RIU poll Trump VS Clinton

he didn't rack that up. he didn't even add a penny to the deficit.

all of that was handed to him. he did not create it.

although he did do more to slash the deficit than any other president in history.

your penis is tiny.

I love me some liberal rationalization.

Bucky, just who handed him that $7.7T then?
I've been meaning to ask on this one too.

When a guy that chooses an avatar championing some good ol' fashioned interracial man luvin calls someone a faggot, does that mean you are welcoming him/her into the club cause you want some of that sweetness for yourself?
Or is it just a good dodge because math is not your strong suite?

@Michiganmeds1982 be careful. ;)

i was actually mocking him for calling people faggots.

sorry my avatar riles you up so much. it is well known for outing latent homosexuals.
i was actually mocking him for calling people faggots.

sorry my avatar riles you up so much. it is well known for outing latent homosexuals.

It doesn't rile me.
It delights me as it underscores your hypocrisy.

I didn't pop a boner during showers after gym class in school and figured that was enough of a litmus test for me.

Was it your mere 1/16" of difference between flaccid and erect that saved your propensity for man luvin' from being noticed back in high school?
Wow, not for the faint of heart here is it lol. You guys should be shaking hands and agreeing that no matter what it ain't gonna be pretty lol.
Speaking of, your overlord sure enjoys the nasty stuff, am I right?

  1. the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform; pretense.
    synonyms: dissimulation, false virtue, cant, posturing, affectation, speciousness, empty talk,insincerity, falseness, deceit, dishonesty, mendacity, pretense, duplicity;

Ohhhh, Red....tsk tsk tsk...
How you doing Bucky
if you have to ask, you are too retarded to understand the answer.
Meaning you don't have one