about being safe than sorry.

So yeah, until they legalize cannabis in my state, I will no longer be growing cannabis. It sucks.. but like I mentioned at the beginning of my thread, my nerves just can't take the abuse any longer. I do feel like a huge weights been lifted off my shoulders though.. so that part feels good. :D

Anyhow, just wanted to share the news with everyone.


I figured it out! Cannabisguru was just posting Osama's last group email to his friends. Apparently he thought everyone was over the 9-11 thing and figured if he got rid of his plants the USN would stop watching him.


Well-Known Member
Sucks man, i have had that flash of paranoia and have almost ripped everything down...If they want you, they'll get you.
Been there. Now I tap into my neighbors wireless and still use a proxy for riu.

I plan on sticking my dick in the mashed potatoes tonight. Now if I were being watched, I would have cops at my door arresting me on charges of vegophilia!
If its gonna be this kinda party, im gonna stick my dick in the mashed potatoes. lmao
What is that from?


Well-Known Member
Sensitive one aren't ya? I wasn't talking shit, I asked for you to elaborate, with proof, and you did. Although I don't see that as solid evidence that he's a LEO, but whatever have fun with it.
not sensitive,just dont let nobody talk crazy to me,if u going to talk crazy to me go talk crazy to the women te bitch that gave u birth not me !
thats if she didnt leave u when u were young.