Robbed, called the cops...heres the story



So, if you aren't good with assuming, I'm a legal caregiver/patient. I have 5 other patients I care for. I wouldn't call the cops otherwise.

So, someone I am aquanted with gave me a 400w hps. About a month ago he said his uncle needed the light back, meanwhile I'm flowering with the 'indian giver' light. So today he decided to help himself back to the 400w and took half of my most mature plant. Left everything else, including this computer($2,800) I am using to type this. Pretty easy for me to narrow it down who took MY equipment.

So, I called the cops, which took an hour and 20 minutes to respond. They came in right after I took a nice hit. They said they could smell it from the driveway, I said excellent..barney and his goober partner, took photos, asked good questions about what I do, while I showed them around. We went to the finished basement and took more pictures, by the time we got back up stairs the two officers eyes were as red as a coca-cola can. I filed a verbal ("because a written isnt allowed while under drugs" -Officer Joe Friday) gave my statement and they said sorry. Contact me soon. Got a card and case number.

Now like most smarties my eggs are not in one basket (or my chips in one party dish *mblaze thread) I still have product. I think it was really satisfying to see the officers not be able to arrest me and trying to teach them about this medicine..but I still feel violated, should I not and just be thankful he(they) didn't take everything?

So my plans:
Replace the door, threshold and hardware
Video surveillance
Long term I am stacking chips for land, moving away from MOST I associate with. Because this spot is in jeopardy...:cry:
Should this be in legal? :joint:


New Member
call cops bad idea... should of not been a snitch and got your shit back. you should have threatend the INDIAN GIVER ( which by all means im not indian but this is a racist comment) to get your shit back. now the cops know that you have pot. yeah you might be legal but dick head cops would love to snitch you out to the Feds even though you might have a small time grow. its all about perception. out of sight out of mind. i know you make money for being a caregiver and you can say you made your money do to "donations" but if them donations are a little to much the IRS is gonna hit you up with a audit.


I pay taxes on all product....Audit me all you'd like, I can prove everything. I actually talk to a Drug Task Force Agent on a regular basis (previous case) and he knows all about it, even been to my house, aswell as a lawyer. I am not one to threaten or intimidate thats only going to bring more problems until someone is dead, the medicine isn't worth a life. The person(s) that did this associates with some that I do aswell so I'll find out more info soon..they are watching him...


And I actually own a handgun, if I were home this would of had a different outcome.


New Member
i h8 hearing about this shit so an so got his crop robbed its a joke fuking thieving basterds hung and drawn


Well-Known Member
Calling the cops doesn't do anything but bring attention to your grow op, I don't care if your a caregiver, where I live the possession is 100% legal. I Still wouldn't call the cops even being legal. Like someone else said if you didn't rat them out maybe you could of worked something out. Now since the cops are called you can't pay this assclown a visit without getting heat from the pigs. I would of visited him with the handgun and gotten your shit back.




Did you read what I wrote? it won't end...nore would I go to jail for murder. How old are you? Get real. The whole reason for being legal was so I could use the police instead of being against them. Talking to the cops was the only rational choice. By the way where you live (CO) it is not 100% legal to just possess herb.


And have I failed to mention the COPS will be visiting him? Not me....its almost like paying someone to do your work, without having to pay them...but you can call it ratting if you'd like.


Active Member
I think if you plan to stay legal that it's best you use that legal to screw the other guy. Too bad you were stoned when the hudas came. They may have taken you more serious. We can't have assholes going into legal grows and be all gangster vengance thieves. It's illegal. I have a buddy that is always doing gangster shit against ppl that do him wrong. Scares me. Me? I move or avoid weirdos alltogether. Association is everything. If he took a plant I bet he thinks he deserves it for loaning you the light. When i borrow a light i tell the person how long I'm to have it and he can't have it til I'm done. THat's th deal, or don't loan it. The major part of any good deal is upfrontness. The other factor is the person you deal with. Something went wrong. Probably your fault. NExt time borrow from someone cooler.


Well-Known Member
fureelz...thats really 2 bad.. ive had similiar experiences.. i had this punk kid laborer workking for me 2years ago, and staying in my house (problem always starts with yourself when its a inhouse robbery).. i knew the kids older i let him stay at my house..this kid...was a thievin hustler, all the signs were there. i left for denver on christmas eve. upon return, he was gone, and so was a sentry safe with 9200hundred in it. he say u say...nothing can be actually proved in this particular circumstance..and in yours? cops are even worse for looking for criminal activity when their biased opions interfer with proper sop...which will be your case most likely. uR FUCKED. if it was me...other than the nug losss, and electric bill, the 400watter is fairly cheap . I would replace it, and move on.. with each bit of strife you recover smarter, and more aware of how u need 2 conduct this sort of buisness. and while ur at it , give a little out of the jar 2 some1 that intends on beating the shit out of the guy that hustled u. DID I MENTION I DISPISE LIARS AND THIEVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And have I failed to mention the COPS will be visiting him? Not me....its almost like paying someone to do your work, without having to pay them...but you can call it ratting if you'd like.


Well-Known Member
i definatly agree with what you did FUREELZ... you did the right thing in your situation... heres my story... not exactly the same... but i did call the cops when my place got broke into..
so my house got broke into about a year ago.... they stole a whole buncha my shit, including 9 of my girls i just 12/12 induced... i called the cops... obviously i didnt say anything about the girls... just told them all the shit they stole, how they broke in, and if i had an suspects.. i didnt... no one knew about my girls so it was random.. they just happened upon them... and the cop took a statement, made a report, and started investigating... they were even nice enough to start driving past my house a couple times a day... so i replanted, repotted, and started over...
i knew if i called the cops, filed a report, and someone got arrested, the cops would find the plants and whoever it was would snitch on getting them from breaking in at my place.. fortunately the cops cant kick in my door based on someone saying something, the cop found nothing when he was IN MY HOUSE taking photos of the break in, the only evidence was at the thiefs house, and i happen to have the benefit of my family being friends with a buncha high ups on the city council... well more like town council... i dunno... its not a hick town.. but it aint a big one either....
anyways the kids never got caught, but through networking i found out who it was and they payed.... every knows i talked to the cops so im black marked... dont get bothered by anyone.. only friends i have live 30 minutes away almost... no one believes i had plants cause i called the cops... it just all worked out... im safe as can be... i guess some situations you can call the cops and its not a bad thing.. if it was legal here i would definatly make sure i was legal to make sure i had johnny law on my side... i took a risk of them looking and finding my garden to get them on my side, and it worked out... i know he could have found it and me got busted... but like i said.. it worked out for me... i did get a security system installed though.. i have one entrance to my house... and all the windows are nailed shut... i have such piece of mind when i leave my place now..
on a side note.. my girls those kids took, as i said earlier, had only been in 12/12 for 2 weeks.. they were just starting to show pre-flowers... well my first thought when i found out the were gone is i hope they take care of them at least.. well i find out that the little shits cut them and hung them that day... dumb ass kids.... broke my heart to find that out...
anyways.. some situations snitching aint bad... like mine... i would never roll on anyone if i got busted, nor would i ever snitch on someone for any personal gain.... but if you break into my house... violate my personal space and belongings.. and fuck with any of my girls... ill do whatever i can to make sure you get fucked in the end... ya feel me?


Well-Known Member
even worse they trashed the room... so my clones from my girls, which were blueberry and bobblekush, ended up dieing... so not only did i lose the girls, but also the girls girls... it was tragic...